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    We may finally answer the age-old riddle: how many Jundroo devs does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    Answer: 0, because they don’t have time because the users are constantly berating them to make updates while we have a global pandemic ravaging the world.

    Keep up the great work, team, and hang in there. Love the sneak peek.

    +13 4.6 years ago
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    Had to come out of retirement to contribute a recommendation for the new name.
    “This rocket goes in your space.”
    “Rocket goes in ya’ space.”
    “Goes in ya’ space.”
    “Gozinya Space.”

    +12 2.7 years ago
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    I foresee the planet studio feature becoming a black hole for my free time.

    Pun intended.

    But seriously, on the eve of the US Thanksgiving holiday, I’d like to express sincere thanks to the dev team at Jundroo for continuing to devote energy to constantly improving this amazing game. I’ve never played another game that combines creativity, engineering, design, problem solving, sense of community, and sheer fun the way this does.


    +12 4.3 years ago
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    Ok, this thing has been eating at me. I think I finally have it. The only problem left is the 7 flights of stairs. Nathan is going to have to run. Fast.

    Here’s the deal.

    Nathan, you need to flip switch #1 and leave it on for a very long time, until you’re totally certain that the bulb is burning hot. Remember, the bulb is incandescent, and will get to a pretty hot temperature. None of that LED energy-saving BS. Also, you gotta make sure there aren’t any fixtures covering those bulbs. You’re gonna want them totally open and exposed. Ok, once you’ve counted to at least 100, mississippilly (sorry, Friends joke for those over 30), you need to turn off switch #1, then quickly turn on switch #2. At this point, Nathan, you’re going to have to high tail it up those stairs, taking at least 2 or 3 at a time. Grab that railing, Nathan, and use it to pull yourself up. It would help if you’d eaten your Wheaties (again, over 30 joke).

    Alright, have you made it to the top yet? Yes? Alright, now one bulb will be on, and that goes to switch #2. But we don’t care about that one, that’s the easy one. What you wanna do it grab those other two bulbs with your bare hands. One of them will be hot - or at least warm depending on how speedy you were - and the other should be stone cold. The hot one goes to switch #1 and the cold one is switch #3.

    Now, Nathan, you can label those bulbs and switches so that you don’t run into this problem again. After that, you are free to sit back and enjoy the beverage of your choice, basking in the bliss of knowing that you used your brain to solve a simple problem.

    UPDATE: could have read some of the early comments, but instead I preferred to write my own monologue.

    +8 4.5 years ago
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    I will upvote and give you points for this post. XD

    Seriously though, THANK YOU for this.

    +7 4.2 years ago
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    I appreciate the sentiment behind this post a lot, but I also don’t think you have anything to apologize for - at all. We’ve all been there where we have a great idea, start on it, maybe even get super close to finishing it, then just can’t cross the finish line. Sometimes you run into an unforeseen challenge, sometimes you just lose motivation because the idea doesn’t work out as well as you hoped, or honestly, sometimes starting projects is WAY more fun than finishing them. What you’re apologizing for is human nature. We all support and appreciate you, and don’t think you’re a quitter.

    PS - your Christmas challenge “He Sees You When You’re Sleeping...” has a brief cameo in my upcoming video this Friday about save points. I’ve been looking for an excuse to use it for a while. Keep up the great work!!!

    +5 4.5 years ago
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    I’m just spitballing here, but I my guess is that these teasers not only show the content that will be in the next release, but also hint at the release date. The first post mentioned 7 flights of stairs, and the solution to the second post was 3 socks. 7 + 3 = 10 = October. The objective of the first problem was to complete the task in ONE trip, and the objective of the second problem was to obtain ONE complete pair of socks. In addition all of the blog posts have been done on days ending in ONE (8/21, 8/31, 9/11), and the only valid day ending in ONE that hasn’t had a post was 01, even thought there was an opportunity on Sep 1st. Thus, I believe the update will either release to BETA or go to full release on October 1st, or 10/01, or 01/10 (depending on your region). Now, hopefully this means Oct 1st 2020 and not Oct 1st 2021, but I’ll take it either way.

    Ok, enough speculating. If anyone thinks this theory has any validity, or if you think I’m a complete idiot, let me know!

    +4 4.5 years ago
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    Little buddy looks a bit uncomfortable there, sitting in that — wait, he’s not sitting in anything!

    Anywho, I noticed that if you play this video backward while listening to Tom Sawyer by Rush, you’ll see a special message spelled out by the tire tracks. Try it and see.

    +3 4.5 years ago
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    Did anyone else spot the Loch Ness monster...?

    +3 4.6 years ago
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    No idea!! I want to find out though 😉

    +2 26 days ago
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    @CloakPin nice thanks for testing so quickly! I've found it works about 80% of the time, with the one tough part being the hairpin ramp turn around for some reason. Good enough to post and move on!

    +2 1.8 years ago
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    @CloakPin nice, thanks for the heads up!

    +2 1.8 years ago
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    @NebulaSpaceAgency @HyperPatch @Rafaele
    Guys believe it or not this thing is real. I shot this video too and posted it.

    +2 3.8 years ago
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    Haha I’d say that one is pretty easy!

    +2 4.4 years ago
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    Really hope you come back!

    +2 4.4 years ago
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    While(true). It will never stop.

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    @sacr3dbac0n0 You’re totally right about getting the drag acceleration straight from Vizzy. I’m trying to build up to a model that allows the user to predict drag for any situation in the future as well, so understanding the fundamentals is helpful.

    For your point that the drag acceleration is always in the opposite direction of the surface velocity vector, that only holds true when the part is pointed exactly toward the velocity vector. As soon as the part rotates and creates an angle of attack, the drag acceleration will point away from the velocity vector and create lift on the craft. An example of this would be starship in a flat belly dive. If it tilts up, it will create a backward drag force, slowing it further even though the force is not acting perfectly parallel to the velocity vector.

    +1 24 days ago
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    @GreatBritishAerospaceOff aw, thanks! This is one of the most fun games I’ve played and I just keep coming back to it even after long breaks.

    +1 26 days ago
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    @YaMomzBox420 Thanks! Yeah definitely still a work in progress. I'm adding some visuals, and great reminder on the vector handedness. I have a few ideas for how to explain it nicely.

    +1 27 days ago
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    @llwei97 thank you!!!

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    @CloakPin yeah I’m working on a waypoint navigation system to complete the village race contracts. That might work for the moon rover with some modifications. If you have free time you can give it a test. Just launch from Juno Runway. Download unlisted craft here.

    +1 1.8 years ago
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    Well you guys are making me blush 😊

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    Great job simplifying the process. Mine is still way too complex and requires Excel (because I don’t know how to program python or powershell). I like yours too because it preserves the original colors; mine relies on posterizing to reduce file size, but this seems to load just as quickly.

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    +1 4.1 years ago
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    Yes I will add that to the list

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    Are you on discord? Would like to connect with you.

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    “Wait, who is Mod?” Said no one, ever. Congrats on your anniversary, and your many milestones along the way.

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    I will add that to the list

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    I will make a video on this eventually, but I’m working on an overall MFD tutorial right now.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    Your flag and logo are both done!

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    Be patient 😛. I have a lot of work this week, so I can have it done this weekend for sure.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    I finished your logo. ENJOY!

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    Absolutely, both of those should be pretty quick. I’ll try to have them done later this week.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    Ok definitely!

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    Yeah for sure. If you post a link to the image I can make it.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    Yikes I won’t make that one. Not a good symbol.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    I will do SpaceX for sure. I can do your logo in simple colors but the ‘blended’ colors are very difficult for me with my current method.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    Glad you figured it out!

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    Haha maybe we were just wrong about the year. Here we go, October 1st, 2021!!!

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    They are magic :D

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    Would you like me to make the bathroom?

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    Congrats guys, well deserved!

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    @EnceladusDynamics you didn't read the instructions closely enough...

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    Good to hear, thanks for testing. Definitely did not mean for it to work in atmosphere :D

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    Yeah that’s way too powerful... I found a 2,000 kN version that is perfect. :D

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    Just use the @ symbol, followed by their username. They will get a notification that you tagged them.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    Thanks I’ll try those out.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    How? I’m on iOS and I don’t see that option.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    @Jrhartle87 I just registered a suggestion here

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    Good description, but if you can post the craft and/or video that would be really helpful to diagnose.

    +1 4.8 years ago