Go to steam and go to the simple rockets tab in your library. Then click the setting gear icon. Then go to properties select betas and click the first box. Then select experimental and the close window and click update if it doesn’t start automatically. Note when it is done you will need to start new sandbox to see the new map.@Scatha
@Kishore115 if your on the iOS beta it will take a few days. If your on android beta all you need to do is update the app from the google play store. If you are not apart off the beta “don’t quote me on this” but it can take about 2-3 weeks for a public released or whenever the devs have worked there magic/witchcraft depending on your time period.
@Pedro is it possible type up a vizzy script and have it imported into the game. I want to see if I can get chat GPT to make my a auto launch and auto orbit program.
Dude am not even sure
The school gave us iPad Air’s and we had MacBook’s for intro to photoshop but for whatever reason the web-design class had this 2008 looking leveno laptops running windows 8💀 and we had to use notepad++ this killed coding for me. I do a lot of 3d modeling known @Pedro
@pedro to be honest I would still be playing the game now-mater what it’s called. The name is not the brand it is you and your team waking up everyday to to work on something that has never been done on this scale and that is what makes this game so enjoyable because we see your hard work and we appreciate it. Also side note I’ve done web design for a year back in school and although it is not exactly the same I known what it feels like to write a few lines of code and have it completely break the whole program or a part of it. The funny part was back in web design the the editor I was using at the time was notepad ++. The editor for some reason could not read files from outside the index folder so all my photos and some links broke and it took me a month to realize it.🤦♂️
@Tweedle_Aerospace I have the 2018 iPad Pro. There is full keyboard and mouse support I just wish it would work like how it does on my pc. The right click is for adjusting camera angle the middle mouse is for zoom the left click for rotating and when you put the curses over any block it has a outline around the border so you known what your selecting.
Yea the [simple way] will be to install a camera.
But if you want a more complex method you can Rig three robotic light switch to a controller and give each switch a number. Then go to the room and activate each activation group to see what’s connected to what.
Oh ok 😤. Wanna see something cool. I mad a Gravity ring. The weird thing is it start off out of sink and over time it’s sinks with a inner ring no vizzy code used.
Wow your right it does have one right in the vizzy menu were the save and other buttons are. @Natedog120705 it would be nice if it was on the button right thought. (For mobile players.)
Same also I was rapid editing and deleted half my program and couldn’t get it back because I never saved it. The funny part was when I clicked were the undo button is in the designer and realized it never had one for vizzy.@sflanker
Go to steam and go to the simple rockets tab in your library. Then click the setting gear icon. Then go to properties select betas and click the first box. Then select experimental and the close window and click update if it doesn’t start automatically. Note when it is done you will need to start new sandbox to see the new map.@Scatha
+2 4.1 years agoYea mobile beta will be released early next week @markSRGAMING
+1 4.1 years ago@Kishore115 if your on the iOS beta it will take a few days. If your on android beta all you need to do is update the app from the google play store. If you are not apart off the beta “don’t quote me on this” but it can take about 2-3 weeks for a public released or whenever the devs have worked there magic/witchcraft depending on your time period.
+1 5.1 years agoI signed up for beta testing on ios I also have a Samsung s8 to test the game on do I have to fill out another farm for android?
+1 5.6 years agoWill the wings ever go to SP? That game hasn’t got any love in a minute
1.5 years ago@Nico412 this guy is ready to crash in hD😭
1.6 years ago@Pedro is it possible type up a vizzy script and have it imported into the game. I want to see if I can get chat GPT to make my a auto launch and auto orbit program.
2.0 years agoDude am not even sure
2.6 years agoThe school gave us iPad Air’s and we had MacBook’s for intro to photoshop but for whatever reason the web-design class had this 2008 looking leveno laptops running windows 8💀 and we had to use notepad++ this killed coding for me. I do a lot of 3d modeling known @Pedro
@pedro to be honest I would still be playing the game now-mater what it’s called. The name is not the brand it is you and your team waking up everyday to to work on something that has never been done on this scale and that is what makes this game so enjoyable because we see your hard work and we appreciate it. Also side note I’ve done web design for a year back in school and although it is not exactly the same I known what it feels like to write a few lines of code and have it completely break the whole program or a part of it. The funny part was back in web design the the editor I was using at the time was notepad ++. The editor for some reason could not read files from outside the index folder so all my photos and some links broke and it took me a month to realize it.🤦♂️
2.6 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace I have the 2018 iPad Pro. There is full keyboard and mouse support I just wish it would work like how it does on my pc. The right click is for adjusting camera angle the middle mouse is for zoom the left click for rotating and when you put the curses over any block it has a outline around the border so you known what your selecting.
4.3 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace wow I just found out about the keyboard support😅. I wonder will they ever add mouse support.
4.3 years agoIs there a way to deselect parts on mobile? @pedro16797
4.4 years agoYea the [simple way] will be to install a camera.
4.6 years agoBut if you want a more complex method you can Rig three robotic light switch to a controller and give each switch a number. Then go to the room and activate each activation group to see what’s connected to what.
Oh ok 😤. Wanna see something cool. I mad a Gravity ring. The weird thing is it start off out of sink and over time it’s sinks with a inner ring no vizzy code used.
4.7 years agoCan you put all the modded parts in a empty build and upload it is possible to use modded part it’s just not possible to download mods.
4.7 years ago@14ROVI
I wanted to known was there some good modded crafts to test out @SupremeDorian
4.7 years agoDo anyone have some modded craft examples?
4.7 years ago@CPSU3417 how does it work and do you know if it works on mobile
4.8 years agoChallenge accepted . Also is this the idea updated version https://www.simplerockets.com/PlanetarySystems/View/xx9o65/ESS
4.9 years agoWow your right it does have one right in the vizzy menu were the save and other buttons are. @Natedog120705 it would be nice if it was on the button right thought. (For mobile players.)
4.9 years agohttps://www.simplerockets.com/Feedback/View/NZCV69/Undo-for-vizzy @sflanker
4.9 years agoSame also I was rapid editing and deleted half my program and couldn’t get it back because I never saved it. The funny part was when I clicked were the undo button is in the designer and realized it never had one for vizzy.@sflanker
4.9 years ago@AndrewGarrison
4.9 years agoCan someone explain how the broadcast block works?
5.2 years agoMaybe the atmosphere is space🤔@Common
5.3 years agoI have a iPad Pro it has has 4Gb of Ram it should run like butter or should I say delta v
5.6 years agoAll aboard the the hype train 😁
5.6 years ago