"There is now a maximum number of encounters created in Map View to prevent massive numbers of orbit lines from being created in certain circumstances"
My dream is to get thousands of encounters, but what did you do?!
@SCaxaR And here's the unfinished one, not mobile friendly currently, and for 2-3 stage separation, keep the 4 small engines on(AG.2), and shut down the main engine(AG.1), do this when there's 1-2% fuel, and the orbit is about 8848 km, GTO.
@Chtite451SR2 Not a good idea, not everyone can board the ship and it will be a mess there, also, this idea come from a fiction called The Wandering Earth.
bruh why, Simplerockets 2 is a good name already
+12 2.2 years ago"There is now a maximum number of encounters created in Map View to prevent massive numbers of orbit lines from being created in certain circumstances"
+2 4.0 years agoMy dream is to get thousands of encounters, but what did you do?!
Please be safe.
+1 2.7 years agoDroneship landing is hard.
+1 4.1 years agoNow naming planets after users!
+1 4.1 years agoWhen will my sattelite be launched,I filled out the form and slect January 2021
+1 4.2 years agoRuns smooth with highest graphic, even with 1000 crafts.
+1 4.3 years ago@TerTech Progress MS-16 burned up with Pirs, they undock Pirs with MS-16. To give a space to dock for Nauka.
3.6 years agoCan beta do Cylero transfer?
3.8 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace I just got a reddit account and I can't start a topic right now...
4.0 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace Let me see
4.0 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace DM me in Discord
4.0 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace Ok
4.0 years agoWe want realistic gravity fields next time, so I can make real trisolaris system, or even replicate ISEE 3.
4.0 years agoWill there a rideshare that use this rocket? If yes, I would like to launch my satellite on it.
4.1 years ago@Chtite451SR2 Yes
4.2 years ago同位素热电机啊,建议留个太阳能板备用
4.2 years ago@Arstotzka Nice names, the next rocket will be Ionia Class 100, a small liquid launcher.
4.2 years ago@huochezhan 苹果试过,MacBook也试过,就安卓没试过,这个要beta版,手机不一定行
4.2 years ago@huochezhan 你用的是什么设备
4.2 years ago@huochezhan 好了
4.2 years ago@huochezhan 很快
4.2 years ago@FalconAerospaceFAS 其实还有问题
4.2 years ago@FalconAerospaceFAS 原来的有问题,用新的,链接在上面
4.2 years agoI set graphics to highest, it runs smoothly, and it looks so beautiful, and not killing GPU.
4.2 years ago@SCaxaR And here's the unfinished one, not mobile friendly currently, and for 2-3 stage separation, keep the 4 small engines on(AG.2), and shut down the main engine(AG.1), do this when there's 1-2% fuel, and the orbit is about 8848 km, GTO.
4.2 years agohttps://www.simplerockets.com/c/Dbdxu3/ZW-Auto-Launch-1-0-Unfinished
@ZWAC Like auto orbit, modifying other's is too complicate, and I am trying to develop by my own
4.2 years ago@SCaxaR Auto launch
4.2 years ago@Chtite451SR2 Not a good idea, not everyone can board the ship and it will be a mess there, also, this idea come from a fiction called The Wandering Earth.
4.2 years ago我搞了一个流浪简星计划,搞了个几千公里高的发动机,有兴趣看一下https://www.simplerockets.com/Forums/View/92505/The-Wandering-Droo-Program
4.2 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace Open SimpleRockets2 file in "File", and find a folder called craft design, then find the craft and edit XML.
4.2 years agoEdit XML@Tweedle_Aerospace
4.2 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace It's possible, and small engines can do that without edit XML
4.2 years agoA 180 degree will be possible by editing XML
4.2 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace Here you go https://www.simplerockets.com/c/lglf3V/Droo-Engine-Demo
4.2 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace Uploading it
4.2 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace Making a demo engine, it's large, larger than you think,
4.2 years agoWell, I know how to do this kind of text.
4.2 years ago你有Discord? 我也想加
4.3 years ago@KirRu I can't select them, or warp them away.
4.3 years agoHere's the problem
4.3 years agohttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1r0nVVwguU_2ywpLNxUV6JDofEYblLx3X/view?usp=sharing
@KirRu I can not select it.
4.3 years agoThere's two astroid have some issue, they seems to collide.
4.3 years ago@KirRu Thanks
4.3 years ago@KirRu Now I cover it and ready to open it, it's going to run "smoothly", or not.
4.3 years agoBut how to post it?
4.3 years agoTest
4.3 years agoJust a 4GB MacBook Air, the older one, and I'm going to move back the file after done this.
4.3 years agoOh, I have a powerful PC and maybe I should do that.
4.3 years agoWhy don't you post it cause i don't want to lose all my files.
4.3 years ago