I love realistic mission reports in videos. Any lenght but no let's play/live. Good editing and text/speech infos (technical considerations etc) are a plus. Music louder than the voice a no no.
I can't talk for anyone else :)
I just watched your SR2: Sunrise, Aircraft, Spyplanes! video, found it OK. Reminds me videos of Nexter's lab or Danny, although less "mad".
Keep up the good work :)
I've heard multiple times the multi directionnal RCS can cause problem, and that we should use the normal ones until they are fixed. More experienced players could tell you more, or different, things.
( also , if you want to translate your craft using RCS, don't forget to click the "translate mode" : the cross at the right of the screen, because the default mode is rotation )
You can try : 
(In a post of mine, it initially did not worked, I added an empty line after this one and it worked, but i don't know what is the real cause, so edit your post until it works)
Upvotes never had a value greater than yourself put in.
It is not an indication for originality, nor skill, it just gives incentives to players to work on popular things.
I personally find the point system pointless (haha) and quite ugly because I hate social networks who use love/upvote for reasons I could talk about for long. ( for short it plays on self satisfaction, comparison with others players points, and shift a possible healthy competition from pure crafting skills to something more like "communication skill".)
On the other hand, for some players, community recognition is important and upvotes can give a feeling of this. Note that I regularly upvote crafts to encourage creations, so despite my criticism I'm not boycotting the system.
you can try something like this :
create a variable called "myList", then
set list (myList) to [create list from (partID1, partID2, partID3, etc)]
for (i) from (1) to [ lenght of (mylist) by (1)]
set part [part ID of [item (i) in (myList)]] activated to (1)
With time, players do better and better submissions.
We see crafts with more details, more Vizzy automation.
It can explain why it may be more difficult than "before" to get upvotes :)
Do not give up if no upvotes are thrown to your face, take your time building nice crafts and, more importantly, have fun doing so ;) There is absolutely no shame not being upvoted.
You can totally do as Kero showed you.
There is a Vizzy block "activation group [number]".
with the blocks while [ ], [ ]=[ ] and activation group [ ]you can then write in Vizzy what he said.
When Kero say while(Ag=true)it means while ( activation group [the Number You Want to bind] = true )
I may be wrong , but I think while this will work for deactivacting your orbit program with a key, you won't be able to activate it a second time unless you put this while loop inside an other loop. So maybe put the Kero loop inside an other loop to be able to activate your orbit program multiple times.
Probably it was obvious for Kero and that's why he didnt stated it, but it is also possible I am wrong when I say it will only work once.
edit : the action group is created when you use it in Vizzy this way, even if it don't show up on the action group list in flight. Do tests if you want to be sure.
Hi FaridRjb :
* for choosing your engines type/fuel/settings, you can use the "performances" tools ingame. It show you the change in your dV, TWR, time of burn etc, when you changes the settings of your engines ingame. ( if you don't have a "performances" menu, maybe you need to install the "simple engineers" mod, I did not tried without. ) Wikipedia can be of use also, example
* For the automatic liftoff. If you need to get started with Vizzy, you can use this video, it is just an example I guess there is more videos on youtube. You can then experiment in your programs. If you are more of a math guy, this video have a lot of good informations. And, you can join the Simple Rocket Chat to ask specific questions on the Vizzy channel.
I hope you'll find what you are looking for, my advice is experiment and watch/read general rocketry videos/pages. Good luck and have fun :)
If the image is on you computer, upload it somewhere ( imgur or discord or whatever ). Then, if Discord, you can "copy the image location" with right clic or long press if mobile. If imgur, they give you a link.
If the image is on a website : go on the website and do right clic -> copy image location ( or long press if mobile ). Depending on your browser, the sentence can be different, it can be something like "copy the image URL" or something like that. You can also "open the image in a new tab" and copy the URL in the adress bar if it is easier for you.
I hope you'll be able to add images to your posts
1- If you want the AI Chip to replace your starting command pod, select the command chip, then properties, "set as primary".
2- You can turn a baecon light On by :
2a- assigning an action group and using this action group. ( select beacon, property, then choose Activation group at the top )
2b- Or, using vizzy : set a name for your beacon, and use "set part [part ID of (partname)] activated to 1"
Is the difference causing trouble in your program ?
Edit :according to wikipedia, the value is not known, and the precision of the measure increase with our "tools".
The accepted value in 2010 was "6.67384E-11"m3⋅kg−1⋅s−2, exactly the one of the game.
( give a better chance to your suggestion by having only one suggestion by post : I suggest remove "guns, missiles and bombs", but of course you are free )
edit : did you used this link to post ?
The url of this post does not contains "simplerockets.com/Feedback/View/" but "simplerockets.com/Forums/View/"
I disagree. ( both are good games with pros and cons )
With time, the KSP players built a incredibly awesome mods list. Like Skyrim, relatively few players now play vanilla KSP in their everyday sessions. The fact that KSP was released years before SR2 means a lot of players will stick to KSP, when it is totally fine to play both (or even swicth main game to SR2 for whatever reasons).
If I understand well, structural integrity is based on parts in KSP, and in the whole craft in SR2, the later being less computing intensive. It means in SR2, by example, fuel tanks/wings won't break because of aerodynamic stress. (correct me if I'm wrong) It also means in SR2 the exploding part is always the one impacting the ground when in KSP it is not always. On the other hand, it means no "wobbly-wobbling" in SR2, and no kraken I'm aware of.
But it is true that with the upcoming career mode in SR2 the comparison between the games makes more and more sense. For me the definitive plus of SR2 is the procedural approach. While I use them, I find procedural mods in KSP quite resources hungry, and my PC is not that powerful.
I'm confident that SR2, being more in its "infancy", has quite a lot of surprises for us in the future :)
Also you forgot one of the best accomplishment of SR2 : running on our phones.
I'm loving gauges, and bugfixes are always appreciated.
It was a good year for the game, really went forward ( and the upcoming career mode just makes me happy ).
Thanking the team for its commitment.
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Dwarf Fortress, KSP, Stationeers, Children of a Dead Earth, Endless Space 2, Stormworks, Noita, Kenshi, Arma 3, Into the Breach, and 100 more I havent played these last weeks because my time distorsion machine is broken.
Hello Strucker :)
The game totally worth the price, and much more.
Today video games are really cheap, with Price/Hour in head.
I bought it twice - PC, android
Vizzy is an incredibly entertaining tool. On the other hand, the game is also enjoyable without Vizzy. It don't "need" Vizzy to be fun, it is bonus.
The procedural philosophy of the game is not new for you, SimplePlane player ! ( while not active, I bough it years ago and loved it. It just missed... SPACE ).
Devs aren't joking, the project is ambitious. They do a really good job and I thanks them.
You'll say : KSP2 or SR2, I'll answer : both.
I'll bought KSP2 at the second it is available, yet it will ( I heard ) lack the procedural thing.
Both will coexist.
SR2 doesnt have ( yet? ) career mode. Main culprit for some players, not at all for the others.
Being a SP player, it may be not a problem for you.
SR2 is the heaven for creativity, and also for replicas.
Also, voting system for future features - while a bit flowed, it influence the game, for sure.
The game still being in his youth, you could cut a piece of cake of glory by uploading nice things if you are so inclined.
I suggest you try a few hours with a buddy of you, if possible, so you won't feel bad if it don't suit you.
I hope not to mislead you in your choice because I'm biased by the love I put in this game.
I always make errors, but maybe this snippet can give you the gravity acceleration according to your current position.
Sorry if there is an error, don't take it for true.
( Don't click if you are about to do it yourself ) snippet
You can try putting the two motors on the same vertical axle, and not the inverted motor on top of the first motor.
At least I did this a few times, I'm not sure it will help for your design.
In the following image : pure art
Red is the vertical axis, static.
Blue is the motor 1. Attached to red.
Green is the inverted motor, attached to red.
When you says "ANY" build, what do you really mean please ? Like... any build with a docking port ? Or did you found a trick ? ( maybe everyone know there is a trick except me ? )
Because I just tried and got 954m/s with a simple solid booster. Is this forbidden ?
I recorded in chase side view so we can see the wheels don't leave the ground until the end of the runway, at this moment the craft is going 954m/s.
Sorry if I broke a rule, you did not stated what they are.
@Insanity Oh, sorry ^_^ I understood "systems" in the meaning "things that works together", but now that you said it must be "planetary systems" it become obvious.
If I understood, you want to use the piston only with action groups. Pressing AG2 one time would extend the piston, pressing a second time retract it, and so on.
If it is what you want, so do this ( I tested it works ):
- Select your piston, click "properties", and in "piston input" ( you have "slider 2" ) , click "slider 2" and write Command Pod.FlightProgram.PistonVar
- Enter vizzy and use this short snippet
- Now, pressing action group 2 will alternate between extended and retracted.
edit : Sflanker was faster than me ^_^ ( the solution seems different. His solution looks better because it don't need Vizzy. Do his solution. )
I can't tell you you "have to" change your RCS to regular ones, but you can try. I did a few test with the multi directional RCS and indeed they sometime had a strange behavior.
Let us know when you find a solution :)
There is multiples solutions.
Easiest should be downloading the Vizzy programs you can find somewhere on the forum.
To do manually here is a solution, it is not the only one, and not the optimal one :
- Try to match the target general orbit shape. Especially inclination.
- Try to have your orbit not too close, not too far, from the target orbit. ( if low Droo orbit, something between 10km/50km altitude difference should be OK, but that is just an example )
- When your craft are near, match the orbit more precisely.
- Then set a burn point at the closest approach to match orbit to your best.
- Immediatly after the burn, you should have low relative velocity
This is now final approach and docking.
- Activate RCS, set translation mode to ON, change camera to what you feel the best ( I suggest "chase camera", or a camera part if you put one ) Lock node to target.
- control your craft with keyboard ( ZQSD+AE or WASD+QE depending on your layout )
- When really near :
- Quicksave, if you consider it is not cheating. ( I don't think it is, but maybe you are an hardcore gamer ) select your target docking port and click "set as target".
- Continue control with the keyboard and dock slowly. You ll have to wait from 1 to several seconds for the docking procedure to complete when the ports are in contact.
If everything else, search the Internet for how it is done IRL, or continue asking here, someone smarter than me will answer.
I also had a comparable problem.
On crafts with multiples commands pods/chip :
- If you have an "apollo style" lander upside down, make sure you "take control" of the good command chip/pod. If Vizzy is used, it can be a mess.
- I'm sure you already know this, but just in case : If your different commands pods should be oriented the same, adjust pilot orientation in the editor. ( for each command pod/chip : step1, step 2 )
- On stations, if you have multiples Vizzy script attempting to set the craft orientation, it can be a mess. If so, solution is carefully put stop condition or deactivation action groups. If not, maybe make sure you are controlling the correct command pod/chip.
- If nothing works, consider submitting a bug report or suggestion. (I'm sure the subject already has been evoked, but I did not found with a quick search. But this suggestion can be relevant if it is Vizzy that cause problem for you )
Please let me know if you find an other solution :)
What are the features of SP SR2 do not have ?
( except guns ?)
"Space dogfight" is an non-sense cliché that some movies keep alive, and it is a shame.
I recommend this website for a whole bunch of information about space fights. It is a big website and you will find a lot of considerations about space warfare, why space dog fight wont happen, and realistic war spaceships layouts.
For realistic space fights, there is an wonderful game called "Children of a dead Earth", I don't think it is in the scope of SR2 and I have no problem with that. You still can do custom missiles in SR2, if you are so inclined.
I agree, +1 on this linked thread can help
+6 4.9 years agoI love realistic mission reports in videos. Any lenght but no let's play/live. Good editing and text/speech infos (technical considerations etc) are a plus. Music louder than the voice a no no.
+4 4.5 years agoI can't talk for anyone else :)
I just watched your SR2: Sunrise, Aircraft, Spyplanes! video, found it OK. Reminds me videos of Nexter's lab or Danny, although less "mad".
Keep up the good work :)
I've heard multiple times the multi directionnal RCS can cause problem, and that we should use the normal ones until they are fixed. More experienced players could tell you more, or different, things.
( also , if you want to translate your craft using RCS, don't forget to click the "translate mode" : the cross at the right of the screen, because the default mode is rotation )
+3 4.9 years agoYou can try :

(In a post of mine, it initially did not worked, I added an empty line after this one and it worked, but i don't know what is the real cause, so edit your post until it works)
+3 4.9 years agoThanks for these wonderful updates !
+2 4.0 years agoUpvotes never had a value greater than yourself put in.
+2 4.2 years agoIt is not an indication for originality, nor skill, it just gives incentives to players to work on popular things.
I personally find the point system pointless (haha) and quite ugly because I hate social networks who use love/upvote for reasons I could talk about for long. ( for short it plays on self satisfaction, comparison with others players points, and shift a possible healthy competition from pure crafting skills to something more like "communication skill".)
On the other hand, for some players, community recognition is important and upvotes can give a feeling of this. Note that I regularly upvote crafts to encourage creations, so despite my criticism I'm not boycotting the system.
you can try something like this :
+2 4.5 years agocreate a variable called "myList", then
set list (myList) to [create list from (partID1, partID2, partID3, etc)]
for (i) from (1) to [ lenght of (mylist) by (1)]
set part [part ID of [item (i) in (myList)]] activated to (1)
With time, players do better and better submissions.
We see crafts with more details, more Vizzy automation.
It can explain why it may be more difficult than "before" to get upvotes :)
Do not give up if no upvotes are thrown to your face, take your time building nice crafts and, more importantly, have fun doing so ;) There is absolutely no shame not being upvoted.
+2 4.5 years agoingame craft editor :
click the "arrow leaving the box" in the menu, then fill title, description, photos, and click upload.
( then both mobile and computer users can download your craft )
+2 4.5 years agoAlso, welcome !
When (if) career mode comes, it would be nice :)
+2 4.5 years agoIn sandbox I don't really get the point of engines/systems failures.
You can totally do as Kero showed you.
There is a Vizzy block "activation group [number]".
with the blocks
while [ ]
,[ ]=[ ]
andactivation group [ ]
you can then write in Vizzy what he said.When Kero say
it meanswhile ( activation group [the Number You Want to bind] = true )
I may be wrong , but I think while this will work for deactivacting your orbit program with a key, you won't be able to activate it a second time unless you put this while loop inside an other loop. So maybe put the Kero loop inside an other loop to be able to activate your orbit program multiple times.
Probably it was obvious for Kero and that's why he didnt stated it, but it is also possible I am wrong when I say it will only work once.
edit : the action group is created when you use it in Vizzy this way, even if it don't show up on the action group list in flight. Do tests if you want to be sure.
+2 4.9 years agoHi FaridRjb :
* for choosing your engines type/fuel/settings, you can use the "performances" tools ingame. It show you the change in your dV, TWR, time of burn etc, when you changes the settings of your engines ingame. ( if you don't have a "performances" menu, maybe you need to install the "simple engineers" mod, I did not tried without. ) Wikipedia can be of use also, example
* For the automatic liftoff. If you need to get started with Vizzy, you can use this video, it is just an example I guess there is more videos on youtube. You can then experiment in your programs. If you are more of a math guy, this video have a lot of good informations. And, you can join the Simple Rocket Chat to ask specific questions on the Vizzy channel.
I hope you'll find what you are looking for, my advice is experiment and watch/read general rocketry videos/pages. Good luck and have fun :)
+2 4.9 years agoOn the building editor it is the last button, with an "eye".
+2 4.9 years agoRed is center of mass.
to be sure
If the image is on you computer, upload it somewhere ( imgur or discord or whatever ). Then, if Discord, you can "copy the image location" with right clic or long press if mobile. If imgur, they give you a link.
If the image is on a website : go on the website and do right clic -> copy image location ( or long press if mobile ). Depending on your browser, the sentence can be different, it can be something like "copy the image URL" or something like that. You can also "open the image in a new tab" and copy the URL in the adress bar if it is easier for you.
+2 4.9 years agoI hope you'll be able to add images to your posts
1- If you want the AI Chip to replace your starting command pod, select the command chip, then properties, "set as primary".
2- You can turn a baecon light On by :
+2 4.9 years ago2a- assigning an action group and using this action group. ( select beacon, property, then choose Activation group at the top )
2b- Or, using vizzy : set a name for your beacon, and use "set part [part ID of (partname)] activated to 1"
6.67384 can be rounded up to
Is the difference causing trouble in your program ?
Edit :according to wikipedia, the value is not known, and the precision of the measure increase with our "tools".
+2 4.9 years agoThe accepted value in 2010 was "6.67384E-11"m3⋅kg−1⋅s−2, exactly the one of the game.
I would try with Vizzy, if (AGx) then part[name of part].activated = false, else true. Maybe wont work, I did not tried.
+2 4.9 years agoHello CobraHuey, welcome to SR2 ! Being not a player of SimplePlanes, I don't know you, but I guess it is just a matter of time.
ps : I don't know if the Discords advertising are allowed here, so I don't post the invites, but there are multiples Discords for the game. Bye :)
Edit after Mod's comment : I would have linked yours and the one of KellAerospace, https://discord.gg/SzVNp9
+2 4.9 years ago( give a better chance to your suggestion by having only one suggestion by post : I suggest remove "guns, missiles and bombs", but of course you are free )
edit : did you used this link to post ?
+2 4.9 years agoThe url of this post does not contains "simplerockets.com/Feedback/View/" but "simplerockets.com/Forums/View/"
Thanks for the clarification. I wasnt aware of RSS for SR2, found the page and I'm eager to see the immending next release ! I m now hyped ^_^
+2 5.0 years agohttps://www.simplerockets.com/Mods/View/31653/sphere-mod was created by FoxtrotTheSergal about 1 year and a half, but a comment only 5 month old suggest it is still working, so you can maybe give a try.
+1 4.1 years agoI disagree. ( both are good games with pros and cons )
With time, the KSP players built a incredibly awesome mods list. Like Skyrim, relatively few players now play vanilla KSP in their everyday sessions. The fact that KSP was released years before SR2 means a lot of players will stick to KSP, when it is totally fine to play both (or even swicth main game to SR2 for whatever reasons).
If I understand well, structural integrity is based on parts in KSP, and in the whole craft in SR2, the later being less computing intensive. It means in SR2, by example, fuel tanks/wings won't break because of aerodynamic stress. (correct me if I'm wrong) It also means in SR2 the exploding part is always the one impacting the ground when in KSP it is not always. On the other hand, it means no "wobbly-wobbling" in SR2, and no kraken I'm aware of.
But it is true that with the upcoming career mode in SR2 the comparison between the games makes more and more sense. For me the definitive plus of SR2 is the procedural approach. While I use them, I find procedural mods in KSP quite resources hungry, and my PC is not that powerful.
I'm confident that SR2, being more in its "infancy", has quite a lot of surprises for us in the future :)
+1 4.2 years agoAlso you forgot one of the best accomplishment of SR2 : running on our phones.
I'm loving gauges, and bugfixes are always appreciated.
+1 4.2 years agoIt was a good year for the game, really went forward ( and the upcoming career mode just makes me happy ).
Thanking the team for its commitment.
Career ! Such good news !
+1 4.3 years agoCataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Dwarf Fortress, KSP, Stationeers, Children of a Dead Earth, Endless Space 2, Stormworks, Noita, Kenshi, Arma 3, Into the Breach, and 100 more I havent played these last weeks because my time distorsion machine is broken.
+1 4.3 years ago36 users by page, over 1200 pages -> at least 43 000 registered users on the website. Most of them should be inactive I think.
+1 4.4 years agoHello Strucker :)
The game totally worth the price, and much more.
Today video games are really cheap, with Price/Hour in head.
I bought it twice - PC, android
Vizzy is an incredibly entertaining tool. On the other hand, the game is also enjoyable without Vizzy. It don't "need" Vizzy to be fun, it is bonus.
The procedural philosophy of the game is not new for you, SimplePlane player ! ( while not active, I bough it years ago and loved it. It just missed... SPACE ).
Devs aren't joking, the project is ambitious. They do a really good job and I thanks them.
You'll say : KSP2 or SR2, I'll answer : both.
I'll bought KSP2 at the second it is available, yet it will ( I heard ) lack the procedural thing.
Both will coexist.
SR2 doesnt have ( yet? ) career mode. Main culprit for some players, not at all for the others.
Being a SP player, it may be not a problem for you.
SR2 is the heaven for creativity, and also for replicas.
Also, voting system for future features - while a bit flowed, it influence the game, for sure.
The game still being in his youth, you could cut a piece of cake of glory by uploading nice things if you are so inclined.
I suggest you try a few hours with a buddy of you, if possible, so you won't feel bad if it don't suit you.
+1 4.7 years agoI hope not to mislead you in your choice because I'm biased by the love I put in this game.
I always make errors, but maybe this snippet can give you the gravity acceleration according to your current position.
Sorry if there is an error, don't take it for true.
( Don't click if you are about to do it yourself )
(please @ me if there is an error)
+1 4.8 years agoYou can try putting the two motors on the same vertical axle, and not the inverted motor on top of the first motor.
At least I did this a few times, I'm not sure it will help for your design.
In the following image :
+1 4.8 years agopure art
Red is the vertical axis, static.
Blue is the motor 1. Attached to red.
Green is the inverted motor, attached to red.
A sandbox is a save, including all your flights in progress and custom lauching sites.
+1 4.9 years agoIf I'm wrong, please correct me.
I see an image ( a white rectangle ) for your profile image, looks like it finally worked ?
+1 4.9 years agoIn your profile page make sure "show gravatar" is ticked.
+1 4.9 years ago( also make sure you used the same email adress for gravatar and for this website )
Ok, thanks
+1 4.9 years agoWhen you says "ANY" build, what do you really mean please ? Like... any build with a docking port ? Or did you found a trick ? ( maybe everyone know there is a trick except me ? )
+1 4.9 years agoAlso, according to the DIscord SRC challenge channel, the current record for land speed is 2595m/s ^_^
+1 4.9 years agoSo we are quite off
Because I just tried and got 954m/s with a simple solid booster. Is this forbidden ?
I recorded in chase side view so we can see the wheels don't leave the ground until the end of the runway, at this moment the craft is going 954m/s.
Sorry if I broke a rule, you did not stated what they are.
Does the link works ?
+1 4.9 years agoWhat are the rules ?
+1 4.9 years agoHello Gestour ! Welcome :D
+1 4.9 years ago@Insanity Oh, sorry ^_^ I understood "systems" in the meaning "things that works together", but now that you said it must be "planetary systems" it become obvious.
+1 4.9 years agoIf I understood, you want to use the piston only with action groups. Pressing AG2 one time would extend the piston, pressing a second time retract it, and so on.
If it is what you want, so do this ( I tested it works ):
- Select your piston, click "properties", and in "piston input" ( you have "slider 2" ) , click "slider 2" and write
Command Pod.FlightProgram.PistonVar
- Enter vizzy and use this short snippet
- Now, pressing action group 2 will alternate between extended and retracted.
edit : Sflanker was faster than me ^_^ ( the solution seems different. His solution looks better because it don't need Vizzy. Do his solution. )
+1 4.9 years agoI can't tell you you "have to" change your RCS to regular ones, but you can try. I did a few test with the multi directional RCS and indeed they sometime had a strange behavior.
+1 4.9 years agoLet us know when you find a solution :)
There is multiples solutions.
Easiest should be downloading the Vizzy programs you can find somewhere on the forum.
To do manually here is a solution, it is not the only one, and not the optimal one :
- Try to match the target general orbit shape. Especially inclination.
- Try to have your orbit not too close, not too far, from the target orbit. ( if low Droo orbit, something between 10km/50km altitude difference should be OK, but that is just an example )
- When your craft are near, match the orbit more precisely.
- Then set a burn point at the closest approach to match orbit to your best.
- Immediatly after the burn, you should have low relative velocity
This is now final approach and docking.
- Activate RCS, set translation mode to ON, change camera to what you feel the best ( I suggest "chase camera", or a camera part if you put one ) Lock node to target.
- control your craft with keyboard ( ZQSD+AE or WASD+QE depending on your layout )
- When really near :
- Quicksave, if you consider it is not cheating. ( I don't think it is, but maybe you are an hardcore gamer ) select your target docking port and click "set as target".
- Continue control with the keyboard and dock slowly. You ll have to wait from 1 to several seconds for the docking procedure to complete when the ports are in contact.
If everything else, search the Internet for how it is done IRL, or continue asking here, someone smarter than me will answer.
Good luck :) !
+1 4.9 years agoHi, here is the guide.
+1 4.9 years agoI also had a comparable problem.
+1 4.9 years agoOn crafts with multiples commands pods/chip :
- If you have an "apollo style" lander upside down, make sure you "take control" of the good command chip/pod. If Vizzy is used, it can be a mess.
- I'm sure you already know this, but just in case : If your different commands pods should be oriented the same, adjust pilot orientation in the editor. ( for each command pod/chip : step1, step 2 )
- On stations, if you have multiples Vizzy script attempting to set the craft orientation, it can be a mess. If so, solution is carefully put stop condition or deactivation action groups. If not, maybe make sure you are controlling the correct command pod/chip.
- If nothing works, consider submitting a bug report or suggestion. (I'm sure the subject already has been evoked, but I did not found with a quick search. But this suggestion can be relevant if it is Vizzy that cause problem for you )
Please let me know if you find an other solution :)
Did a single test, with same results as yours.
+1 4.9 years agoThanks CaptainCaleb for your answer. Indeed, wind and stock cokpit instruments sounds good !
+1 4.9 years ago( Multiplayer also, but what about time compression ? )
What are the features of SP SR2 do not have ?
+1 4.9 years ago( except guns ?)
"Space dogfight" is an non-sense cliché that some movies keep alive, and it is a shame.
I recommend this website for a whole bunch of information about space fights. It is a big website and you will find a lot of considerations about space warfare, why space dog fight wont happen, and realistic war spaceships layouts.
For realistic space fights, there is an wonderful game called "Children of a dead Earth", I don't think it is in the scope of SR2 and I have no problem with that. You still can do custom missiles in SR2, if you are so inclined.
(nice craft btw !)
+1 4.9 years agoCould the "other user" try with lower settings ?
I just tested and it works :
image of test build
VIzzy snippet
When AG1 is off, red is off and green is on.
When AG1 is on, red is on and green is off.
Is repeatable because of the loop.
Is it the kind of result you were looking for ?
+1 4.9 years agojust put it on a loop
+1 4.9 years ago