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    First off, it's a lunar eclipse, not a solar eclipse, so the video just doesn't make any sense at all simply from that point. Then, of course, it's just a poorly rendered model of the moon moving across the sky and rotating(somehow the sun moves with it too) waaaay too fast and close to the ground.

    Have you even seen a lunar eclipse before? Because I've seen quite a few, and they don't look anything like that video. And they happen at night, not daytime lol

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    @seventeen exactly why my phone has trouble. It can handle max physics just fine, but higher graphics tank my frame rate! I can't wait to try it out on my pc though and see this game in it's full glory!

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    @Chtite451SR2 @HermesE lol I'm working on this as fast as I can, but I have very little time because of work, and other stuff I gotta take care of.

    IRS is my second SR2 company, but it's a little different than others. It's meant to be a cooperative organization of various seperate companies to fill the gaps in design and development left by the other guys(kinda like ULA but not limited to aerospace). I'd like to create an organization that can be contracted out for various projects that can't be done by other people/companies, as well as revolutionizing the development of non aerospace technologies(stuff like cars, mass transit, support infrastructure, etc). I'll flesh out the details a bit more, but I'm still working on it.

    And now that I have the app, I can work on some Discord servers(one for me/my YT, one for OrbITech, and one for IRS)

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    Buenos dias, hombre!

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @Chtite451SR2 Of course the first person to comment/upvote is you! Lol

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    This video by Scott Manley should help. Also try searching for "Orbital Mechanics" in Youtube.

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    Yo habla muy poquito espanõl. Google helps too. Go to create a new video. Click on the blue box that says Verify Channel. Follow the instructions there. It should tell you pretty quick once it's verified.

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @Arstotzka lol my phone doesn't like certain vizzy codes and part counts above 1000 unless I drop all the settings to low. Surprisingly though some really complex stuff runs fine at mostly high settings so idk why it doesn't like the other ones.

    In all seriousness though, I have to agree with Arstotzka and add maybe Beta I. There's probably a few more I don't know about too

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    The one that melts your device lol

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @Infinite17 lol challenge accepted (but it might be a while until I actually have the time to try it)

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    Damn! I would if I had a PC lol

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    1) Make a program

    2) Program the program

    3) Name the program Boostback Program

    4) Watch all your helpless unsuspecting victims crash their rockets immediately

    Jk lol I wish I could help you there, but I really don't know besides the basic idea

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    Sure. maybe keep a couple things only available in the full system, but all the smaller stuff(and some of the main planets/moons) would make cool additions to any system

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @Chtite451SR2 lol I had to once I thought about it!

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    There I fixed it lol

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @PEPPERJACK no problem

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    You need a vizzy program

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @Chtite451SR2 damnit! Lol

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @Denis73 you kinda just have to wait for people to answer. It doesn't help much to post the same thing over and over in a short time.

    As far as your question goes? I don't know really, but it involves Planet Studio

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @Infinite17 That's why I recognized the design! Lol

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    Oh yeah, and is that a 5th gen air superiority fighter? It looks like a cross between the F-22 and DARPA's new 5th gen fighter(at least the renderings I've seen)

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    I like the terrain in the background of picture B, but I have to agree that picture A is better for a thumbnail. The jet looks more like it's about to come off the screen and fly at me in A, while in B it looks like it's just gonna move out of frame.

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @Mustang51 just SR2. It was recommended to me by the google play at some point like a year and a half ago but I didn't want to pay for a game I didn't know anything about. More recently I watched Scott Manley's videos about SR2 and finally decided to buy it for this last Christmas. Only after playing for a bit and joining this community did I really find out about SimplePlanes. I'd like to try it too, I just don't have the space on my phone for 2 of these games

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @Mustang51 lol it's so simple you can play SimpleRockets 1 on SimpleRockets 2 (someone's working on an mfd program that plays SR1 virtually in SR2. It's only a partial game so far, but it's crazy that it works at all!)

    Also, I've been watching Everyday Astronaut and Scott Manley for years now to get good info on space stuff. I also like the Angry Astronaut, but he's more like space-news and alternative opinions. Another good one is Smarter Every Day, I've been watching Destin's videos for years too, and he covers all sorts of stuff I'm interested in, especially aerospace and military engineering!

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    Save it for later? You might end up getting more money at some point so you can afford SP

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    You want your Apoapsis and Periapsis to be as close as possible to each other. This might take a few burns(especially if you're piloting it yourself). Basically you have 2 choices: burn prograde at Apoapsis to increase Periapsis, or burn retrograde at Periapsis to decrease Apoapsis. Which you do just depends on what altitude you want to end up at. Be very careful and use short burns at low throttle to do this, or use the maneuver(burn) node tool in the map view to plan it in advance and get it more precise

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    My rocket says "NO"!

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @HermesEngineering Thanks!

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    It things that are less dense will always try and go up. Same reason why hot air rises. So it is possible although I don’t think the game simulates that.

    Yes. Like a blimp or hot air balloon. Theoretically a vacuum filled dirigible would float on a dense enough atmosphere like a boat on the water, and even an earth-atmosphere filled dirigible could float like a helium balloon in a dense enough atmosphere.

    As far as the game goes, I'm not too sure what's going on. It might be some sort of atmospheric buoyancy simulation effect. It might just as likely be a water buoyancy effect bug where the game thinks your craft is underwater and rising to the surface despite in fact not being underwater

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @Chtite451SR2 I really didn't know that's how the encounter thing works. I always just brute forced it( I play with the burn node until it shows me the little explosion thing that means I'm gonna crash into the object and then adjust things as I get closer to my target)

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @Chtite451SR2 well, I'm no expert, but it might have been for safety. There's some talk online about the possibility of valve failure in the vents during landing. If so, then the remaining fuel would cook off and increase the tank pressure making it unsafe to approach for any workers. Without a functioning pressure release, the safest thing to do is just blow it up. Which also burns off any remaining fuel in the process. I recall something about SpaceX installing a "self destruct" module the other day too, so it makes sense.

    Also, it could've just been too much pressure like a dropped soda can. IDK

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    I mean, it's certainly possible. Pure methane is odorless, of course, but most industrial sources of methane(as I'm sure SpaceX gets their fuel from) add odorants to make it possible to smell a gas leak fairly easily. Most of those chemicals would get burned off and dispersed during combustion and reexpansion in the atmosphere, so it's not likely you'd be able to smell much of anything at that point

    2 months ago
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    @CloakPin thanks 😊

    4 months ago
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    Now I'm interested in what you're trying to do. Making a gun or something that's not exactly straightforward to build in this game?

    4 months ago
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    Lots of math. And a firm understanding of the game's vector-space. Oh and lots of patience. One more thing, Unity is left-handed, so you have to accommodate for that in your math. If you can make a program to calculate your orbital parameters in vizzy, then you've already got the math and understanding needed for what you ask

    4 months ago
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    I'll give you a hint. If you post things people are interested in, especially if you upload things you make in the game, you'll get more than enough upvotes without having to ask

    4 months ago
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    The bank angle is literally the angle between the span of the wings and the ground, regardless of direction. This will always be a number between 0(horizontal) and 90(vertical). The game uses the angle between the craft pitch axis and it's position vector(which is always pointed up) to determine the bank angle. You can do this yourself in vizzy:

    {"abs" of {(90) - {(craft pitch axis) "angle" (nav position)}}}

    Since the angle between craft pitch axis and nav position can only be 0-180, by subtracting it from 90, then you're left with a value between -90 and 90 depending on whether the craft is banking to the left or right.

    4 months ago
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    @Toinkove but there is a point already established in the game, just not fully panned out as it should be.

    IRL hypergolic engines are the ONLY kind guaranteed to restart as long as there's nothing broken and fuel remaining. Keralox, hydrolox, and methalox engines can only be started a handful of times at best without extensive maintanence and require an ignition source, typically hypergolic in nature.

    In game, there is a check for all engine types to determine if the engine is restartable. Currently it's a binary system, solid engines can't restart, liquid engines can. But it could be made into a scale of 0-1 with differing values for different engine types. Values closet to 1 would have a better chance of relight, values closer to 0 would have a better chance of failing. Solid propellant and hypergolics would occupy the extreme ends of the spectrum with all other engine types somewhere between.

    The system is already in place, it just needs to be adjusted slightly to get the desired effect

    5 months ago
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    @deepfriedfrenchtoast that would help on PC, but not on mobile which is what I'm stuck with for now unfortunately

    5 months ago
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    What I'm suggesting would look something like:
    {round of({((position 1) - (position 2)) length}}

    The "round of" block also has sqrt and some other options like floor and ceiling which specifically round down or up respectively. With the exception of the variables, all these block are on the operators tab in vizzy. Hope this helps

    5 months ago
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    It would help if I knew a bit more about what you're trying to do, but I have a decent idea based off the context.

    You can store your current and previous position as variables in vizzy and update them with each timestep. Since both positions are a vector, you can subtract one from the other to get the vector that connects both points. If you place that vector into a {length()} block it will give you the exact distance from point to point in meters. This will have the same decimal problem as before, but you can use the {round()} block to get whole numbers only.

    It sounds like whatever you did works in a way, but it might not be the most efficient use of vizzy

    5 months ago
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    You have to run a while loop that checks the targets position at least once a second(but probably more like every .1 seconds or faster) in order to update your target position variable in real time. If you set the position once and never update the variable, it won't change, even if the actual position changes over time. This is why your target seems to drift, as well as the fact that a specific ground position does not always occupy the same PCI coordinates because of the planet's rotation. If you sit motionless on the ground with your PCI coordinates displayed you'll see that everything moves even if it hasn't moved relative to the ground surface itself. The only way to remedy this is to rapidly update the current position like above

    1.3 years ago
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    A quick Google search can give you plenty of sources for the equations and explanations of where the terms come from and why the math works out how it does. The info on Wikipedia isn't bad, but it's not easy to understand, so I suggest the NASA.gov pages with the relevant information since it's easier to follow along with.

    1.9 years ago
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    @SamTheFox There's another way to do that too, but I can't remember off the top of my head. Either way though, it's as simple as copying the files into the proper folder or just saving them there in the first place lol

    1.9 years ago
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    @YaMomzBox420 also, instead of the hex code, you can just type the name of the color(ie, <color=blue>)

    1.9 years ago
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    If you check the pinned comments in the #Vizzy channel of the discord, you'll find a couple resources for this that include other ways to format text or numbers as well

    1.9 years ago
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    I know basically nothing about Mac or iOS, so I can't give you a definite answer. I would assume that much like Windows you'd have to download the mod(s) and remember where they got saved to(preferably you'd make a new folder just for that). Then, depending on where the game itself is stored on your os (for example the C: folder on windows), you'd want to copy an paste the mod files into it. I'm not sure cause I haven't bothered with mods yet, but the game might have a built in mod menu somewhere in the settings, idk. I'm sure other players know alot more about it than me lol

    1.9 years ago
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    I don't exactly have that issue, but I can agree that the designer tool in mobile is very difficult to use. It's always in the wrong place at the wrong time, too small for your fingers, and doesn't respond to input sometimes. I wish they could find a better way to give us the functionality, but I don't know how that would work with mobile. If you can afford a Bluetooth keyboard, you can use the same hotkeys as PC and eliminate the need for the button system, but that's not something many players would do

    2.0 years ago
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    I'll be surprised if your PC doesn't spontaneously combust by the time you finish this project! Great progress and dedication, I'd have given up long ago with a cartoony looking mess

    2.0 years ago