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    i agree

    2.2 years ago
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    turn off steam trails

    don't go too fast in a dense atmosphere

    i haven't played sr2 in awhile

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    uh thanks

    2.2 years ago
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    why i'm 13 already

    2.2 years ago
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    lower the graphics to prevent crashing

    also it doesn't save automatically

    +2 2.3 years ago
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    @LeMagicBaguette @jrzspace

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    the atmospheric density may be too high, the craft may be going too slow and you will need to use your engines for the rest of the descent

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    it depends on the mission, but i usually use patroit

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    i think i figured out a program

    while true
    wait 0
    set Throttle to input Translate forward

    if this does not work then the answer is no

    2.3 years ago
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    i never tried simpleplanes, but you need to click the RCS and open the properties thing, it should be on the bottom

    2.3 years ago
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    i don't know if you can do that with vizzy, but try changing the input on the RCS

    2.3 years ago
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    using more boosters makes you go faster, but going too fast in the atmosphere (1 km/s) will leave your rocket burned alive

    the smaller the rocket, the faster it goes

    keep in mind that you will likely need to use gravity assists, so a lot of extra fuel is not necessary, unless you plan on coming back to droo

    2.3 years ago
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    there is an engine that uses monopropellant as fuel, i think it's called the spirit engine

    2.3 years ago
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    that's probably why -_-

    2.3 years ago
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    i never noticed that, are you using mobile?

    2.3 years ago
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    craft names can sometimes get jostled with numbers so you can differentiate the debris and the ships, i forgot to add a variable, here is the renovated code:

    if (activation group number) then
    set variable (create a variable in the variable tab) to user input ()
    switch to craft (craft ID of (insert your craft name variable)

    hopefully, when you activate your chosen activation group, the program will request you to insert the name of the craft you want to control, and, if the name is a valid craft, then it will control the other craft

    2.3 years ago
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    they delayed the release date and it makes me very sad ;-;

    +2 2.3 years ago
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    that’s very strange, this is a bug, unless you want to take an image from your computer instead of from simplerockets 2

    2.3 years ago
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    if (activation group number) then
    switch to craft (craft ID of (name of the craft to switch to)

    2.3 years ago
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    i can’t wait any longer!!!

    +2 2.3 years ago
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    it’s text formatting

    it requires you to have 100 points, to prevent people from spamming inappropriate content by creating alts

    put * at both sides of the word to make italics, ** to make bold text, and *** to make bold and italic text

    put ` at both ends of the word to make it green

    use 3 underscores _ to make an esthetic line to separate paragraphs

    you can also use > to make a blue line on the left side of the paragraph

    2.3 years ago
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    the photo isn't rendering on my side

    2.3 years ago
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    please pin @Zenithspeed’s coment it is very helpful for me too

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    this requires the tinker panel to avoid

    set collision response to none, and that should prevent it from exploding

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    what is the interstellar hopper?

    2.3 years ago
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    vsauce is a yt channel about advanced science things

    2.3 years ago
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    lights are also an option

    2.3 years ago
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    features include:
    - extremely creative rocket building
    - planet creator and star system creator
    - aerodynamics and hydrodynamics
    - share your planets, star systems, and rockets, with the community

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    what is so concerning?

    2.3 years ago
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    making a boat does not require the tinker panel, but in advanced settings, you can increase the part buoyancy

    making a rocket is kinda easy, at least for me. adding more engines allows more thrust and slightly more efficiency, and making the rocket smaller also makes it go faster, but a shorter distance depending on the gravity

    2.3 years ago
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    the map size is practically infinite, in PC comprehension

    what you’re talking about is the hill sphere radius (SOI radius) of the sun (by default it is juno), increasing that will also increase the semi major axis limit of other planets

    another option is shrinking the planets and stars to a few kilometers, which could lead to a massive amount of space, maybe enough to make multiple galaxies

    that’s how i made my microverse

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    try using springs that are incased inside a fairing (optional, fairing for aesthetic and aerodynamic reasons) that cannot stage, and make the spring width maximum, and attach a fuel tank (or strut) to the spring and add a landing foot at the end of it

    +2 2.3 years ago
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    have you tried using symmetry? symmetry only works if you put the command pod/chip on the rocket, and trying to imitate symmetry manually is very difficult, if you want the boosters to thrust correctly that is

    2.3 years ago
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    make sure to add wait 0 just after while true, otherwise the game might crash because it’s doing things too fast

    2.3 years ago
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    next what?
    btw this sounds like a subject to talk about on vsauce XD

    2.3 years ago
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    ty for the input!

    2.3 years ago
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    faster to type

    2.3 years ago
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    which one is miros

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    2.3 years ago
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    me too lol

    2.3 years ago
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    have you watched for all mankind?

    2.3 years ago
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    either the craft is too light, the atmosphere is too dense, or the craft is going too slow

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    omg i love that show and the planets i can't wait to see it!!!

    2.3 years ago
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    what are turboprops

    2.3 years ago
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    i think you can do that by manipulating the water in specific biomes, in the biomes tab

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    don’t reinstall!!!

    you don’t have a waves option because they’re only compatible with a computer

    2.3 years ago
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    +1 2.3 years ago
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    use only solid boosters to get to at least orbit (if not then land on luna)

    2.3 years ago
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    set the noise type to perlin fractal, and i can tell you what the settings do:

    Strength - increases the height/opacity of the noise

    Frequency - increases the density of the noise

    Octaves - increases the detail of the noise, higher octaves means more computing power

    Lacunarity - similar to frequency

    Gain - similar to strength

    if you want things like canyons, or mountain ranges, you can change the Fractal Type of the noise. if you chose something with the new setting Power, the power increases the width of the the valley, not changing it’s depth

    FBM Power - very smooth valleys

    Billow Power - defined valleys

    Rigid very sharp valleys, and if you change the interpolation a bit (there’s only 3 interpolation modes), you can probably get dune-like forms

    +6 2.3 years ago