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    Just realized the 1.21GW is a reference to Back to the Future lol

    +5 3.9 years ago
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    My brother in Christ, please tell me you didn't eat thermal paste

    +4 2.1 years ago
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    @FunkPunk True, a lotta people probably found out about it when Scott Manley did videos about SR2. A year after launch, in 2019 or something it could be doable, but 4 years later it's not.

    +4 2.7 years ago
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    The chair seems to be different. On the rover chair the drood has his hands on his legs, and on the rocket chair his hands are pointing down, while here they're pointing inwards. It also feels like the cockpit doesn't belong to the fuselage. Maybe they're also adding cockpits.

    +4 4.6 years ago
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    Im gonna set up a scroll farm. Together we can solve the World's Energy Crisis!

    +3 4.0 years ago
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    Maybe the air carrier from AC6?

    +3 4.4 years ago
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    Mistery Intensifies cue X-Files theme song

    +3 4.6 years ago
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    Where's the unsee juice

    +2 2.3 years ago
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    Damn m8, let's hope the cat is okay and will come back home. Stay strong

    +2 3.5 years ago
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    It'd be nice if we could shape in 3 dimensions and corners. Complex shapes would be much easier to make. Could have a toggle to switch between simple and complex shaping. But a new part would be cool too.

    +2 4.4 years ago
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    IIRC, MarioG made a tutorial.
    Found it.

    +2 5.2 years ago
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    I think Vizzy has the sliders switched. Like setting slider 1 to 1, sets slider 2 to 1 instead.

    +2 5.2 years ago
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    @DrooMulticompany Not juno.com, but they already got junoneworigins.com

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    @TritonAerospace That's their max range for the R-37M, not the AMRAAM's NEZ. The only, that I found that is, article talking about it said that's the missile used for the kill. But like I said, even half that is probably too much. If we give it the AMRAAM's max range of 160km, it still needs to travel 57km. This is also ignoring the fact they've claimed stuff with no proof before.

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    First Man
    2001: A Space Odyssey (slow paced)
    Deep Impact
    Armageddon (relatively more profanity than the rest)

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    No problem man, if the other videos are not translated, there's (hopefully) wiki pages in your language

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    It's efficiency. Diferent fuels have different Isp. Same with different engine types. You can increase it by using a hydrolox instead of kerolox for instance. Lowering the nozzle throat size can also improve it, but it decreases thrust. Nozzle length is also important and usually the vacuum varians are longer than sea level variants.
    You should check out Scott Manley. In this one he talks about Isp.

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    Undervolting kinda replaced overclocking, because the turbo boosts in CPUs/GPUs already push the silicon to the max.

    Undervolting Ryzen chips voids warranty for instance, but I don't know about GPUs.

    It takes voltage/current/temps and whatnot and figures out the best clocks. When you lower voltage, that lowers temps which gives even more headroom to turbo boosts.

    Undervolting is specially more important in laptops, since they're usually hotter than desktops.

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    @DSPACE Thx m8. There's a xml file called settings in the SR2 folder, but it doesn't have the presets, only the current settings. Haven't been able to find anything else

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    Thought the SSAO would eat up FPS but it runs pretty well!

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    Damn that sucks dude. Lost one rocket like that once, now I save everytime I add a couple parts and have like 800 iterations lol

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    Is smoothing front/back like in simpleplanes planned? Because using a bunch of fuel tanks as glass doesnt remove the part where they touch.

    Didn't find any suggestions mentioning this, but having a "half circle" inlet/fuel tank/strut would be nice, so we don't have to use a lot of tiny parts to make something like a custom canopy. A couple half-inlets and it'd be done.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    +1 4.4 years ago
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    @SNSA That already happens though.

    One thing that's bothered me is how r/simplerockets is nearly 4.5 years older than r/spaceflightsimulator but SFS has almost 3 times as many subscribers. SFS DC has 26K users but SRC only has 1K. And I always thought the paying upfront was the issue.

    Before 1.5 SFS was like 4 bucks. Now it's 8 bucks, like 50% more expensive than SR2 which is ridiculous IMHO, and it's still growing like crazy. If SR had the same business model, I believe it'd probably be a lot more popular.

    I'm not trying to bash SFS, I play both SFS and SR2, but SR2 is miles ahead while also being cheaper.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    Don't focus on the points m8. Just enjoy SR2 and have fun.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    +1 4.5 years ago
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    @SupremeDorian Now that would be awesome

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    No problem, in that case it's "[How to Opt In to a Beta]
    (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1229485944)", no quotes and no space (had to separate it to not show it as a link)
    There's also a formatting guide

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    @crowxe Experimental was just 0.8.500 AFAIK

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    Blueprints would be awesome.
    Found this suggestion.

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    I use hinges and fuel tanks/struts. Example
    Used KraZIvan's A400M and pedro16797's Tesla Roadster

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    On PC, Shadowplay (if you have an Nvidia card), MSI Afterburner for AMD cards or OBS with buffer recording lets you do that.

    Maybe there's similar apps for Android/iOS.

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    For the public. The beta was released in Dec. 6 according to Steam.

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    Oh, Vizzy? 0.8.402 was released around mid December IIRC.

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    0.8.201 with the autopilot came out like 2 months ago.

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    @qswat72 No problem.
    "Little update", it seems only the "set(slider X) to Y" is switched. The same doesn't happen with "input(slider X)".

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    They're custom expressions. They don't show up because you have to "XML them in".

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    Like this?
    You still gonna release Decals+ @DeboStreams?

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    +1 5.3 years ago
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    ISS has a pretty good tutorial playlist, that also includes a interplanetary tutorial.

    2.0 years ago
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    @DMNK99 No need to divide by timespan if you just want to know if it's positive/negative.

    2.1 years ago
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    Maybe check the velocity every 0.1s and do v1-v2

    2.1 years ago
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    On their app store page, they say it works with the 8 and 8 plus, no idea how it performs tho.

    2.3 years ago
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    @YaMomzBox420 No escape zones tend to be smaller than max ranges. Wikipedia says it tops out at 398km. Even if we give it half that, which is rather unrealistic, the Su-57 has to be flying higher and needs a rookie pilot on the Ukrainian aircraft, so I'm gonna call bs lol

    2.3 years ago
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    If they did code it into the game, it should be toggleable and off by default. People already complain that the name is misleading with just the fuel types we have now, imagine what they'd say if they saw REO.

    2.4 years ago
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    IIRC it's about COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act). Under 13, companies can't collect information like IP, cookies and whatnot.

    2.5 years ago
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    You could try RTSS, it's what I use and it never failed me. If you have MSI Afterburner, it's possible you already have it since they come in a bundle.

    2.6 years ago
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    @Pedro Maybe he's talking about N-Body physics instead of rails

    2.7 years ago
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    @Zenithspeed No problem m8, glad it worked out

    2.8 years ago