Afaik, yes. You can download various planets, etc and import them into a custom system(not exactly sure how it's done since I've never bothered messing with planet studio. I know, I'm lame, but whatever... I have seen a few collaboration systems like you asked about on here though, so I know it's possible
I meant to get back on this sooner, but here's a quick update:
I spent about an hour looking at your code and messing around with it. I couldn't exactly get it to work just right at the time, especially since I couldn't easily debug the code on an MFD (because I'm just not familiar enough with programming an MFD).
However, I've started working on a new program that uses the same formula for part of it, and I did get that to work just right using a different set of blocks in vizzy. I'll update you with more later, but I'm gonna show you some ways to use vizzy that work better for what you want, and I'll use your own program to do it, but it'll probably take a few days(especially since I'm working on other stuff too)
Also, I do realize that you said you fixed it already, but I still feel like pushing you in the right direction
@plane918273645 I think I get what you're saying. Basically, absolute value tells you the length of a vector, but not it's direction, so it's only useful for certain specific applications where direction doesn't matter.
The resources I'm using specify using the absolute value of a vector, so I'm sure it's okay for my purposes, but I'll definitely be careful about using it for other things.
Also, thanks pointing that out, I really appreciate it
Lol I didn't think of it that way, but thanks for the explanation. I'm slowly working out the math for classical orbital elements to use for launch guidance and such, and I'm learning a lot of this for the first time by doing so. @plane918273645
@FriendlyFin You have to make sure that ALL your units match up and that you're performing any necessary conversions. Also, if you're using vizzy, different blocks(or the listed options for each block) display in different units, and some are vectors, degrees, radians, etc so if you don't use the right one or convert properly, it won't work right
Honestly I've been wondering the same, and trying to find a reasonable explanation from someone is like pulling teeth. As far as I know, it's more along the lines of the underlying coding that vizzy is built off of, and it's capable of being very math intensive. Also, according to the tooltip in game, it can be more accurate for time related calculations, especially when used with(as?) an input controller(not sure exactly what they mean by that), which makes sense given the previously stated properties. Otherwise, exactly what it's used for, how to use it, and when to use/not use it have eluded me despite spending a decent amount of time looking it up.
@NEOSTAR Yeah, I use Discord, and have a server just for the IRS(although it's a bit dead these days...). I'll find you a link here in a minute. You can also send me a link to your discord if you want
Well, given the current state of things and the track record of Jundroo when it comes to updates, I think it's safe to assume it'll happen well before SLS ever takes to the sky... Basically about 2-6 months depending on how much work goes into making campaign mode(the next update as confirmed by Jundroo).
Agreed. Which is why I've decided to do something about it, however, I'm a bit slow due to obligations elsewhere in my life. I started the IRS with the goal of organizing various designers/builders of stuff that's not just rockets, although it hasn't quite taken off yet. I do have a couple sats I've already made, but not sure if I uploaded them yet(if not, I will asap). My Magellanic 1 release does have one of those sats as it's test payload though. I'm also currently working on a new comsat design that I plan to upload soon. And I've been designing/prototyping a number of other potential payload's to develop in the future.
First, you have to upload the image to a site/app like imgur, reddit, discord, or another image sharing service, then copy the link to the picture from that site/app. Second, you need to have 100+ points for the site to display the image(otherwise it just shows a link, not the actual image).
@FriendlyFin I'm pretty sure you can use old usernames or slightly different versions of a username(ie, Ispace instead of iSPACE, or OrbITech001 instead of OrbITech), however, I haven't changed my username or tried to "copy" someone else's username, so I don't know for sure
Honestly, I'm not really sure how all that works here. I think you're correct that you can't use a name that's currently being used, but I think you can reuse old names since some users have switched back to older names they used. You could scroll through the Users tab on the site, but that would take a long time and not be very fun. You could also google search " +(username)" and see if anything pops up there. I understand why you wouldn't want to use the same(or at least too similar) name as someone else, since I've had it happen to me(there's only so many combinations of words that make sense as a name, so similarity is unavoidable, but to actively copy someone else's name is not okay).
I really wish there was an internal search function for stuff like that...
@Zenithspeed I never really thought about checking for structures/etc. What I was thinking was more along the lines of some hidden information either within the orbit itself or in the objects properties themselves(ie, the density, gravity, etc etc)
I think the real mystery is where it came from and how it got there. However, there's been a number of easter eggs found since the new system came out, so it's reasonable to assume that there would be something on T.T. Maybe there is something there, but it's not what you're looking for. And maybe they just haven't gotten around to adding anything there yet... Idk
I mean technically you could just make an MFD with "flag" widget displayed on it. It currently supports Emojis, so just make a label widget with a flag emoji or whatever. Or for custom flags, design them fully using different types of widgets layered just the right way. Also, there's a way to import bitmaps to MFDs so really, anything is possible
I'd suggest doing research on the space shuttle since it had a similarly asymmetric design. The SRBs were lined up with it's overall CoM, but the orbiter and it's main engines were well off the CoM. To make it work, the engines are pointed slightly away from the CoM, effectively pushing back toward the CoM. When you do the math to calculate the total thrust and it's vector of acceleration, if you got the angle right, everything will line up like it's supposed to, however it will be diagonal compared to the rocket's orientation.
Agreed. I've had a lot of trouble with that myself and have had to completely give up on certain designs because it just wouldn't work the way I wanted it to. A potential solution involves using vizzy to set your hinge/piston to the desired position immediately after loading in to the flight mode. I doubt it would work for every situation, especially when collisions and stuff are important, but it might make things waaaay easier on you for the most part
Due to technical issues with our livestream connection, OTF-3 has been delayed by 15 minutes to NET 6:15PM PST(GMT-7). We here at OrbITech apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for understanding.
Can't have "mods" on mobile due to the Terms of Service for both Android and iOS(They don't allow "third party" modifications to any apps on their platforms). Trust me, they won't change that either, so just get used to the idea of no mods for mobile.
That being said, there is a few ways around that. Not only are all the crafts/systems/etc you can download off the site "technically" mods, but you can xml edit stuff on mobile all on your own. I don't really know the specifics of it, but it's definitely something you could try
I don't really know enough to say whether or not what you're asking is possible. Acceleration is measured as a vector, and there is a mathematical relation between acceleration and thrust, but I'm not sure if it would work in that context
@PNSXK The "original" one(or whichever one the game counts as a real star) would be stationary, while the other stars would orbit like planets. You could have one star orbiting another star that's also orbiting another star, but you couldn't exactly create a "true" binary/trinary system like irl because of the way physics are handled in the game(rails instead of n-body)
Technically yes and no... Basically it's possible to make a system like you asked about, but the game only allows one object to give off light like a star, so your second(or third) star(s) will basically just be large/dense planets
There actually is a way to xml edit on mobile, but it's not as easy to find as other features. I'm no expert, but I'm sure you could find resources to learn how to do it right
Not wifi, mobile data... But it seems to only be certain posts that don't display an image. I can look at other posts with images no problem. Idk what it is, but I suspect it's either the particular upload service used, or a server thing(I live in the US, so it might not let me view stuff from sites hosted on international servers, etc). Also I'm on google chrome, so it could just be a browser thing, trusted sites and all that jazz lol
If you have Discord, you can upload the images there, then copy the link, and I know it works because I used it for my most recent posts with pictures. I used imgur in the past, but it turned out to be much easier to just use Discord since I'm already on there regularly anyway. Plus it saves me an entire app worth of space on my phone, so 🤷
@Zenithspeed sorry, I forgot to add comments, etc into that too. But yeah, I don't really think it matters too much. I'm sure a lot of people check the forums pretty regularly like I do(I got work a lot, but I'll still scroll through the Newest Posts list till I get to stuff that hasn't changed). I don't always comment on stuff(even when I really wan to) but I try to help people out with questions and stuff as much as I can. I would assume that most people are different and either comment on anything they find interesting, or just don't comment at all. I also suspect that a lot of users on this site don't look at anything beyond the main tabs on the forums and craft sections
Idk... Personally I don't think the time of day matters. I've posted stuff at completely random times, and it doesn't seem to effect it's visibility on the site. Either people respond or they don't. Some users seem to have regular schedules where they're usually online at the same times everyday, but it's different for each individual, so trying to schedule your posts around that isn't worth it unless you have a specific user in mind. It also depends on the kind of post: I notice that teasers, questions(help), and videos get more traffic than anything else over a short period of time, but announcements and craft/system posts get more traffic over a long period of time. Also, I feel like 70% of the users on this site DON'T UPVOTE anything besides a couple forum posts and a craft or two. Otherwise it's the same 25% of users at most who do upvote everything else.
Interesting... I noticed something similar myself but didn't think too much of it at the time... Definitely makes you wonder if it's deliberate or not. It very well could just be a bug that nobody's complained about yet. Idk though
@AverageJoe lol I pretty much tried everything. I started off with normal wings mirrored around the hub. That didn't work. I adjusted the angles. That didn't work. I checked the lift vectors, tried all the airfoils, tested different rpms/torque on the motor, etc, etc. I xml scaled the wings up and down(tiny wings made huge and huge wings made tiny) but that only made it worse. I only had one "successful" test with it, but that was caused by the scaled down wings breaking the game, and I uploaded that version of the craft if you wanna check it out. I think I might've just broken that particular craft by messing with it too much. I've had it happen before where I mess with something to make it work better and it just gets worse even when I try to change it back(especially in vizzy. I'll have 90% of a functioning program, go to add the last 10%, and suddenly none of the program works even after reverting to an older version...)
You have to mess with the settings in the paint tool. Make a slightly blue/gray-ish paint color and turn transparency way up(but not quite to 100%. Maybe 75-85% should do), and make sure reflections are on. You could also adjust emissions to give it a nice glow, but it might look too much like a lightbulb at nighttime...
@ChalxAerospace yes, but there's a difference between XML editing on mobile and modding on a PC. I have both mobile and pc versions of the game, and what's possible on one is not possible on the other. Mobile users can xml edit most things but only as far as the game itself allows, while PC users can literally rewrite the game itself to allow for more editing
@Zenithspeed hmmmm seems like a catch 22 to me... To decrease the engines thrust means doing the opposite of what it takes to cause under expansion: low chamber pressure, tiny throat, huge nozzle... You said you have access to xml, does that mean you're on PC? If so, there might be mods for that(thinking engine overhaul or something like that), or you could make your own modded parts if you have Unity and know how to use it for that. Otherwise, I'm at a loss
@118Industries after looking further into it further, it appears that there's only one set of controls for both "normal" movement and translation with a key to switch between the two. So I'm pretty sure you're right about having no choice but to switch between the two. I did notice that you can set two different keys to the same function, but that doesn't help if you still have to manually switch back and forth from translation mode.
And as far as mobile goes, one set of joysticks is bad enough... It takes up a huge amount of screen space, and covers(or gets covered by) other important displays/buttons which makes it really hard to do certain things(like flying a plane. I literally have to use the joystick to take off, lock my heading, turn off the joystick, open up the ag menu(it covers the joystick when opened or blocks my view if I move it), retract the landing gear, close the ag menu, turn joystick back on, unlock heading, and only then can I begin to fly the plane like normal. I realize I don't need to go through that exact process, but it's more like actually flying than just using the navball and heading lock). Two joysticks at the same time would make it nearly impossible to play the game, or at least not as enjoyable. I would personally prefer a "gyroscopic" control setup using the accelerometers in your device like a flight simulator to adjust your pitch/roll/yaw while translation mode is enabled since you could use both simultaneously without losing valuable screen space
Afaik, yes. You can download various planets, etc and import them into a custom system(not exactly sure how it's done since I've never bothered messing with planet studio. I know, I'm lame, but whatever... I have seen a few collaboration systems like you asked about on here though, so I know it's possible
3.1 years agoI meant to get back on this sooner, but here's a quick update:
I spent about an hour looking at your code and messing around with it. I couldn't exactly get it to work just right at the time, especially since I couldn't easily debug the code on an MFD (because I'm just not familiar enough with programming an MFD).
However, I've started working on a new program that uses the same formula for part of it, and I did get that to work just right using a different set of blocks in vizzy. I'll update you with more later, but I'm gonna show you some ways to use vizzy that work better for what you want, and I'll use your own program to do it, but it'll probably take a few days(especially since I'm working on other stuff too)
Also, I do realize that you said you fixed it already, but I still feel like pushing you in the right direction
3.1 years ago@plane918273645 I think I get what you're saying. Basically, absolute value tells you the length of a vector, but not it's direction, so it's only useful for certain specific applications where direction doesn't matter.
The resources I'm using specify using the absolute value of a vector, so I'm sure it's okay for my purposes, but I'll definitely be careful about using it for other things.
Also, thanks pointing that out, I really appreciate it
3.1 years agoLol I didn't think of it that way, but thanks for the explanation. I'm slowly working out the math for classical orbital elements to use for launch guidance and such, and I'm learning a lot of this for the first time by doing so. @plane918273645
3.1 years ago@FriendlyFin You have to make sure that ALL your units match up and that you're performing any necessary conversions. Also, if you're using vizzy, different blocks(or the listed options for each block) display in different units, and some are vectors, degrees, radians, etc so if you don't use the right one or convert properly, it won't work right
3.1 years agoDepends on personal preference, but generally it's gonna be m/s(meters per second)
3.1 years agoHonestly I've been wondering the same, and trying to find a reasonable explanation from someone is like pulling teeth. As far as I know, it's more along the lines of the underlying coding that vizzy is built off of, and it's capable of being very math intensive. Also, according to the tooltip in game, it can be more accurate for time related calculations, especially when used with(as?) an input controller(not sure exactly what they mean by that), which makes sense given the previously stated properties. Otherwise, exactly what it's used for, how to use it, and when to use/not use it have eluded me despite spending a decent amount of time looking it up.
3.1 years agoAlright here it is:
3.1 years ago@NEOSTAR Yeah, I use Discord, and have a server just for the IRS(although it's a bit dead these days...). I'll find you a link here in a minute. You can also send me a link to your discord if you want
3.1 years agoIf you understand the math behind orbital mechanics, then yes, it's possible
3.1 years agoWell, given the current state of things and the track record of Jundroo when it comes to updates, I think it's safe to assume it'll happen well before SLS ever takes to the sky... Basically about 2-6 months depending on how much work goes into making campaign mode(the next update as confirmed by Jundroo).
3.1 years ago@Marssmmm lol alright I did the poll.
3.1 years agoAgreed. Which is why I've decided to do something about it, however, I'm a bit slow due to obligations elsewhere in my life. I started the IRS with the goal of organizing various designers/builders of stuff that's not just rockets, although it hasn't quite taken off yet. I do have a couple sats I've already made, but not sure if I uploaded them yet(if not, I will asap). My Magellanic 1 release does have one of those sats as it's test payload though. I'm also currently working on a new comsat design that I plan to upload soon. And I've been designing/prototyping a number of other potential payload's to develop in the future.
3.1 years agoFirst, you have to upload the image to a site/app like imgur, reddit, discord, or another image sharing service, then copy the link to the picture from that site/app. Second, you need to have 100+ points for the site to display the image(otherwise it just shows a link, not the actual image).
3.1 years ago@FriendlyFin I'm pretty sure you can use old usernames or slightly different versions of a username(ie, Ispace instead of iSPACE, or OrbITech001 instead of OrbITech), however, I haven't changed my username or tried to "copy" someone else's username, so I don't know for sure
3.1 years agoHonestly, I'm not really sure how all that works here. I think you're correct that you can't use a name that's currently being used, but I think you can reuse old names since some users have switched back to older names they used. You could scroll through the Users tab on the site, but that would take a long time and not be very fun. You could also google search " +(username)" and see if anything pops up there. I understand why you wouldn't want to use the same(or at least too similar) name as someone else, since I've had it happen to me(there's only so many combinations of words that make sense as a name, so similarity is unavoidable, but to actively copy someone else's name is not okay).
I really wish there was an internal search function for stuff like that...
3.1 years ago@Zenithspeed I never really thought about checking for structures/etc. What I was thinking was more along the lines of some hidden information either within the orbit itself or in the objects properties themselves(ie, the density, gravity, etc etc)
3.1 years agoI think the real mystery is where it came from and how it got there. However, there's been a number of easter eggs found since the new system came out, so it's reasonable to assume that there would be something on T.T. Maybe there is something there, but it's not what you're looking for. And maybe they just haven't gotten around to adding anything there yet... Idk
3.1 years agoI mean technically you could just make an MFD with "flag" widget displayed on it. It currently supports Emojis, so just make a label widget with a flag emoji or whatever. Or for custom flags, design them fully using different types of widgets layered just the right way. Also, there's a way to import bitmaps to MFDs so really, anything is possible
3.1 years agoI'd suggest doing research on the space shuttle since it had a similarly asymmetric design. The SRBs were lined up with it's overall CoM, but the orbiter and it's main engines were well off the CoM. To make it work, the engines are pointed slightly away from the CoM, effectively pushing back toward the CoM. When you do the math to calculate the total thrust and it's vector of acceleration, if you got the angle right, everything will line up like it's supposed to, however it will be diagonal compared to the rocket's orientation.
3.1 years agoAgreed. I've had a lot of trouble with that myself and have had to completely give up on certain designs because it just wouldn't work the way I wanted it to. A potential solution involves using vizzy to set your hinge/piston to the desired position immediately after loading in to the flight mode. I doubt it would work for every situation, especially when collisions and stuff are important, but it might make things waaaay easier on you for the most part
3.2 years agoUpdate 2: The technical issues have nearly been resolved; however, OTF-3 has been delayed once more to NET 6:30PM PST (GMT-7). Please stand by.
3.2 years agoDue to technical issues with our livestream connection, OTF-3 has been delayed by 15 minutes to NET 6:15PM PST (GMT-7). We here at OrbITech apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for understanding.
Updates will be posted here.
3.2 years agoCan't have "mods" on mobile due to the Terms of Service for both Android and iOS(They don't allow "third party" modifications to any apps on their platforms). Trust me, they won't change that either, so just get used to the idea of no mods for mobile.
That being said, there is a few ways around that. Not only are all the crafts/systems/etc you can download off the site "technically" mods, but you can xml edit stuff on mobile all on your own. I don't really know the specifics of it, but it's definitely something you could try
3.2 years agoNow I wish I could afford a VR setup... Looks like a lot of fun! Maybe next year we can get SimpleRockets 2 VR for Christmas?
3.2 years agoTurn explosions to high. Set resolution to max. Enjoy
3.2 years agoOTF-2 Currently Scheduled For: 4:00 PST GMT-7
Click here for the video. Thanks!
3.2 years agoI don't really know enough to say whether or not what you're asking is possible. Acceleration is measured as a vector, and there is a mathematical relation between acceleration and thrust, but I'm not sure if it would work in that context
3.2 years ago@PNSXK The "original" one(or whichever one the game counts as a real star) would be stationary, while the other stars would orbit like planets. You could have one star orbiting another star that's also orbiting another star, but you couldn't exactly create a "true" binary/trinary system like irl because of the way physics are handled in the game(rails instead of n-body)
3.2 years agoTechnically yes and no... Basically it's possible to make a system like you asked about, but the game only allows one object to give off light like a star, so your second(or third) star(s) will basically just be large/dense planets
3.2 years agoOkay
3.2 years agoThere actually is a way to xml edit on mobile, but it's not as easy to find as other features. I'm no expert, but I'm sure you could find resources to learn how to do it right
3.2 years ago@GLaDOSpOrtal22 honestly idk, but I don't remember getting very many emails from them.
3.2 years ago@ChalxAerospace forgot to hit reply lol
3.2 years agoNot wifi, mobile data... But it seems to only be certain posts that don't display an image. I can look at other posts with images no problem. Idk what it is, but I suspect it's either the particular upload service used, or a server thing(I live in the US, so it might not let me view stuff from sites hosted on international servers, etc). Also I'm on google chrome, so it could just be a browser thing, trusted sites and all that jazz lol
3.2 years agoIf you have Discord, you can upload the images there, then copy the link, and I know it works because I used it for my most recent posts with pictures. I used imgur in the past, but it turned out to be much easier to just use Discord since I'm already on there regularly anyway. Plus it saves me an entire app worth of space on my phone, so 🤷
3.2 years ago@ChalxAerospace @118Industries Screenshot
3.2 years agoStill don't see any images... 😬
3.2 years ago@SethShitpost *Spy satellite lol
3.2 years ago@Zenithspeed sorry, I forgot to add comments, etc into that too. But yeah, I don't really think it matters too much. I'm sure a lot of people check the forums pretty regularly like I do(I got work a lot, but I'll still scroll through the Newest Posts list till I get to stuff that hasn't changed). I don't always comment on stuff(even when I really wan to) but I try to help people out with questions and stuff as much as I can. I would assume that most people are different and either comment on anything they find interesting, or just don't comment at all. I also suspect that a lot of users on this site don't look at anything beyond the main tabs on the forums and craft sections
3.2 years agoIdk... Personally I don't think the time of day matters. I've posted stuff at completely random times, and it doesn't seem to effect it's visibility on the site. Either people respond or they don't. Some users seem to have regular schedules where they're usually online at the same times everyday, but it's different for each individual, so trying to schedule your posts around that isn't worth it unless you have a specific user in mind. It also depends on the kind of post: I notice that teasers, questions(help), and videos get more traffic than anything else over a short period of time, but announcements and craft/system posts get more traffic over a long period of time. Also, I feel like 70% of the users on this site DON'T UPVOTE anything besides a couple forum posts and a craft or two. Otherwise it's the same 25% of users at most who do upvote everything else.
3.2 years ago@AshtvinayakAerospace @Astrolidon how about call it consultation?
3.2 years agoInteresting... I noticed something similar myself but didn't think too much of it at the time... Definitely makes you wonder if it's deliberate or not. It very well could just be a bug that nobody's complained about yet. Idk though
3.2 years ago@AverageJoe lol I pretty much tried everything. I started off with normal wings mirrored around the hub. That didn't work. I adjusted the angles. That didn't work. I checked the lift vectors, tried all the airfoils, tested different rpms/torque on the motor, etc, etc. I xml scaled the wings up and down(tiny wings made huge and huge wings made tiny) but that only made it worse. I only had one "successful" test with it, but that was caused by the scaled down wings breaking the game, and I uploaded that version of the craft if you wanna check it out. I think I might've just broken that particular craft by messing with it too much. I've had it happen before where I mess with something to make it work better and it just gets worse even when I try to change it back(especially in vizzy. I'll have 90% of a functioning program, go to add the last 10%, and suddenly none of the program works even after reverting to an older version...)
3.3 years agoYou have to mess with the settings in the paint tool. Make a slightly blue/gray-ish paint color and turn transparency way up(but not quite to 100%. Maybe 75-85% should do), and make sure reflections are on. You could also adjust emissions to give it a nice glow, but it might look too much like a lightbulb at nighttime...
3.3 years ago@ChalxAerospace yes, but there's a difference between XML editing on mobile and modding on a PC. I have both mobile and pc versions of the game, and what's possible on one is not possible on the other. Mobile users can xml edit most things but only as far as the game itself allows, while PC users can literally rewrite the game itself to allow for more editing
3.3 years ago@Bibhab you can't use warp if:
1.) You're in an atmosphere
2.) Any engines are actively producing thrust with the exception of ion engines(super low TWR gets computed differently)
3.) You're about to crash, enter an atmosphere, or change SOI relatively soon
3.3 years ago@Zenithspeed hmmmm seems like a catch 22 to me... To decrease the engines thrust means doing the opposite of what it takes to cause under expansion: low chamber pressure, tiny throat, huge nozzle... You said you have access to xml, does that mean you're on PC? If so, there might be mods for that(thinking engine overhaul or something like that), or you could make your own modded parts if you have Unity and know how to use it for that. Otherwise, I'm at a loss
3.3 years ago@118Industries after looking further into it further, it appears that there's only one set of controls for both "normal" movement and translation with a key to switch between the two. So I'm pretty sure you're right about having no choice but to switch between the two. I did notice that you can set two different keys to the same function, but that doesn't help if you still have to manually switch back and forth from translation mode.
And as far as mobile goes, one set of joysticks is bad enough... It takes up a huge amount of screen space, and covers(or gets covered by) other important displays/buttons which makes it really hard to do certain things(like flying a plane. I literally have to use the joystick to take off, lock my heading, turn off the joystick, open up the ag menu(it covers the joystick when opened or blocks my view if I move it), retract the landing gear, close the ag menu, turn joystick back on, unlock heading, and only then can I begin to fly the plane like normal. I realize I don't need to go through that exact process, but it's more like actually flying than just using the navball and heading lock). Two joysticks at the same time would make it nearly impossible to play the game, or at least not as enjoyable. I would personally prefer a "gyroscopic" control setup using the accelerometers in your device like a flight simulator to adjust your pitch/roll/yaw while translation mode is enabled since you could use both simultaneously without losing valuable screen space
3.3 years ago