You can also just simply edit the “Activationgroupnames” line in “Command Pod” in Tinker Panel, hidden properties. Adding individual AG,s, one at a time, as you need more Action Groups. It’s been a while since I’ve needed to do that, but if you google it there is even a video showing you how to do it, it’s easy Brother! I have Crafts with 11, 12, 13 Action Groups, with this method, you just add them as you need more. Google: “SimpleRockets 2, add Action Groups” or something like that, there are a few instruction videos out there…
For Cylero I do the same, Max inflation at High Altitude to catch all the Atmosphere they can. Note: this only works for Low Atmospheric Body's. I have Several MARS Builds with Parachute Set-ups. They can still take some Tweaking. For DROO my Parachutes open just before you Die! works well though.
‘Prometheus’ is one of my favourites
‘Gravity’ is extremely realistic, but a bit boring
‘Event Horizon, is excellent, but a Space Horror movie, not the best choice for family time
Happy JUNO Birthday Brother
+2 8 months agoYou can also just simply edit the “Activationgroupnames” line in “Command Pod” in Tinker Panel, hidden properties. Adding individual AG,s, one at a time, as you need more Action Groups. It’s been a while since I’ve needed to do that, but if you google it there is even a video showing you how to do it, it’s easy Brother! I have Crafts with 11, 12, 13 Action Groups, with this method, you just add them as you need more. Google: “SimpleRockets 2, add Action Groups” or something like that, there are a few instruction videos out there…
+2 1.5 years agoI prefer “Ramp Up” for my Stage Separation Motors, provides a smoother Seperation
+2 2.4 years agoPatriot
+2 2.5 years agoWooHoo 🎉
+1 1.2 years agoCongratulations
+1 1.4 years agoOr, you can just save the program from any of my Rockets, then add it to your crafts. Again, all Credit goes to “KellyNyanbinary”
+1 1.7 years agoI use “Kell Auto Launch Vizzy, by: “KellyNyanbinary”, on ALL my Builds!
+1 1.7 years ago
+1 1.8 years agoWhy the name change?
Sam the Fox… is this still you?
+1 1.8 years ago:-(
+1 1.9 years agoCongratulations!
+1 1.9 years agoCongrats Brother!
+1 2.0 years agoI feel the same
+1 2.3 years agoSame
+1 2.5 years agoVery Cool! I am researching & considering getting a Telescope, I look forward to your Pics!
+1 2.5 years agoCongrats 🎉
10 months agoI get that too sometimes, it is a weight distribution issue, usually a good RCS System will hold the Capsule Reto-Grade
1.1 years agoCongratulations from the DucK
1.2 years agoCongratulations
1.4 years agoThanks for this
1.4 years ago@RichGWall
1.5 years agoYour Welcome... ;-)
Sad… :-(
1.5 years agoYou can change the ‘scale’ or sizing, at the top of the resize box
1.7 years agoCongrats
1.8 years agoCongrats
1.8 years agoGetting a “Realistic Look” is really tough! You got to play around with texturing & colouring, etc, trial & error my friend.
1.9 years agoWelcome
1.9 years agoCongrats!
1.9 years agoWelcome
2.0 years agoIts been sooooo... long since I went to school.... sorry, cant help you there
2.0 years agoFor Cylero I do the same, Max inflation at High Altitude to catch all the Atmosphere they can. Note: this only works for Low Atmospheric Body's. I have Several MARS Builds with Parachute Set-ups. They can still take some Tweaking. For DROO my Parachutes open just before you Die! works well though.
2.0 years agoI have the same problem
2.1 years agoI share your Frustration!
2.1 years ago@HORIZONSPACEUK
2.2 years agoCool! I was kinda thinking the same thing
2.2 years ago4
2.3 years agoCongrats!
2.3 years agoNo
2.3 years agoMethalox
2.4 years agoCongrats!
2.4 years agoHow did you get the IOS version? It’s not on the Apple store yet.
2.4 years agoWelcome
2.5 years agoI feel the same way
2.5 years agoCanada, as a former Colony, mourns the loss of Queen Elizabeth II, long live the King!
2.5 years agoI need some ideas too, going to start looking around for something
2.5 years agoI like the Green colour, I’m not sure about the sidebars though, how do they work, rank up?
2.5 years ago‘Prometheus’ is one of my favourites
2.5 years ago‘Gravity’ is extremely realistic, but a bit boring
‘Event Horizon, is excellent, but a Space Horror movie, not the best choice for family time
I had the same thing, but like ChaoticGraviton suggest, I switched them out for new ones and that worked
2.5 years ago@PianoZystersAerospace
2.8 years agoCheck out my Docking Trainer Spacecrafts, they both have Null Vectors Docking Assist