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    1.4 years ago
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    @AK5Z yeah, it's like that one player in the server that has all stats maxed out yet is genuinely quite chill

    1.4 years ago
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    sadly not

    1.4 years ago
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    gives me Titan vibes
    and since Titan is a goated S+ tier moon, this means that it's gonna be lit

    1.4 years ago
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    @H3itorrrr click on community in the top tab, go to forums, there should be a "new post" button, click on that, it will make you choose a category (make sure you choose the right one since you can't change it here) and then you can write title and text as normal

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    i'm not a vizzy expert, but ig you could try to use a repeater piece (should be in the second button with the arrows and pieces), though you will need to remake some parts of it (get rid of just the "wait until", put the remaining stuff into the repeater, and put that in a "if" piece with it bound to AG4 (if AG4=true))

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    @Seeya i'm sure i have it, gimme a second

    +2 1.4 years ago
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    haha we both have it similar
    i also have loads of things to work on (MB 1.5.1, VBSS, VBT1, Mortan 1.6, ZG2, etc)

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    @alligatorlloki ios has a setting like this too, don't worry i know about it

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    yeah, i've noticed too that the forums generally aren't very active during most times
    that said, though, i am also hoping that in the future we can more easily communicate with the Chinese players, they make some really good stuff and i'm sure the rest of the playerbase could benefit loads from their advice

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    almost at 3000 now lmao

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    @CloakPin they still do
    that said, though, if you need to increase their rigidity, my usual solution is to increase the stability modifier - you can access this by enabling the advanced properties switch and then also tinker panel (so yeah, sadly it's not career compatible if that's your aim), you will find it at the top of the tinker panel menu, i don't know much about how it works but if you follow the hover-over instructions it should work fine

    1.4 years ago
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    @Seeya i'll go see
    edit: yes i do, i'll go upload

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    hmm i dunno
    i know you can change the gimbal amount but idk if it displayed it

    1.4 years ago
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    i have recieved the 109 update, it works as expected, so those who suffered from it, you are free to update now

    1.4 years ago
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    @AK5Z perhaps
    we'll see how it will end up like

    1.4 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison thanks a lot, we appreciate the work :)

    1.4 years ago
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    @Cjkb i'm on ipad too, it resets everything whenever i load the game

    1.4 years ago
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    @Seeya appropriate reaction
    and honestly, even if i lost SR2, which is still my favourite game, i still have Terraria and like 5 different F-Zero games on emulators to keep me entertained, and that's just offline games, with internet introduced you get the whole mass of Roblox and the funky world of online games

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    edit: nevermind, i just had to load a game... bruh
    devs, this almost gave me a heart attack :skull:
    only my settings got reset to default (shame, because i had some beyond-the-limit XML modded settings, most notably the 500% ambient light at night & space so i could actually see) but everything else is still there

    1.4 years ago
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    they can do a wide variety of things, some things can in fact only be made with them, but problem is that they require actual difficult math to use, so i wouldn't recccommend it, stick to remap curves and basic arithmetics
    (bonus: the fact that my fairly low intelligence means i can't make use of PS expressions is the main and possibly only reason why i can't get any better at planet building so i'm just stuck at heavily modifying existing templates or making some basic 3-biome thing with blank template)

    1.4 years ago
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    @LeMagicBaguette i specifically wanted to make sure that the GIF's won't absolutely shred mobile data, so it's only three frames with a 2-second delay (the site i used, imgflip, also did some major compression)

    1.4 years ago
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    sorry to those who are using mobile data, the gifs are gonna shred it
    edit: updated title to prevent this

    1.4 years ago
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    @Luckwut yeah that's a possibility too, but my 6 year old ipad is already chugging along so yeah lol

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    @AK5Z never heard of them srry

    1.4 years ago
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    @AK5Z they're good lol

    1.4 years ago
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    @AK5Z by "dwarf planet update" do you mean something for VBSS or something else? Worand 1.1 will have a dwarf planet added (and a pretty epic one at that) alongside the above mentioned asteroid moon & submoon, plus maybe one or two extras and updates to the current moons, but apart from that, idk

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    @Junkthunder "a bit" is an understatement lol

    1.4 years ago
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    @Querynobody 26 years? with how things are going, 2.6 years is a much closer estimate lol

    1.5 years ago
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    @GMDFrostBite yeah i also only found those

    +2 1.5 years ago
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    damn, now i kinda wanna get a steam account

    1.5 years ago
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    @Wenhop some people might like
    it's also good for some niche aesthetic purposes i guess

    1.5 years ago
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    understandable have a great day
    (coming from a guy who has been working on a craft rework for almost 2 years lmao)

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @LeMagicBaguette yeah, same here to be honest, but scrolling down to find it can get annoying a bit

    1.5 years ago
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    @Pedro noooooo it's only a mod
    sad mobile noises
    oh well, this update is still extremely good nevertheless

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @chillymations i guess
    just keep the iconic bits
    i know you've posted some revamped versions of some planets so i kinda want something like those

    +2 1.5 years ago
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    @JanusSpaceIndustries yes
    there will be 2 more protagonists later on, Nadir and Azimuth (to keep the cosmic theme), both acquired roughly around the same time, that is around the mid-late point of the story

    1.5 years ago
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    @JanusSpaceIndustries ofc later in the series he extends his "services" to other aliens due to the alliances that were formed between aliens and humans
    as for alien tech, he also does check out some of them but i haven't gotten to that yet

    1.5 years ago
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    @JanusSpaceIndustries basically his only purpose is to just assist and protect humans, so in-universe he just tries out human stuff and grabs some of the stuff that he likes for himself

    1.5 years ago
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    @JanusSpaceIndustries he's basically what happens if you take IRL me, add a bit of anime-tier plot armor and make it extremely chaotic
    it's bern toned down a bit since this is the old version (won't be updated)

    1.5 years ago
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    can you return to your very first system (Kolven) too? that thing was hella nostalgic

    +2 1.5 years ago
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    @JanusSpaceIndustries in a way yes it's similar to an epic in some but not all aspects, and it's also very very long
    that said, here's a link to an outdated version (pre-read disclaimer & parts 1-9), currently it's written up to part 20 but i haven't added those to the public version yet so it will be quite old

    1.5 years ago
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    yeah, as said before, it's a limitation that is beyond our or Jundroo's control, so unfortunately mobile won't be getting mods unless that gets changed somehow, which is unlikely

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    honestly kinda same tbh
    i still hop on the game occasionally but i just have no energy or time to make major things, and of course my already stupidly burnt out brain decided to start another star system project -_-
    i hate to say this, but... i'm kind of just getting bored of video games in general... yet there's nothing better for me to do
    maybe during school breaks i'll work on major stuff but at the moment i'm just too freaking tired

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @RudimentaryCheezit aight thanks

    1.5 years ago
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    @Luckwut in that case, blue oxidation goes brrrrrr

    1.5 years ago
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    can y'all also answer the first 2 questions please -_-

    1.5 years ago
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    @Luckwut oh, alr then

    1.5 years ago
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    @Luckwut ah damn i don't wanna make an account for that

    1.5 years ago