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    c'mon please stop posting this spam.

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    @TronicOrbital i created an RTG, it can be customized, enlarged to obtain more enrgy for outer system exploration..

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @HorizonsTechnologies another thing to keep into consideration is the electrical consumption of the ion engine. better and easier to use it in the inner solar system because of the better efficiency of solar panels near the Sun to recharge batteries. The far you go, the bigger and more efficient the solar panels have to be.

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @HorizonsTechnologies so, ion engine technology is fantastic, i equipped an interplanetary probe with 3 ion engines and travelled through the inner solar system to Venus (flyby), to Mars (entered orbit). obvioulsy the LEO insertion and the burn to escape gravity and put the craft on the correct path must be achieved with classic chemical combusion. however, once you are on the correct patch, through long duration burns (i mean lasting even 4-8 days or more) your aim is to modify your path in a way that when you enter in the target SOI your speeds almost match, and you need just a low energy ion burn to enter a long orbit. and then modify it to lower it or change plane. this tech requires a lot of patience.
    have fun

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @BaconMann if you are using version 0.906 mods like RealEngineOverhaul and Real fuel tanks are still working.
    Look in the Mods section

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @plane918273645 i'm sorry, it was hard for me to explain...however you gave exactly the answer i was looking for... thanks a lot again

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    @TronicOrbital i tested your code and it behaves perfectly, exactly as i wanted. thanks a lot.

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    it is a very nice idea. Thanks!

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    @YaMomzBox420 I have a lot of fun with REO. I hope it will be available again for future versions.

    2.6 years ago
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    What I'm finding most tricky is to trim in a realistic way fuel and oxidizer usage, water production, so that I load a realistic amount of elements that grant 14 or 20 days of mission

    2.6 years ago
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    i also use it.
    i noticed already that the MOD does not work with the new experimental.
    For the moment i reverted back to the last stable version 0.910

    2.6 years ago
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    i believe i will resolve it using two sets of thrusters, one for rotation and one for translation, activated by two different activation groups and using pitch roll and yaw as inputs, maybe built one inside another so that they seem to be the same

    2.6 years ago
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    @Zenithspeed is it possible to give more inputs like Translate up+pitch?

    2.6 years ago
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    @plane918273645 still with mods. I'm sorry. Tomorrow I'll upload a stock model.

    2.6 years ago
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    @ChaoticGraviton I love it because offer a complete panel of fuels/oxidizers and engine cycles (and still works) . However my question is valid also with stock engines and fuels

    2.6 years ago
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    here it is with stock engines in methalox configuration

    test 2

    2.6 years ago
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    @plane918273645 i believe it would be the same with stock engines. if you wish to give it a try and hints i could produce the same configuration with stock tanks and engines...

    2.6 years ago
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    @plane918273645 i guess i could go on adding sets of sliders reletad to AGs almost indefenitely, am i right?
    BTW, where could i learn some vizzy stuffs? is it just a copy and/or try and fail/succeed process?

    2.7 years ago
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    @plane918273645 I'm using it for the rover arm.
    I have a last question. I'm now using Ag 15 Slider 1 2 3 for shoulder pitch, yaw and elbow, and Ag 16 Slider 1 and 2 for wrist pitch and yaw.
    When i switch from 15 to 16 sliders perfectly reset to 0 to allow me to use 16 from idle position, and when i get back from 16 to 15 i find sliders perfectly in the position i left them. But when i deactivate 16 without going back to 15, sliders remain in 16 position without going back to 0, i suppose because there is not such a command written in Vizzy at the moment. What should i write in vizzy to let it do so?thanks for your time

    2.7 years ago
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    @plane918273645 wow! Thanks a lot! I'll deppky look into it. Really really appreciated

    2.7 years ago
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    @TronicOrbital i see. i'm not very familiar yet with Vizzy but i understand i should start...
    but let's say i use vizzy to reconfigure a set of sliders for a job on a second set of jounts of a robotic arm the way you suggest me. when i get back to the first set, how can i tell vizzy to set the sliders back to the previous configuration, so that the arm don't start moving?

    2.7 years ago
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    i was looking randomply for space related games on mobile, and i come up to SR2 mobile. then i discovered it had a PC counterpart, and then i dedicated to the PC version.
    I was previously an Orbiter Space Sim addicted user, and after a long time i was looking for somthing a bit more "user-friendly".

    2.7 years ago
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    Hi. the performance analyzer does not auto-update when i change engine parameters. i have to change the altitude to make it update.

    2.7 years ago
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    @Pedro @Matteovir it seems to not recognize RealisticEngine overhaul no more.
    all engines are re-converted to stock.
    when loading it says "failed to load 16 parts modifiers of 1 distinct types. Paert modifier types: RocketEngine."

    2.7 years ago
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    hi, thanks for this great update.
    i'm experiencing a problem. It seems just with this new update that every rocket i built using MarioG's Realistic Engine Overhaul and AnotherFireFox's RealFuelTanks gives an error at loading, and thus the game changes automatically to other engine cycles or fuels. is it a known issue? i'm on PC. thanks

    2.7 years ago
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    @jrzspace yes, that is what i do usually, but using simple keywords with google can give a huge amount of results. thanks!

    2.7 years ago
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    @Xspacee ahaha that's nice

    2.7 years ago
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    @Xspacee i will for sure, but you'd better stop

    2.7 years ago
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    @TronicOrbital great thanks! I'm sorry but I've never put my mind in vizzy... I should start...

    2.7 years ago
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    Hi! nice job. Are you mounting also small retrorockets for staging?
    controls of 1st stage on gimbals? second stage on gimbals+rcs or just gimbals? i believe rcs on 2nd stage are usefull to reorient the stage for 2nd or 3rd burn.

    2.7 years ago
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    @fall can you suggest me how?

    2.7 years ago
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    @fall but you have the hand brake that keeps the brake on. is there a way to have the same effect on those wheels? maybe also a vizzy line?

    2.7 years ago
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    I'm quite sure that there are lots of interesting posts and discussion in the past. Allowing to search could avoid unusefull question that sometimes remain unanswered... And could lead to a less messy forum

    2.7 years ago
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    It would be nice a sort of electric motor performance analyzer, as for the rocket engines, but I don't know if it can be done

    2.7 years ago
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    @Dereric no, it is not possible to see energy consumption of wheel motors on PC.
    That is why i was asking how to desume it

    2.7 years ago
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    I could not understand where the error was, so i simply rebuilt the 2nd stage and everything runs smoothly

    2.7 years ago
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    it REALLY is epic.
    can't wait to try your next update!!
    @HyperPatch in the meantime i figured out how to modify ATMO parameters so that your Earth atmosphere extend to 115 km with a realistic air density through layers

    2.8 years ago
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    @Matteovir @pedro16797
    sorry, i've seen the steam on launch pad is an already known bug.

    2.8 years ago
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    Hi and thanks for this awsome update!
    i'm experiencing just this issue, that i don't know what it is related to.
    as soon as i start a scenario with the rocket (even a stock rocket) sitting on the pad smoke starts pluming out from the pad the same as i was lifting off, but without any thrust or fuel consumption by the rocket. It seems like an animation related to the pad, that is starting by itself and mantaining...
    do you have any idea?

    2.8 years ago
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    Welcome! thanks for sharing your experience!

    2.8 years ago
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    Something like the Ares 1, with a first solid rocket stage, and a second liquid fueled stage suited for human transportation would be fun to ride on

    2.8 years ago
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    it is a beahviour i experienced too when docking crafts and modules in orbit, mainly when docking two capsules. I have not figured out how to solve it, beacuse in the last period i focused on interplanetary probe exploration. I'll give it a try and see to come back with an answer.

    2.8 years ago
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    Nice review!, i agree with you in every aspect. I used to play at KSP, but i definitely prefer SR2 because it allows to reproduce reality and new things; and i love the graphics!

    2.8 years ago
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    it seems a very interesting project.
    keep it up!!

    2.8 years ago
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    @Insanity thanks for sharing your experience.
    I prefer the "real experience" Always using RSS by HyperPatch, with the RealFuelTanks mod and RealOverhaulEngine mod

    3.0 years ago
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    @YaMomzBox420 just to clarify how i solved this old-but-not-too-much issue. I found that just increasing the thrust of my engine is not a good and realistic solution. I'm now using an Hydrolox engine similar to RL10c of Centaur upper stage, wich has just 110 Kn of thrust, but is very efficient and reliable. The solution is that you cannot rely at all on the auto-burn function, so i ended up with hand calculation. Divide the residual burn time of your stage/remaninig deltaV of your stage; then multiply the result * the DV required for the calculated burn. The result will be the total duration of your burn. Divide it /2 and the result is the distance in seconds from the node of the burn, and the moment to start your burn. it is very precise, even for long burns for Earth-Mars transer.

    3.0 years ago
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    @YaMomzBox420 thanks. I solved the problem increasing the thrust of my upper stage from 210 kN to 900(adding 4 engines instead of 1), as you suggested me. I found also a problem in attitude control, solved increasing gimbal a bit.

    3.5 years ago
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    For the first question, i can answer that the temperature of each part of your spacecraft can be displayed simply selecting the part, in your outside view interface.
    For example the temperature is indicated for the heat shield, and also the "remaining" quantity of shield. the same for a capsule, with an increasing percentage of damage if you exceed the max temp allowed.

    3.5 years ago