damn, you fainted :0 that's quite serious. you better take a nice long relaxing break. with the amount of work put into your crafts though I am not surprised at your pressure to keep on producing high quality! get well soon :)
Only subscribers who share their subscriptions publicly are shown. Subscribers who have their subscriptions set to private aren't shown here, even if the account is subscribed to your channel. Learn more this could be a problem :/
@yopo thank you so much for the offer but I think it would be better for me to work on my own for your sanity haha. Maybe make your own mod, they aren't too hard!
@yopo those are some great ideas! I am making a weapons mod now and I'll think about how to implement these into it. So far I have lasers and guns. I was going to make bombs next but actually a warhead would be better because that lets you have more customisability. Also that radar stuff and fuses sounds cool! It would be really fun to mess about trying to create them
for landing gear i have just put a wheel on the end of a piston, use the translare and rotate too a bit and increase the piston extension length to maz. boom, extendable landing gear!
@WNP78 I know. I re-installed the game last night and so I got that message. they haven't updated it to show "this year" not "next year". I was making a joke that mobile users have to now wait till 2020 for the mobile version.
@sflanker @siBasedDragonLaFeng yeah basically I had to create my own script to create explosion damage. The script has a on destroy function and what it does is get every game object in a certain radius and then add force to them all. To improve this you could add occlusion so anything that isn't in line of sight won't have the force applied to.. you could also add damage to the part of you want.
@ThePilotDude I'm thinking about a lot of ways of activation for this, using activation groups, buttons, sliders and so on, so i think i will add an option in the modifier of the laser to change the way of activation between all these options :)
@wwwNews222com so if you only have SR2 on android then you can get SR2 on pc, simpleplanes on pc, and simpleplanes on android. Or vice versa, any 3 combos of games I assume
@Kell i know, @SupremeDorian its to do with the way the code is compiled, you actually cant have mods that require code. XML based mods should work though.
@MagmaDash sorry but mobile mods are not possible
+3 4.6 years agoI think battery explodes the most. However, explosions have no range at the moment so they don't effect parts that aren't combined
+2 4.8 years agoThis would actually be so cool because you could create airships and things too ◉‿◉
+2 5.4 years ago@Reen1 Androo garrison?!
+2 6.2 years agoCould you add terrain shaping, so if you crash the planet will have a crater in that area. I’ll be sooo cool! Thanks
+2 7.3 years agoShame, multiplayer mods would be cool... if it were not fake :(
+1 4.9 years agodamn, you fainted :0 that's quite serious. you better take a nice long relaxing break. with the amount of work put into your crafts though I am not surprised at your pressure to keep on producing high quality! get well soon :)
+1 5.3 years ago
+1 5.3 years agoOnly subscribers who share their subscriptions publicly are shown. Subscribers who have their subscriptions set to private aren't shown here, even if the account is subscribed to your channel. Learn more
this could be a problem :/@yopo thank you so much for the offer but I think it would be better for me to work on my own for your sanity haha. Maybe make your own mod, they aren't too hard!
+1 5.4 years ago@yopo those are some great ideas! I am making a weapons mod now and I'll think about how to implement these into it. So far I have lasers and guns. I was going to make bombs next but actually a warhead would be better because that lets you have more customisability. Also that radar stuff and fuses sounds cool! It would be really fun to mess about trying to create them
+1 5.4 years agoSo with this will there be a 1st person mode?
+1 5.4 years agoExciting!
+1 5.6 years agofor landing gear i have just put a wheel on the end of a piston, use the translare and rotate too a bit and increase the piston extension length to maz. boom, extendable landing gear!
+1 6.1 years ago@WNP78 no upvote still :( how rude :(
+1 6.2 years ago@WNP78 i did it now seeing as it meant so much to you
+1 6.2 years ago@WNP78 no, I just didn't put a circle around the bottom line. I thought about doing that after I posted it but I couldn't be bothered.
+1 6.2 years ago@WNP78 I know. I re-installed the game last night and so I got that message. they haven't updated it to show "this year" not "next year". I was making a joke that mobile users have to now wait till 2020 for the mobile version.
+1 6.2 years ago@WNP78 /s
+1 6.2 years ago@WNP78 . he knows
+1 6.2 years ago@Reen1 okay shhhh
+1 6.2 years agoAs awsomur said, a dyson swarm would be much more possible!
+1 6.2 years agoGood luck @Mod
3.3 years ago@MasterOfNone 2
3.3 years ago@Starborn there is a craft file inside the .zip file
3.3 years ago@Fime you have to log in first @VosAerospace
4.0 years agotest
4.1 years agoGG
4.3 years agoPhysics upgrade is nice 👌
4.4 years agothank you
4.5 years agoHe could've just facetimed a phone pointing to the lights. smh
4.6 years agoIt was a great video and i am very happy you decided to make one for the mod!
as a future reference you can create links like this:
4.6 years ago[text to show][link URL]
@3To1 they are totally new models and part scripts so you would have to download the mod to use the parts anyway
4.6 years ago@sflanker @siBasedDragonLaFeng yeah basically I had to create my own script to create explosion damage. The script has a on destroy function and what it does is get every game object in a certain radius and then add force to them all. To improve this you could add occlusion so anything that isn't in line of sight won't have the force applied to.. you could also add damage to the part of you want.
4.7 years ago@f18effect ahahhahah
4.9 years agoNice
4.9 years agodamn, this looks good! take my upvote :)
5.3 years ago@DeboStreams no, no I don't think I will.
5.3 years agoNice!
5.3 years ago@AstroTommy still. Android are moving to the same as iOS and not allowing mods so if it's just for mods there's no point
5.4 years agothis is honestly amazing. KSP has nothing on us now!
5.4 years ago@MyCoolFace256 to be honest i have no idea. there is a lot going on in this mod and im by far not the best so it is not going to be soon basically :(
5.4 years ago@MyCoolFace256 they are part of my mod I'm making for the game
5.4 years agodamn that guy is dummy thicc
5.4 years ago@ThePilotDude a rate of fire? Ohh, like a burst. Yeah I'm going to have an option for burst tok
5.4 years ago@ThePilotDude I'm thinking about a lot of ways of activation for this, using activation groups, buttons, sliders and so on, so i think i will add an option in the modifier of the laser to change the way of activation between all these options :)
5.4 years ago@ThePilotDude they have destruction as an option. You will be able to change power and that indicates the amount of destruction available
5.4 years ago@plane918273645 indeed
5.4 years ago@wwwNews222com so if you only have SR2 on android then you can get SR2 on pc, simpleplanes on pc, and simpleplanes on android. Or vice versa, any 3 combos of games I assume
5.4 years ago@Kell i know, @SupremeDorian its to do with the way the code is compiled, you actually cant have mods that require code. XML based mods should work though.
5.5 years agoyou cant get mods on android or IOS now.
5.5 years ago