@Bmcclory Doesn't matter, but I'm highly suspicious that you can't make informative video out of raw footages. I'm more thinking of well-edited movie-like videos.
I suggested this a few weeks ago and Andrew was like "I don't usually refuse a suggestion because it's difficult to implement, but this is really really difficult that I can't make it."
All I can say is that stock docking port has very bad physics model for the docking purpose. You can also try this mod to figure out how much the docking maneuver would have been easier if they used proper physics.
All chips are running simultaneously, even after separation. Problem is there are some stupid bug currently that regardless of which chip makes the input command the commands are applied to the player's craft.
@Mod I don't ask for the fancy pants n-body sims or the fluid mechanics, because they're not simple. Newtonian Dynamics, however, is simple on it's full fledged form. The things we don't have I listed are all simple things. They're even already in-game, but not in the way we can easily check. That's why I say it's a matter of philosophy.
I guess the biggest downvotes of SR2 for majority of Space Sim Players (I mean, KSP folks) is it looks too simple. So I think put some lines like "Simply built Unlimited Expedition" or so.
There's no such a magic to make Lagrangian Points and yet make it simple. If you want it, you need a supercomputer and NASA level planning, or be really smart as KSP Prinkipia mod guys.
This is fairly complicated. You can play with them in Planet Studio to find out what they mean. I don't think anybody can explain what they're doing in the comment section clear enough.
You can use a variable to control the hinge rotator with some xml modding..
Set Variable yourVariableNameHere to someValue
and go to inputController of the part in the xml input=yourCommandPodNameHere.FlightProgram.yourVariableNameHere
Sorry but not funny
+6 5.1 years agoLol we don't even have ealrygame content yet
+6 6.1 years agoI'd rather wait for the passable docking port that your astronauts can actually pass through.
+4 5.0 years ago@Bmcclory Doesn't matter, but I'm highly suspicious that you can't make informative video out of raw footages. I'm more thinking of well-edited movie-like videos.
+4 6.0 years ago20% volume, same gravity and atmospheric pressure, 10% orbit scale. You can check solarsytem.xml to find it.
+4 6.1 years agoNot being able to lock the heading of non-controlled craft really pisses me off a lot tho
+3 5.0 years agoIt would be great if we can surface-attach things on the EVA chair to customize it.
+3 5.0 years ago@Loboindustries They're controllable, that's why they've worked on it. If you read the post, you'll know they're even get wire launchers.
+3 5.1 years agoI suggested this a few weeks ago and Andrew was like "I don't usually refuse a suggestion because it's difficult to implement, but this is really really difficult that I can't make it."
+3 6.1 years agoShouldn't rockets work underwater? There are rocket-torpedoes in real life and Sea Dragon was supposed to be launched submerged. @AndrewGarrison
+3 6.1 years agoAll I can say is that stock docking port has very bad physics model for the docking purpose. You can also try this mod to figure out how much the docking maneuver would have been easier if they used proper physics.
+2 4.6 years agoLaunch a craft, warp time forward to day, quit the flight with saving the progress.
+2 4.9 years ago@PorkyClown3 Since Titanium 50 alloy is not a thing ... I'll gonna take it as Beta Titanium Alloy used in SR-71 :P
+2 4.9 years agoAll chips are running simultaneously, even after separation. Problem is there are some stupid bug currently that regardless of which chip makes the input command the commands are applied to the player's craft.
+2 5.0 years ago...command chips hold some astronauts and I don't think this is good
+2 5.1 years ago@Mod I don't ask for the fancy pants n-body sims or the fluid mechanics, because they're not simple. Newtonian Dynamics, however, is simple on it's full fledged form. The things we don't have I listed are all simple things. They're even already in-game, but not in the way we can easily check. That's why I say it's a matter of philosophy.
+2 5.1 years agomaybe you can code it yourself and make a mod out of it and be called a hero.
+2 5.1 years agoI wanna bomb your office with a massive pizza delivery, Well done!
+2 5.6 years agofun fact: ALL planets in SR2 are already procedurally generated.
+2 5.7 years agoI'm asking for months to have RCS size RCS functioning engines
+2 5.8 years agoWe have NTR, so the logical step is we having Nuke Reactor.
+2 5.9 years ago@MarioG I usually upload WIP crafts unlisted and re-upload it to public after beta testing with my fellas
+2 5.9 years agocAn i dO tHIs cHaLlEngE iN rEAl SOlAr sYStEM?
+2 5.9 years agoYou can find ReaSolarSystem here.
+2 5.9 years ago@mjdfx150529 Haven't you heard of Digital Weathering, due to some digital ultraviolet rays
+2 6.0 years agoWoooo!
+2 6.1 years ago@pedro16797 I raised some funds to afford them after your extraordinary call :P
+2 6.2 years agoI'll list this to my RSS rockets list, you can link the post if you want :)
+2 6.2 years agoI guess the biggest downvotes of SR2 for majority of Space Sim Players (I mean, KSP folks) is it looks too simple. So I think put some lines like "Simply built Unlimited Expedition" or so.
+2 6.2 years agoTrue but was not pointless. If a pencil break in micro gee it can cause a problem.
+2 6.3 years ago@Bmcclory Yup. You can either delete or add planets.
+2 6.3 years agoThere's no such a magic to make Lagrangian Points and yet make it simple. If you want it, you need a supercomputer and NASA level planning, or be really smart as KSP Prinkipia mod guys.
+2 6.3 years agoDid you use 2 opposing shocks to get linear motion resistance?
+1 4.6 years agoIs done
+1 4.7 years agoThis is fairly complicated. You can play with them in Planet Studio to find out what they mean. I don't think anybody can explain what they're doing in the comment section clear enough.
+1 4.9 years ago@IanTheCuberGamer Remove hinge rotator.
+1 4.9 years agohttps://www.simplerockets.com/c/EOCkf0/2-Axis-Solar-Panel
+1 4.9 years agoCan you work with me to make this real?
+1 4.9 years ago@KraZIvan cool!
+1 4.9 years agoselect your command pod in the designer
+1 4.9 years agoI like the idea. However you should post it in "Feedback" forum to make Devs work on it.
+1 5.0 years agoFixed da image
+1 5.0 years ago@KraZIvan Currently working on how-to-add-fuel-quantity-slider :p
+1 5.0 years agoTIME TO MOD IT
+1 5.0 years ago@KraZIvan Srue, they're fuel tanks lol
+1 5.0 years agoLists are very useful in programming. It's basically a list of values.
+1 5.0 years agoGood Solution: Jundroo adds the
+1 5.0 years agoset roll to 'x'
blockDifficult Solution: Use PID controller to maintain desired roll
You can use a variable to control the hinge rotator with some xml modding..
Set Variable
+1 5.0 years agoyourVariableNameHere
and go to inputController of the part in the xml
Press P
+1 5.0 years ago
+1 5.0 years agoAdded button in Advanced Part Properties to change the command pod that controls a part.