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    like, the legit iSpace and the actually decent quality of the other ones are fine, but there's just way too much of the low-quality ones and it's really spammy and boring

    +9 3.1 years ago
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    i think that for the damage turn off thing, there should be a button in tinker panel that updates the currently existing craft in the designer to be indestructible, meaning that this can be toggled on a per-craft basis so we can have both unrealistic and normal crafts together without constantly having to switch a thing in the settings

    +7 2.8 years ago
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    only 3 days left until us mobile peeps get it :D
    edit, march 18th, 21:25 UTC: might be delayed due to either not being ready or time zones
    edit 2, march 19th 15:22 UTC: not yet here, probably delayed for a rather important bug or idk
    edit 3, march 20th, 14:03 UTC: update is confirmed delayed, new release date unknown, this comment is now outdated.
    edit 4: i'm so dumb, actual update releases "somewhere in late March to early April"

    +6 3.0 years ago
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    the default one on Miros/Iapetus uses some complicated expression thingy, but i might have an idea on how to do a simple ridge without that (it will just be a straight ridge, no wonky patterns or anything)

    (make sure you have basic mode (mountain icon) disabled and the element links (square with an arrow coming out of its bottom side) enabled

    you will need the following elements, in order from top to bottom:
    - get position
    - remap curve
    - generate height
    - update height

    for the "get position", keep the values at 0,0,0 but move the "Y" slider from none to 0
    the curve remap is the hardest, so i'll tell you the exact details of what to enter for a very simple one (you will need to create 3 more "dots" from the default 2)
    - first dot: time -1, value 0
    - second dot: time between -0.5 and -0.1, value 0
    - third dot: time at 0, value 1
    - fourth dot: time between 0.1 and 0.5, value 0
    - fifth dot: time 1, value 0
    it should look something like this: —^—
    make sure the remap recieves the blue arrow from the "get position", and then make sure the blue arrow of the curve remap also is in the right place
    for the generate height, feed the blue arrow of the curve remap into the input port, assign a height of like 5000 or whatever for the max and keep it at 0 for the min
    finally, have the blue arrow from the generate height line up with the input port of the update height

    do note that it isn't the most efficient solution (the generate height could be skipped entirely, for example, but i left it in for simplicity) and that it may not work if you already have existing terrain (i don't know if update height only affects the areas that are actually modified and leaves the rest as it is, or if it overwrites the whole terrain entirely)

    +5 1.7 years ago
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    congrats on the first full launch! (pretty accurate, considering, you know, rocket game) y'all have done an amazing job on JNO/SR2, looking forward to more :)

    +5 2.1 years ago
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    well, whatever the case may be, i'm looking forward to career mode and the other new stuff. it's still SR2 as it was, just with a completely new appearance, but still very similar inside. and hey, i'm sure devs won't mind too much it still being called SR2 by many users
    also, yeah, what happened with the poll? didn't the original name get the highest score in the end, even if all of the people trying to unfairly imbalance were excluded and the whole thing got filtered and de-biased?

    +5 2.2 years ago
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    solution: drive to the end of the runway with a ground vehicle, line it up, save the launch spot, and boom you have the launch location

    +5 2.6 years ago
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    you could use rotators and attach the fin on those, it's probably not the most efficient way but it's the easiest to make

    +5 2.8 years ago
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    to make cracks, use noise type Cellular, there will be two settings next to it
    the first one can be "Euclidean", "Manhattan", "Natural", and "Euclidean No Overlap" — out of those, the first three are all suitable, but Natural is probably going to be the best
    for the second option, use "Distance 2 Sub", the rest work differently, though some may give similar results
    for the noise itself, a frequency of 5 to 100 (or even beyond) usually work best, and adjust strength as needed
    you may also need domain warps or a remap curve to make them look better, but those are more advanced things and for basic cracks they aren't really needed

    +4 1.2 years ago
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    i avoided yet another ping spam yet again, geez
    i'm getting tired of "being nice for a change", gonna have to change back to full antisocial (from current 80% antisocial) if i get ping-spammed more and more

    +4 1.2 years ago
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    we hit 200 upvotes les go

    +4 1.6 years ago
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    yeah, imagine a combination of the new name and the old one, best of both worlds lol

    +4 2.2 years ago
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    if anyone can't see the images, i tried to sum it up in words here:
    Basic: rapidly goes up to full power, then immediately goes a bit down then a bit up to almost full power, then goes down, goes flat for a while, and drops a bit at the end
    Ramp Up: goes from like 40% to 100% gradually
    Steady: always at 100% power
    Ramp Down: goes from 100% to like 40% gradually
    Impulse: goes full power for a really short while then goes to a very small amount of power for the remaining time

    +4 2.4 years ago
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    if you hover over them with mouse (PC) or just keep your finger above it for some time (mobile) it will show what each one does, but i'll try to explain as best as i can

    proportional: the main rotating power, this dictates how much force should be used when rotating towards a direction (e.g. prograde, retrograde, etc.), most crafts will have this around 5 to 50
    integral: an additional "booster force", this just adds more force if needed (although in a different way than proportional), many crafts have it at 0 but you generally don't need much of it
    derivative: the counter-force to proportional, this is used to prevent overshooting when turning, however too much of it will make the craft go crazy, so generally have it around 0 to 25

    also note that for planes the autopilot is present seperately for pitch and roll while for rockets it is combined into one

    +4 2.7 years ago
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    i for one welcome our new robotic overlords 😁

    +3 16 days ago
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    @ExplorationAerospace yeah i know "phallic" means that, smh
    it's just that i don't like NSFW things because they're overrated and can be found everywhere so i prefer not talking about them

    +3 3 months ago
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    @deepfriedfrenchtoast color blend does not like anything, it's like a spoiled child that's more of a picky eater than i am and ever have been

    +3 7 months ago
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    @CloakPin bro just described 90% of new users

    +3 1.2 years ago
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    @CloakPin AYO
    mods you gotta do something

    +3 1.3 years ago
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    cries in mobile
    but hey, at least this suggestion is fulfilled now

    +3 1.6 years ago
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    @Ylias very well then
    i wasn't able to upload unlisteds today and tomorrow is a homework-doing day for me, so the next batch will likely only come next friday

    +3 1.8 years ago
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    aye, i had it sorta similar over on SimplePlanes, but with a different account compared to this one, made it when i was 11 and had no idea you had to be 13, so when i sorta revealed my age i just got banned but wasn't even that mad and just waited it out until my 13th birthday as well

    +3 1.8 years ago
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    for JNO you could also add
    - a lot more customizability (since everything is paintable to any color
    - XML editing of craft, planet, etc files lets you do virtually anything (if you know what you're doing)

    also, you can actually view SOIs in map view now (its a switch on the bottom of the map view's panel) so you should remove that pro in KSP2, but ye

    +3 2.0 years ago
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    it's been moved to the flight menu, click the boxy icon on the right side in flight, scroll to the bottom where "options" are, the sliders will be there

    +3 2.0 years ago
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    lol the SR2 logo on the site doing the "i don't feel so good" fadeaway is actually pretty funny tho

    +3 2.2 years ago
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    i saw a leak/smeakpeek video about this update, and there was a menu panel that had celestial bodies in semi-3d and check marks if you've landed on it, orbited it, etc. - once the full update goes live, will this panel also be available in sandbox mode? it would be cool to see regardless of how hard or easy it is to reach them

    +3 2.2 years ago
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    if you enjoyed SP and want a "modern version" of it, along with additional space content, then yeah do buy it, it's worth it imo
    the flight physics are a little sloppy compared to SP but you can make a snappy craft if you know how, and both have built-in XML editing , but SR2 has far better parts (a lot of which are highly customizable) plus some of the annoyances can be minimized or eliminated completely (e.g. auto fuselage resizing)

    +3 2.6 years ago
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    hmm... those weird rifts are most likely caused by an "expression" modifier, until you get good stay away from those things, they are scary

    +3 2.6 years ago
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    not everyone has a pc to run modded SR2, plus a decent percentage of players (including me) come from SP which had weapons built into it from the start

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    o7 lets all salute bois

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    i say keep it, the game's been around for many years and the majority of the playerbase certainly won't welcome such a massive change
    and while yes, people have made some incredible stuff, the game is just as usable for simple stuff as it is for those things, since nobody is mandated to building in only a certain building style/complexity.
    staying in the path of your roots sometimes is just the best answer (cringy metaphor but ya'll get the point)

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    i don't think tinker panel is getting removed, just that multiple parts are getting things that were previously only accesible by tinker panel (e.g. size editing)
    and also it's still there on the GIF with the part scale stuff

    +3 3.0 years ago
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    please stop my 0.1 brain cells can't handle this

    +3 3.1 years ago
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    just asking, would it be possible to add the ability to change the skybox in planet studio's system editor, without doing all sorts of fancy code stuff?

    +3 3.5 years ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt @InherentUnstable a workaround i've found for the input issue is to set the part itself to the AG and the input to "FD.MachNumber>=0" which pretty much acts as an "always on" input, though this does not always work and may not be applicable in every situation, in which case you'll probably need to use vizzy or something

    +2 2 months ago
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    @Pedro thanks so much for the info!
    i'm curious about that "smooth lerp" though, i'll go check it out

    +2 3 months ago
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    @StarDominatorIIVV i really hope they'll expand upon TT tbh, it has had "hiding the darkest secrets" in its description since it was added and yet it has no secrets (structures and stuff) whatsoever

    +2 3 months ago
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    @PANICtitan1681 could be a possibility
    it's also one letter away from "clash" which in turn is one letter away from "slash", based on the "scars" and the cut-up looking terrain that could also be a thing

    +2 3 months ago
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    @MatTheAerospacer welp i also started a PS tutorial series lol
    (btw @Ceya i only reccomend you add mine once i make a collective post for mine)

    +2 4 months ago
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    @Hyperant yep, i can also confirm it's possible
    unfortunately it's only possible to do it in XML, and you are quite limited in what you can choose

    +2 6 months ago
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    having game mods be applicable per save file rather than globally would be quite nice (i myself can't benefit from it cause i'm on ios, but your example is a perfect reason why it'd be good to have)

    +2 7 months ago
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    yeah, seems like the tables have turned this time around
    but i'm actually kinda glad because it means i don't have to constantly update my stuff so that they work as intended in new versions :')

    +2 8 months ago
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    @IMULAerospaceIndustries exactly :D

    +2 9 months ago
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    5e+142 💀💀💀💀💀
    bro, that high levels of exponent are usually reserved for me to completely f**k up video games for moments when i've just had enough

    +2 9 months ago
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    i have a seperate account for SP that i don't really use anymore, (@JeskoGoesVROOM)
    there's two because i made this account prior to knowing that SP and SR2 accounts are compatible

    +2 10 months ago
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    @SeeyaTheFurry aight
    i won't be able to do it right now but i'll start uploading the planets and both systems soon

    +2 11 months ago
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    @SeeyaTheFurry yup
    but man there's still a long way to go before i get the lore to be as hard as i want it to be... i gotta redesign like 5 or 6 different alien species so that they no longer look like humanoid animal+animal hybrids, gotta eliminate 2 fictional fuels (Valagama and Cypernis — JRX stays because haha funny 50k kelvin liquid that can be used as rocket propellant and weapon ammo) and then try to signal to the readers that, no, there is no sound in space, and no, we are not turning like in an atmosphere, we are in orbits and we gotta do funky rotations if we wanna get anywhere (or just go so fast that the gravity isn't enough to make you orbit the celestial body and instead you can ASTRO DORIFTO through space)

    +2 one year ago
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    +2 1.1 years ago
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    well, the questions about the "complete"/"full" (or whatever it was, can't remember) version of the mobile game have finally been answered
    i'm curious about the details of the different pricing bundles (their costs and what they give) but i assume one could check it out in-game

    +2 1.1 years ago
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    ngl, i feel like i was partially responsible for this :(
    i used an unusual way of linking an image in one of my posts and i think that was what broke the site the first time since it coincided with the initial downtime
    when the site came back like 3 days later i checked on it and it was still there but i didn't do anything else, a few hours after that site broke again for like a day, then i realized that i might be the cause, so the next time the site worked i went to that post of mine and got rid of the image and replaced it with a link
    so yeah sorry guys, i was stupid :c

    +2 1.2 years ago