@Danielmcg40 LOD takes alot of GPU power so it might be limited.
You can edit that in settings.xml file
But make sure you increase that slowly or the game might crash.
@ivanKohan NVM
Here's a craft which can do an auto rezvendous (need to use rcs for docking it) here
I didn't use this for docking
I will do it manually.
@SmarsoAreospace ok
2.9 years agoCool
2.9 years agoI think I need to play with that
Sorry for not testing your test craft I have exams
I will test it today soon
Same here
2.9 years ago@Staticalliam7 but he can't post it as he doesn't have 100 points
2.9 years ago@SamTheFox we can edit that but be aware of crash
2.9 years ago@TronicOrbital agreed!
2.9 years ago@Danielmcg40 LOD takes alot of GPU power so it might be limited.
2.9 years agoYou can edit that in settings.xml file
But make sure you increase that slowly or the game might crash.
@SamTheFox some weak devices are limited by settings lol
2.9 years agoIt might crash if they surpass the limit
Have you seen 30 LOD?
Those pics are amazing!
2.9 years agoI've done this before but that was poor in looks
Your craft is cool!
@Matteovir thanks for your suggestions!
2.9 years agoI will work on it soon!
First try failed miserably lol🤣😅
2.9 years agoI made a custom displacement map by editing NASA's Mars texture lol
2.9 years agoI think it's pretty good
2.9 years agoGet well soon!
2.9 years agoYou can also use this for vizzy
2.9 years agoVery nice lore!
2.9 years agoI was terrified when I read that the nuclear bomb blowed the crater in brigo
@NovaAerospace ohh now I see
3.0 years agoYou took the pic near the moon than the gas giant
Moon bigger than gas giant
3.0 years agoOr
Gas giant smaller than moon?
Good post tbh
3.0 years agoNice
3.0 years ago@ThesaturnaerospaceRedo may be
3.0 years agoIt's because ctracerx2 lost mod who actually made the old one
Hmm new communities to explore with
3.0 years agoBut you still post crafts, how?
3.0 years ago7 months?
3.0 years agoExtremely amazing!
3.0 years agoBut i don't think I am able to download that
If you are including others planets the add them as contributers
3.0 years agoCool!
3.0 years agoYeah can we submit more than one planet?
@ivanKohan nice
3.0 years agoYes those are missing sometimes (in mobile). you need to type the whole syntax for changing them
3.0 years ago@ivanKohan NVM
3.0 years agoHere's a craft which can do an auto rezvendous (need to use rcs for docking it) here
I didn't use this for docking
I will do it manually.
I feel it would be very good even hearing it
3.0 years agoIdk how I feel when I play with it.(excited)
The progress is very nice
3.0 years agoNice!
3.0 years ago@Chtite451SR2 motivated me to build craft after I looked into his account when I am a beginner (nearly 1 year ago)
Welcome to the community!
3.0 years ago@Staticalliam7 NVM I've done it!!
3.0 years ago@Staticalliam7 it didn't work :(
3.0 years ago@OmniExplorationDivision hmm ok
3.0 years ago@SmarsoAreospace nice
3.0 years ago@TitanIncorporated yes the ramp in the drone ship
3.0 years agoAnd
You can make a road by connecting pieces of road in planet studio
But the pic in your bio makes me think to play with your craft
3.0 years agoI would like to see the craft
3.0 years agoAnd I can't see the picture you uploaded in this forum post
You can try this
3.0 years agoOr the stock road in droo itself
Insanely cool!
3.0 years agoThat's agreed
@RocketMan167 agreed
3.0 years agoReally cool station!
Welcome to sr2 community!
3.0 years agoYou can add image in post after posting the image in discord or Imgur
3.0 years agoAnd use

Won't work on comments
Can you show your shadows setting?
3.0 years agoSet it to max
@Lenatezspaceagency you can search in the image icons file or other files in the new beta version 0.9.902
3.0 years ago