Aside from clicking the port and deactivating it, or using AGs, I don't see any way to control a docking port. You might be able to do something with vizzy though. What kind of behavior are you looking for?
I'm actually working on a mod that does exactly this. Coming from 3d modeling myself, building in this game is kind of infuriating. If all goes well, the mod should let you import an OBJ by reconstructing each face from a fuel tank. It'll be less efficient than making it in-game, but should open up more possibilities too. I'm new to modding though, so who knows how long it'll take me to finish.
@theUSSR you should probably use more words if you want people to be less confused by your comments. Replying to a ksp video with just "KSP" is pretty cryptic
I checked the craft, and the issue was you were doing the less than 30 operation inside of the distance block. Make sure you have the distance between 2 vectors first, then put the entire thing into the boolean expression. Also you should use an if() instead. wait until() will stop the loop while it evaluates to false, instead of continuing on.
@RikHar if you're still learning vizzy, don't worry about PID controllers and stuff yet. To steer towards a target, you'll need to get two values. Your current heading, and the heading towards your target. The current heading is easy, just a nav block set to heading. For the target, there should be some "direction to target" vector, and you can use one of the components to get the heading to target. There might be an easier way, but I'd need to look to be sure. Once you get these two values, subtract the heading to target from your current heading, and set that value to the input you're using to steer. You probably need to multiply/divide it to make it go from -1 to 1, but that's the gist of how I'd approach it. Just have all of that running inside a loop, so it keeps recalculation the headings and steering angle
@RikHar you could do something similar to the throttle solution. If it's to the left of target, steer right and vice versa. A PID controller for that wouldn't be too complicated if you wanted it to function a little better
@sflanker Pinned! Forgot I could do that. And that's interesting, so any wait for [x] seconds will wait until at least the next frame before continuing?
@CodeCaptain I had already taken the program down to it's bare essentials. There were 4 controllers, 1 for each axis (plus throttle), so any less would mean no stabilization. Thankfully, the tip below about maxInstructionsPerFrame did the trick
@Pedropuglia You need to change the max /min input for it to work. I think putting min at 1 is what you need, but it's been a while and I can't remember which one it is. Try things out and you should see movement as soon as you hit the activation group if you've done it right
The 'roadmap' page is more for us to know which of our suggestions are being considered/worked on, and not necessarily everything that the devs already have planned for the game. Career mode has been planned, so there isn't any need for a post about in on the roadmap page.
Metoers hitting the moon would either be in wildly innacurate numbers, or a waste of time to implement. this article does the math of how likely it is you'd see one. Basically, if they were implemented accurately, you'd likely never encountered one
I think it's going to be changed, but atm it only fires outward. So you'd need it far from the CoM and facing in the direction you'd want it to fire in order to get rotation. It's a pain, so I haven't bothered using it and am just waiting for multi-directional thrusters
I think lights in the sense that they light up their surroundings (as opposed to SP lights) have been ruled out because of performance concerns. But cameras, absolutely we need those. Have you made a suggestion on the suggestions page?
I agree. Also I wasn't able to get roll or z axis working. Roll is really hard to implement with the current nozzels and you can't really use rcs for forward/backwards movement if there's no main engine on your craft, because the controls are only 3-axis (roll, pitch, and yaw)
@Tully2001 I kind of agree. The biggest thing SP has that (to my knowledge) KSP doesn't, is a massive natively supported community, which Scott didn't really talk about too much. Still glad he made a review of it though, more visibility is always good, and his review of SP way back when is what got me into it in the first place lol
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing there will be a steam beta, but they said it’s too much hassle to make a beta for all platforms. So no iOS beta unless they do a last minute one just to make sure it works
@GINGER01 black holes aren’t instant death machines. You cannot enter one and escape but orbits work just the same as any other body. I don’t think it should be added tho bc it would have to be a different map (there isn’t one in the solar system) and you wouldn’t really be able to see it (space is also black). But if a modder decided to make one it would behave basically the same as a star as far as rockets are concerned
Even an in game supported solution would probably get flagged as a mod by Apple bc it’s still consumer created content. I feel like if it was that easy more apps would be doing it
@Gestour he did say you’d be able to share entire sandboxes (with all the creations and stuff) so co op space stations and stuff are still kinda possible
Both SP and SR2 are on unity 2019 (just different versions of it), so it's possible there won't be too much issue getting it working here
+1 4.5 years ago@KellyNyanbinary It looks like a capsule abort test of some kind. Maybe built-in launch escape system?
4.6 years agoMake sure "Re-Entry / Vapor Trails" is on in image effects
4.6 years agoAside from clicking the port and deactivating it, or using AGs, I don't see any way to control a docking port. You might be able to do something with vizzy though. What kind of behavior are you looking for?
4.6 years ago@Azamwasgamingnowismakinggames I will! Hopefully it will work hehe, I won't release it if it's bad
4.6 years ago@Clory sure thing!
4.6 years agoI'm actually working on a mod that does exactly this. Coming from 3d modeling myself, building in this game is kind of infuriating. If all goes well, the mod should let you import an OBJ by reconstructing each face from a fuel tank. It'll be less efficient than making it in-game, but should open up more possibilities too. I'm new to modding though, so who knows how long it'll take me to finish.
4.6 years ago@theUSSR you should probably use more words if you want people to be less confused by your comments. Replying to a ksp video with just "KSP" is pretty cryptic
4.6 years agoIf you want clouds in-game, this would be better as a suggestion post
4.6 years ago@AnotherFireFox Wow, that's very cool. I might give that idea a shot too
4.6 years agohere's a fixed version
4.6 years agoI checked the craft, and the issue was you were doing the
4.6 years agoless than 30
operation inside of the distance block. Make sure you have the distance between 2 vectors first, then put the entire thing into the boolean expression. Also you should use anif()
instead.wait until()
will stop the loop while it evaluates to false, instead of continuing on.@Hannah1212 thanks!
4.6 years ago@CodeCaptain It opens an in-game screen to edit xml values
4.6 years ago@SupremeDorian Yes I know mods don't actually work. I just wasn't aware there was a workaround for downloading crafts with them
4.6 years agoMe seeing the title of this post: Dur hur no mods on mobile
+5 4.6 years agoMe now: surprised pikachu
@RikHar if you're still learning vizzy, don't worry about PID controllers and stuff yet. To steer towards a target, you'll need to get two values. Your current heading, and the heading towards your target. The current heading is easy, just a nav block set to heading. For the target, there should be some "direction to target" vector, and you can use one of the components to get the heading to target. There might be an easier way, but I'd need to look to be sure. Once you get these two values, subtract the heading to target from your current heading, and set that value to the input you're using to steer. You probably need to multiply/divide it to make it go from -1 to 1, but that's the gist of how I'd approach it. Just have all of that running inside a loop, so it keeps recalculation the headings and steering angle
4.6 years ago@RikHar you could do something similar to the throttle solution. If it's to the left of target, steer right and vice versa. A PID controller for that wouldn't be too complicated if you wanted it to function a little better
4.6 years agoMake sure to put a
4.6 years agowait for [x]
in the loop, so it runs better and more predictably@sflanker Pinned! Forgot I could do that. And that's interesting, so any
4.6 years agowait for [x] seconds
will wait until at least the next frame before continuing?@CodeCaptain no problem! I'm learning things too.
4.6 years ago@CodeCaptain Its a setting in the XML, so it'll work that way for everyone. It's a property on the part that is running the program
4.6 years ago@CodeCaptain I had already taken the program down to it's bare essentials. There were 4 controllers, 1 for each axis (plus throttle), so any less would mean no stabilization. Thankfully, the tip below about maxInstructionsPerFrame did the trick
4.6 years ago@zzazza THANK YOU! That was exactly what I needed :)
4.6 years ago@zzazza thanks! I am on pc, I'll give that a shot
4.6 years agobut- it's a secret :O
4.6 years agoSounds awesome! Either platform is good, but I would definitely prefer fridays
5.3 years ago@Pedropuglia You need to change the max /min input for it to work. I think putting min at 1 is what you need, but it's been a while and I can't remember which one it is. Try things out and you should see movement as soon as you hit the activation group if you've done it right
+1 5.4 years agoSR2 is #1 top paid in all categories on Google play as well
+2 5.5 years agoThe 'roadmap' page is more for us to know which of our suggestions are being considered/worked on, and not necessarily everything that the devs already have planned for the game. Career mode has been planned, so there isn't any need for a post about in on the roadmap page.
5.9 years agoMetoers hitting the moon would either be in wildly innacurate numbers, or a waste of time to implement. this article does the math of how likely it is you'd see one. Basically, if they were implemented accurately, you'd likely never encountered one
6.3 years agoI think it's going to be changed, but atm it only fires outward. So you'd need it far from the CoM and facing in the direction you'd want it to fire in order to get rotation. It's a pain, so I haven't bothered using it and am just waiting for multi-directional thrusters
6.3 years ago@GHOSTofGOODquality don't worry, you're doing great!
6.3 years agoI think lights in the sense that they light up their surroundings (as opposed to SP lights) have been ruled out because of performance concerns. But cameras, absolutely we need those. Have you made a suggestion on the suggestions page?
6.3 years agoYou can also grab it and any other crafts from the level files and copy it into your CraftDesigns folder too
+1 6.3 years agoI agree. Also I wasn't able to get roll or z axis working. Roll is really hard to implement with the current nozzels and you can't really use rcs for forward/backwards movement if there's no main engine on your craft, because the controls are only 3-axis (roll, pitch, and yaw)
6.3 years ago@Tully2001 I kind of agree. The biggest thing SP has that (to my knowledge) KSP doesn't, is a massive natively supported community, which Scott didn't really talk about too much. Still glad he made a review of it though, more visibility is always good, and his review of SP way back when is what got me into it in the first place lol
6.3 years agoOh those details... they gave me a new view of what this game has to offer
6.9 years ago@WeSeekANARCHY yes, it was initially going to be 2D again but it is now going to be 3D like SimplePlanes
7.0 years agoAlso the beta is the one coming out soon. The actual release of the full game is expected late this year
7.0 years ago@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing there will be a steam beta, but they said it’s too much hassle to make a beta for all platforms. So no iOS beta unless they do a last minute one just to make sure it works
7.1 years agoIs it possible to give us the option to have the piston start at positions other than the max/min? It would be very helpful in making piston engines
7.1 years agoIt’s through a thing called gravitar
+1 7.1 years agoAre you saying a Milky Way skybox or an elite dangerous level galaxy?
+1 7.1 years ago@GINGER01 black holes aren’t instant death machines. You cannot enter one and escape but orbits work just the same as any other body. I don’t think it should be added tho bc it would have to be a different map (there isn’t one in the solar system) and you wouldn’t really be able to see it (space is also black). But if a modder decided to make one it would behave basically the same as a star as far as rockets are concerned
7.1 years agoEven an in game supported solution would probably get flagged as a mod by Apple bc it’s still consumer created content. I feel like if it was that easy more apps would be doing it
7.1 years ago@Gestour he did say you’d be able to share entire sandboxes (with all the creations and stuff) so co op space stations and stuff are still kinda possible
+1 7.2 years ago@Gestour in the faq it says no multiplayer
+2 7.2 years agoUploading sandboxes sounds like a really cool idea!
+2 7.2 years ago