Also there is no rocket that was built that wasn't spoken about in the same way you speak of propellants you can't fathom when really you don't understand the science that would allow you to truly think for yourself and not having to make oddly ignorant statements and rely on unseen unnamed strangers to open up your scientific third eye
Ok then you have to call fusion both as a fuel or a propellant. Is it possible or not, that is what you speaking to the effect of. Gasoline, diesel, would also have to be included. Just because we haven't done it can just mean its not very good, not just if it is possible with our current technology. It is good practice and good
Communication to reply with whole sentences, with a recap if its not clear what you have chose to answer or not. You sent me 4 msg, “yes”, “that's up to you” etc. You teacher wont even chase down those answers and she is paid to do so. I also am not here to argue, just share some cool spacecraft and websites letting the questions form when your mind is ready for the answer. You ever put a can on a firecracker and watched it pop into the air? This the same principle of you pulsed propulsion. The only reason that it never was built was because of the space proliferation ban of nuclear weapons, there isn't a single immature technology that this craft assumes will be developed to make this fly. I mean fly before your grandma was even out of highschool. This is not an exaggeration considering it is true for my 25 yr old stepdaughter and you are closer to 10-12, I am guessing.
I think even a minor can clearly see that I said nothing to the effect of anything fictional. Just to not make any assumptions I would like to be clear. There is an engine that not only really works, as is when your fuel is gon 100’s of Δv down the line, the ship will still be in one piece. In my experience, it is unique. It is also made from the Saturn Orion 10m blueprint. It will take off with the Saturn rocket first stage then will use the pulsed propulsion you posted about. Now what I did msg you about was telling you how impossible it would have been to find, compared to now, with the search feature. Using words Saturn Orion pulse , should find it. Now I can’t be sure but it would likely be from a Orion that has ALOT of upvotes and the person made something that no one has been able to replicate even after seeing how he did it so I am gonna say this person has had a lot of practice and would have a really high upvote count overall. So to decrease the number of wrong downloads you go through if you look for the high upvote count on the build along with the overall high number badge then you should find it in short order. If one person comes up with a rocket engine that follows the rules of thermodynamics, has a explained, detailed, self sustaining thrust operation, for however short in time, is theoretical, not fictional, fueled. Only would Star Trek or Star Wars, or a term like “warp drive” is fiction. There is an engine that runs on a Dyson sphere surrounding a small black hole. Now the fact that there isn’t that much metal in 10 solar systems to make it doesn’t matter, it uses science, not magic, to explain its operation. The best thing I could offer you is a website that is the whole enchilada, everything fictional, theoretical, historical. Definitely undisputed and will show up again and again both here and on kerbal , it is . Just make sure to share it with others who don’t know as much as they want to about rockets
There is a really good Orion ship that has a conventional first stage and the whole thing looks and acts right, it’s really sturdy too. Search the crafts. We used to not have a search, it sucked
I am not really sure that the turbo pump performance loss is a thing at all, and with (turbo pump) being the only difference in engine cycles it would have to be something else brought in to the engine profiles, I am not ‘rocket xcientist’ or even a buff in this circle, but I would think that the nuclear engine is based on the theoretical advantages that are all but proven to physics(thermal dynamics, and the like) and until you go the route of the fusion ramjet or the push plate/critical mass(fission/fusion/positron) combo then if you get much more power out of it(maybe any) then you are getting less, ‘sci-fi’ and a lot more fantasy. I have a pretty good feeling that the radioactivity acts as turbopump and if you added a turbopump it would trade thrust for isp (only reason would be to escape orbitl) with the shielding and the reactor, ‘saltwater’, to give up its biggest advantages to use in planet. It took me quite awhile to learn that I need to be (practa)at escape velocity before I was counting on that nuclear payload to fire up. I didn’t even realize that anything short of mars had no upside. While I know ppl will be able to pick at my comment but if I am wrong, I will suffer the embarrassment for a chance to see the sr2 toutube video of the feat, orbital or otherwise. I also am stoked to see the lvl of realistic yet ‘out of this world’ engine specifics as the roll out and ramp up to full release, I can see it now, Pedro with an army of coding minions(or kerbal Slave,😬) updates will come out monthly and mods will go mobile. Bet this isn't an uncommon dream around here!
Well I would have to say it coincides with your obnoxious upvote count, i am sure you are the last person that needs to be asked where they stand in rank, considering your still active I would have to say you got your moneys worth, even if you gave a gold doubloon for it, scratch that, make it a whole shakers worth of pepper for it! The first black gold! Cheers to to you on the recognition of your peers and your accomplishments to get you said 'love', also a bit for your parents if you were convinced to do autoCAD, lol, but this wouldnt be unheard of around here.
Interesting, I am now in Australia but I didn't know that and, yes, I belong to those crazy-ass, gun-toting elitists, what's worse is this is likely to get liked by, apparently 1/2 of my country, by which I mean Republicans. Trump is so vindictive I fear the repercussions of his 2nd term. Its unfortunate, but I always said that calls the other side has to do when the is a woman presidental candidate is to have a white, English speaking, male. We find ourselves with all the above AND Trump is developing a Cult of Personality with the radical right, between the ignorant and the greedy you have his cronies pushing to the rural, often politixally nieve. Then the Christians have towed the party line and demonized the only other option that Americans have created in their two party system, the democrats. Was a political science major and ended up washing my hands of of trying to get Americans to vote, now I live in Oz and only allow myself news I read and that's not even close to daily. 0A
I have seen someone make a inflatable heat pad that gave the full effect it’s called LOFTid, you can find it by using that one word, tho types of air or air temp or pressure can’t provide life
You have mentioned every conceivable rocket fuel that isn’t Jno standard. Most of those are specific to different rockets with masses and thrusts and isp , and they don’t scale up or down, you have many theoretical fuels that don’t even have a solution, the salted water is like Orion except the detonation isnt standoff but immediate, not to mention not pulsed but constant. What does that motor even look like?
Just saying is you look new and you would likely do well to narrow down that fuel and propellant list of yours. There would be mods that have all these fuel types and rocket mods. Mods do t work on mobile. There are rocket/fuel combos that ppl have released, one at a time like Isaid, and they did pretty well. You remind me of me the first month after I found out about . It seems a very adhd thing to post in this way😅
I have had problems in the last few days with the game dropping entirely. An iPhone pro 14. I am in the TestFlight beta game and Things were getting better, even real good but I can’t load anything without it force closing when I pan or adjust the camera, no matter the craft. After it happening on a 84 part plane and then a 45part ship I decided I would look for an answer on the forum. It’s awefully frustrating. It feels like it’s being abandoned to me. Maybe it has some problems that are harder than others expected.
Is that really the only possibility? The there’s ppl that create things and are in the patent office at the same tame. Here ppl want to create a niche of not overall considered the bast, and tha the 2 guys that do the best work on planetary loadpoints accuracy and interaction would think to build what in digital terms, you don’t get a lot of the real world problems from the point of a surveyor
I actually was googling railway Juno simplerockets and it’s Forbes source, the first is never the best. The ones was have can’t make anywhere the claims. Don’t get me wrong 99% of what I play have either the high speed droo and the earths from, I think it’s water drop. ( or hyper patch, the only two rss worth loading I found a kid that build a 8km ‘space elevator’ that has a runway like Santa Monica pier and 2 x pads build right on the droo. I lay it out so you know I’m serious and am hoping you have the line on one I did t mention
9x pair of counterrotating Habs in a double helix. And not yet. It's not uploading very easily. I am confused, while its not the point but 2 types of trust go down the axis but one adds a torque which Rui is the original purpose of the physics sandbox ( in this case) to check if precession occurred I -game, but it was before I knew how simple that aspect of Juno was. It's not trying to be a universe sandbox or nutbi g, I don't know if it ever would be, you think? That precision artillery is working so rare that I have been pausing it an doing whole volleys. That would be cool rapid volley launch would be pretty cool. Have started looking a lot I to that sight to find a volley launcher. I figured you may let me adapt you ballistic program or use it as a template.
Is this where you popped your Juno 🍒? Unless this is sarcasm that went over my head, you have come an incredible way, my friend! I know you are a young fella but surly this isn't due to age maturation. I am prone to believe that it's inside sarcasm joke but nothing to support that. All the same lmao, Triton your the man, maybe a third of my time in the sandbox involves at least one of your crafts
I hope you got yourself an A on this term paper, quite creative and unique in my limited knowledge. Well this would have you findable in a google search real quick. Hope that is a wanted side effect
@Caat2 omg, man! Your the funniest MF’er I’ve have seen in a bit. I didn’t see that coming! Milk squirting out your nose in 5th grade lunch, funny!! I almost thought you was serious, but then I realized ‘why the hell would KSP and JNO want to advertise the others platform?’ Would be as smart as making droods into LGM (lil green men)! 🤭🤣🙃😁😂
Not sure if your timeline would hold water but nice imagination and other what happened 7.3 billion ago it’s all logical, tho , yeah type O Appears when you got the fingerprint of the system since the singularity, aka Big Bang.
Hey I’d be honored to help you in you next issue. I enjoy your attention to detail and your planets reflect tbat. While I am reasonably educated and know much in orbital dynamics and space in general, but what’s more I to have a need for details that ppl learn from me be accurate, so regardless I would pull up sources to confirm . I have many apps that have anything on any star you want to know in our Milky Way ( that’s known) temp, luminosity, star classes, even parallax. If your interested i will give you my discord or something else that we both find acceptable. On a separate note, I’d live it if you would make more systems filled with these beautiful planets with various spawn points per planet cus I play mobile so I can’t have my own way with your planets.
I have been working closely with this topic and my thoughts was it occured precision occurs just not in the sense that you can steer by turning 90° your target direction. Has this come to your attention with rotating habitats ? I have decided to go the other direction with my rotation, as in by 90° for a solution to the wobble of the Hab gyro
Huh? Your the one that threw a light speed thought experiment , not me. What is vsauce? I thought it was based on Einstein origins for his e=mc^2, I.e., on the bus a light speed vs a bystander witnessing….
Well you would never catch it. Like even if you could go 5% faster( which is an enormous at relativistic speeds) the fact it was always going that speed and you had to get to full speed means sooo far. Also your trajectories would have to be so exact it would be like finding the pyramid lopsided and on the wrong hemisphere campared to the amount of deviation that would be almost impossible to have exact and awefully difficult to correct. If it was another ship that was also accelerating at the start and the ability to work together that may be possible. There are some fine points that I just can’t calculate but the glaring issues I am confident that the math wouldn’t work out… I mean are humans on the chase plane? Cus this is a sci-fi Q as far as I am concerned anyway considering a h2 molecule or just over is more energy than …. (Fill in the blank) that maybe why you don’t get that answer, tho that’s not you generic question they usually solicit … think of how soft you would have to consider tapping them, it makes me think of a starquake of a magnatar. I don’t think that I can think ‘docking’ with the technology that we have in the game, even including the xml edits. Well I hope you did want me to go on this exercise with you and I hope that I showed myself worthy to go on the next one too
What’s k mean on roblox? Should I ask my 10y/o? Lol , seems harsh what about ok or the new up and comer ‘kk’? Does that moniker even have it own meaning or is it just lazy ppl?
Hi, I got sr1 &sr2 on iOS, I want steam sr2 for sure, I’d be very interested a package that offered sp on iOS , then sp on steam and I wouldn’t exclude a very ability, even tho I don’t own a credit set. If the package is good then it’s great, I have been wanting to buy you guys a coffee or something (without having to buy apple half of it).
So a plane built in sp on iOS would open in sr2 vr and every combo too? Or do I have this wrong? This one detail is important to me, but it won’t be a waist of your time
I’d like to add that my viewer is always open and always over the rocket. I would love to to have it not appear everytime in the same place, on mobile it’s as big as 1/3 of my phone
Thanks @astrotommy you must have younger eyes than I do, other than seeing a rocket icon while running other ppls good crafts, I had no idea what I was missing or how to even form the question without feeling like a noob. I wasn’t even sure of the times I did vs didn’t see that icon and I can only guess how long it would of taken for me to put it together, I suspect that on my first home built interplanetary ship I would of not let it be a mystery to me then(especially when it’s vital to making the insertion.
Some data for the cause:
the period of synchronous orbit is 14 hours, (as stated) and that orbit will occur at a height of ~8804.3 km (according to a reliable source)
I decided not to have fun with this one, this comment thread is complete hatred, not a person or topic but srsly I hope your not adults more like, pre-pubescent than anything
@kitkat... Sorry, it was well done and in good taste, nothing else I typed is about you
What the!... I thought my pc was on YouTube algorithm with that fladrooder crap. Is my fuel tank a round cylinder or two parallel lines with an oval and ellipse on either end, oh no! =p
@hashy is the 1.5k next to your name your upvotes? Cus now I am confused if that is true, I would of thought you had none then and to go from no clue to 1.5k seems like more than I can explain away without asking about it. I know how to acquire more from this thread just not any closer to knowing. Hell, this is this first hit on google so cheers to that, a first hit on google is kind of a big deal, not exactly epitaph material but cool all the same. Lol
@freakyaerospace I have an account and when I try to upvotes it says I need to verify my email and when I did that it told me the link was expired. It has been a do on weeks or so, is there any recourse to this? Do I have to bite the bullet and use a less primary email account?
@Somenoob That would be because your not on a P,C but a mobile device, thru Stream they have the other format with more options, not just builds that get huge,, I saw a 36k parts in a interstellar number
I don't know what these ranks and medals are! It's the biggest damn noob Q imaginable yet the info isn't readily obtainable, so we got a laugh, which is fine with me, I'm not 13, I sure would,Ike to know how to get off 0. There's a kid that's averaged 68.3# ,,, dunno what he got 45k of but it's not msgs, or builds and ffs we got catchup some, he main us look bad, I am 'noob', what's your excuses🙄😬😇
Hi, I joined 4x days back, I went to ‘upvote’ a clever design and I was told to confirm email, well I went to and it told me that the link has expired, I have tried what I thought may resend it but no luck, any chance I can get that resent? Also about the 15 point required to do this, how can I acquire these points? TYSM, been waiting around with my iPad since I read about this on sp1, I am not let down, it was worth the wait! Keep up the great work!
It works on mobile now@Planetloversaredope
+1 4 months agoAlso there is no rocket that was built that wasn't spoken about in the same way you speak of propellants you can't fathom when really you don't understand the science that would allow you to truly think for yourself and not having to make oddly ignorant statements and rely on unseen unnamed strangers to open up your scientific third eye
+1 8 months agoOk then you have to call fusion both as a fuel or a propellant. Is it possible or not, that is what you speaking to the effect of. Gasoline, diesel, would also have to be included. Just because we haven't done it can just mean its not very good, not just if it is possible with our current technology. It is good practice and good
+1 8 months agoCommunication to reply with whole sentences, with a recap if its not clear what you have chose to answer or not. You sent me 4 msg, “yes”, “that's up to you” etc. You teacher wont even chase down those answers and she is paid to do so. I also am not here to argue, just share some cool spacecraft and websites letting the questions form when your mind is ready for the answer. You ever put a can on a firecracker and watched it pop into the air? This the same principle of you pulsed propulsion. The only reason that it never was built was because of the space proliferation ban of nuclear weapons, there isn't a single immature technology that this craft assumes will be developed to make this fly. I mean fly before your grandma was even out of highschool. This is not an exaggeration considering it is true for my 25 yr old stepdaughter and you are closer to 10-12, I am guessing.
Your making a hard, but very smart choice. I know you will do well with your additude. We aren't going anywhere, and good luck. SAT?
+1 8 months agoI think even a minor can clearly see that I said nothing to the effect of anything fictional. Just to not make any assumptions I would like to be clear. There is an engine that not only really works, as is when your fuel is gon 100’s of Δv down the line, the ship will still be in one piece. In my experience, it is unique. It is also made from the Saturn Orion 10m blueprint. It will take off with the Saturn rocket first stage then will use the pulsed propulsion you posted about. Now what I did msg you about was telling you how impossible it would have been to find, compared to now, with the search feature. Using words Saturn Orion pulse , should find it. Now I can’t be sure but it would likely be from a Orion that has ALOT of upvotes and the person made something that no one has been able to replicate even after seeing how he did it so I am gonna say this person has had a lot of practice and would have a really high upvote count overall. So to decrease the number of wrong downloads you go through if you look for the high upvote count on the build along with the overall high number badge then you should find it in short order. If one person comes up with a rocket engine that follows the rules of thermodynamics, has a explained, detailed, self sustaining thrust operation, for however short in time, is theoretical, not fictional, fueled. Only would Star Trek or Star Wars, or a term like “warp drive” is fiction. There is an engine that runs on a Dyson sphere surrounding a small black hole. Now the fact that there isn’t that much metal in 10 solar systems to make it doesn’t matter, it uses science, not magic, to explain its operation. The best thing I could offer you is a website that is the whole enchilada, everything fictional, theoretical, historical. Definitely undisputed and will show up again and again both here and on kerbal , it is . Just make sure to share it with others who don’t know as much as they want to about rockets
Tell me how you do
+1 8 months agoThere is a really good Orion ship that has a conventional first stage and the whole thing looks and acts right, it’s really sturdy too. Search the crafts. We used to not have a search, it sucked
+1 8 months agoFix the having to hide wings in shaped fuel tanks
+1 1.7 years agoI am not really sure that the turbo pump performance loss is a thing at all, and with (turbo pump) being the only difference in engine cycles it would have to be something else brought in to the engine profiles, I am not ‘rocket xcientist’ or even a buff in this circle, but I would think that the nuclear engine is based on the theoretical advantages that are all but proven to physics(thermal dynamics, and the like) and until you go the route of the fusion ramjet or the push plate/critical mass(fission/fusion/positron) combo then if you get much more power out of it(maybe any) then you are getting less, ‘sci-fi’ and a lot more fantasy. I have a pretty good feeling that the radioactivity acts as turbopump and if you added a turbopump it would trade thrust for isp (only reason would be to escape orbitl) with the shielding and the reactor, ‘saltwater’, to give up its biggest advantages to use in planet. It took me quite awhile to learn that I need to be (practa)at escape velocity before I was counting on that nuclear payload to fire up. I didn’t even realize that anything short of mars had no upside. While I know ppl will be able to pick at my comment but if I am wrong, I will suffer the embarrassment for a chance to see the sr2 toutube video of the feat, orbital or otherwise. I also am stoked to see the lvl of realistic yet ‘out of this world’ engine specifics as the roll out and ramp up to full release, I can see it now, Pedro with an army of coding minions(or kerbal Slave,😬) updates will come out monthly and mods will go mobile. Bet this isn't an uncommon dream around here!
+1 2.6 years agoWell I would have to say it coincides with your obnoxious upvote count, i am sure you are the last person that needs to be asked where they stand in rank, considering your still active I would have to say you got your moneys worth, even if you gave a gold doubloon for it, scratch that, make it a whole shakers worth of pepper for it! The first black gold! Cheers to to you on the recognition of your peers and your accomplishments to get you said 'love', also a bit for your parents if you were convinced to do autoCAD, lol, but this wouldnt be unheard of around here.
+1 2.6 years agoInteresting, I am now in Australia but I didn't know that and, yes, I belong to those crazy-ass, gun-toting elitists, what's worse is this is likely to get liked by, apparently 1/2 of my country, by which I mean Republicans. Trump is so vindictive I fear the repercussions of his 2nd term. Its unfortunate, but I always said that calls the other side has to do when the is a woman presidental candidate is to have a white, English speaking, male. We find ourselves with all the above AND Trump is developing a Cult of Personality with the radical right, between the ignorant and the greedy you have his cronies pushing to the rural, often politixally nieve. Then the Christians have towed the party line and demonized the only other option that Americans have created in their two party system, the democrats. Was a political science major and ended up washing my hands of of trying to get Americans to vote, now I live in Oz and only allow myself news I read and that's not even close to daily. 0A
8 months agoI have seen someone make a inflatable heat pad that gave the full effect it’s called LOFTid, you can find it by using that one word, tho types of air or air temp or pressure can’t provide life
8 months agoYou have mentioned every conceivable rocket fuel that isn’t Jno standard. Most of those are specific to different rockets with masses and thrusts and isp , and they don’t scale up or down, you have many theoretical fuels that don’t even have a solution, the salted water is like Orion except the detonation isnt standoff but immediate, not to mention not pulsed but constant. What does that motor even look like?
8 months agoJust saying is you look new and you would likely do well to narrow down that fuel and propellant list of yours. There would be mods that have all these fuel types and rocket mods. Mods do t work on mobile. There are rocket/fuel combos that ppl have released, one at a time like Isaid, and they did pretty well. You remind me of me the first month after I found out about . It seems a very adhd thing to post in this way😅
I have had problems in the last few days with the game dropping entirely. An iPhone pro 14. I am in the TestFlight beta game and Things were getting better, even real good but I can’t load anything without it force closing when I pan or adjust the camera, no matter the craft. After it happening on a 84 part plane and then a 45part ship I decided I would look for an answer on the forum. It’s awefully frustrating. It feels like it’s being abandoned to me. Maybe it has some problems that are harder than others expected.
8 months ago@RudimentaryCheezit your next thought experiment
one year ago@tsampoy
1.3 years agoIs that really the only possibility? The there’s ppl that create things and are in the patent office at the same tame. Here ppl want to create a niche of not overall considered the bast, and tha the 2 guys that do the best work on planetary loadpoints accuracy and interaction would think to build what in digital terms, you don’t get a lot of the real world problems from the point of a surveyor
I actually was googling railway Juno simplerockets and it’s Forbes source, the first is never the best. The ones was have can’t make anywhere the claims. Don’t get me wrong 99% of what I play have either the high speed droo and the earths from, I think it’s water drop. ( or hyper patch, the only two rss worth loading I found a kid that build a 8km ‘space elevator’ that has a runway like Santa Monica pier and 2 x pads build right on the droo. I lay it out so you know I’m serious and am hoping you have the line on one I did t mention
1.3 years ago9x pair of counterrotating Habs in a double helix. And not yet. It's not uploading very easily. I am confused, while its not the point but 2 types of trust go down the axis but one adds a torque which Rui is the original purpose of the physics sandbox ( in this case) to check if precession occurred I -game, but it was before I knew how simple that aspect of Juno was. It's not trying to be a universe sandbox or nutbi g, I don't know if it ever would be, you think? That precision artillery is working so rare that I have been pausing it an doing whole volleys. That would be cool rapid volley launch would be pretty cool. Have started looking a lot I to that sight to find a volley launcher. I figured you may let me adapt you ballistic program or use it as a template.
1.4 years ago@TritonAerospace
1.4 years agoIs this where you popped your Juno 🍒? Unless this is sarcasm that went over my head, you have come an incredible way, my friend! I know you are a young fella but surly this isn't due to age maturation. I am prone to believe that it's inside sarcasm joke but nothing to support that. All the same lmao, Triton your the man, maybe a third of my time in the sandbox involves at least one of your crafts
Intense bro, you one clever cat
1.6 years agoI hope you got yourself an A on this term paper, quite creative and unique in my limited knowledge. Well this would have you findable in a google search real quick. Hope that is a wanted side effect
1.7 years agoCyclogyro
1.7 years ago7 billion, year's!!
1.8 years ago@Caat2 omg, man! Your the funniest MF’er I’ve have seen in a bit. I didn’t see that coming! Milk squirting out your nose in 5th grade lunch, funny!! I almost thought you was serious, but then I realized ‘why the hell would KSP and JNO want to advertise the others platform?’ Would be as smart as making droods into LGM (lil green men)! 🤭🤣🙃😁😂
1.9 years agoNot sure if your timeline would hold water but nice imagination and other what happened 7.3 billion ago it’s all logical, tho , yeah type O Appears when you got the fingerprint of the system since the singularity, aka Big Bang.
2.1 years agoI like the double letter to help signify an acronym, maybe RV for rover to fit the sequence
2.1 years agoHey I’d be honored to help you in you next issue. I enjoy your attention to detail and your planets reflect tbat. While I am reasonably educated and know much in orbital dynamics and space in general, but what’s more I to have a need for details that ppl learn from me be accurate, so regardless I would pull up sources to confirm . I have many apps that have anything on any star you want to know in our Milky Way ( that’s known) temp, luminosity, star classes, even parallax. If your interested i will give you my discord or something else that we both find acceptable. On a separate note, I’d live it if you would make more systems filled with these beautiful planets with various spawn points per planet cus I play mobile so I can’t have my own way with your planets.
2.2 years agoPerfect
2.2 years agoIt has no domain
2.3 years agoNah it don’t work
2.3 years agoI have increased the fuel on board and It take away the funk, i guess, cus it has no function If I increase or tinker with the fuel capacity,
2.4 years agoI have been working closely with this topic and my thoughts was it occured precision occurs just not in the sense that you can steer by turning 90° your target direction. Has this come to your attention with rotating habitats ? I have decided to go the other direction with my rotation, as in by 90° for a solution to the wobble of the Hab gyro
2.5 years agoAnd they have a tendency to explode when coming out of warp(amm stations)
2.6 years agoHuh? Your the one that threw a light speed thought experiment , not me. What is vsauce? I thought it was based on Einstein origins for his e=mc^2, I.e., on the bus a light speed vs a bystander witnessing….
2.6 years agoWell you would never catch it. Like even if you could go 5% faster( which is an enormous at relativistic speeds) the fact it was always going that speed and you had to get to full speed means sooo far. Also your trajectories would have to be so exact it would be like finding the pyramid lopsided and on the wrong hemisphere campared to the amount of deviation that would be almost impossible to have exact and awefully difficult to correct. If it was another ship that was also accelerating at the start and the ability to work together that may be possible. There are some fine points that I just can’t calculate but the glaring issues I am confident that the math wouldn’t work out… I mean are humans on the chase plane? Cus this is a sci-fi Q as far as I am concerned anyway considering a h2 molecule or just over is more energy than …. (Fill in the blank) that maybe why you don’t get that answer, tho that’s not you generic question they usually solicit … think of how soft you would have to consider tapping them, it makes me think of a starquake of a magnatar. I don’t think that I can think ‘docking’ with the technology that we have in the game, even including the xml edits. Well I hope you did want me to go on this exercise with you and I hope that I showed myself worthy to go on the next one too
2.6 years agoWhat’s k mean on roblox? Should I ask my 10y/o? Lol , seems harsh what about ok or the new up and comer ‘kk’? Does that moniker even have it own meaning or is it just lazy ppl?
2.6 years agoHi, I got sr1 &sr2 on iOS, I want steam sr2 for sure, I’d be very interested a package that offered sp on iOS , then sp on steam and I wouldn’t exclude a very ability, even tho I don’t own a credit set. If the package is good then it’s great, I have been wanting to buy you guys a coffee or something (without having to buy apple half of it).
So a plane built in sp on iOS would open in sr2 vr and every combo too? Or do I have this wrong? This one detail is important to me, but it won’t be a waist of your time
2.6 years agoI’d like to add that my viewer is always open and always over the rocket. I would love to to have it not appear everytime in the same place, on mobile it’s as big as 1/3 of my phone
2.6 years agoThanks @astrotommy you must have younger eyes than I do, other than seeing a rocket icon while running other ppls good crafts, I had no idea what I was missing or how to even form the question without feeling like a noob. I wasn’t even sure of the times I did vs didn’t see that icon and I can only guess how long it would of taken for me to put it together, I suspect that on my first home built interplanetary ship I would of not let it be a mystery to me then(especially when it’s vital to making the insertion.
2.6 years agoSome data for the cause:
2.6 years agothe period of synchronous orbit is 14 hours, (as stated) and that orbit will occur at a height of ~8804.3 km (according to a reliable source)
I decided not to have fun with this one, this comment thread is complete hatred, not a person or topic but srsly I hope your not adults more like, pre-pubescent than anything
@kitkat... Sorry, it was well done and in good taste, nothing else I typed is about you
2.6 years agoWhat the!... I thought my pc was on YouTube algorithm with that fladrooder crap. Is my fuel tank a round cylinder or two parallel lines with an oval and ellipse on either end, oh no! =p
2.6 years ago@hashy is the 1.5k next to your name your upvotes? Cus now I am confused if that is true, I would of thought you had none then and to go from no clue to 1.5k seems like more than I can explain away without asking about it. I know how to acquire more from this thread just not any closer to knowing. Hell, this is this first hit on google so cheers to that, a first hit on google is kind of a big deal, not exactly epitaph material but cool all the same. Lol
2.6 years ago@freakyaerospace I have an account and when I try to upvotes it says I need to verify my email and when I did that it told me the link was expired. It has been a do on weeks or so, is there any recourse to this? Do I have to bite the bullet and use a less primary email account?
2.6 years agoMy play button is in the right top corner (mobile)
2.7 years ago@magoplanes
@Somenoob That would be because your not on a P,C but a mobile device, thru Stream they have the other format with more options, not just builds that get huge,, I saw a 36k parts in a interstellar number
2.7 years agoI don't know what these ranks and medals are! It's the biggest damn noob Q imaginable yet the info isn't readily obtainable, so we got a laugh, which is fine with me, I'm not 13, I sure would,Ike to know how to get off 0. There's a kid that's averaged 68.3# ,,, dunno what he got 45k of but it's not msgs, or builds and ffs we got catchup some, he main us look bad, I am 'noob', what's your excuses🙄😬😇
2.7 years agoHi, I joined 4x days back, I went to ‘upvote’ a clever design and I was told to confirm email, well I went to and it told me that the link has expired, I have tried what I thought may resend it but no luck, any chance I can get that resent? Also about the 15 point required to do this, how can I acquire these points? TYSM, been waiting around with my iPad since I read about this on sp1, I am not let down, it was worth the wait! Keep up the great work!
2.7 years ago@Pedro hi can I get the link to the discord for sr2 so I can get involved?
2.7 years ago