Public service announcement: technically sharing that you are running an illegal copy of the game is not a violation of this sites TOS. However pirating any software is a dishonest and ethically dubious thing to do. Sites like the one @ABOUSRWAL mentioned are breaking the law in many countries. Additionally if you download software from illegitimate sources like that you are putting yourself at risk of installing malware. Lastly if you are running an illegal copy of the game you aren't going to get updates, and if you have technical issue with the old illegal version they will not be addressed by the developers.
Don't be like ABOUSRWAL. Don't put your devices at risk. Be a good person and honest person and support small independent developers like Jundroo by obtaining your games from legitimate sources.
I think the answer to this is yes. There are hints at career/campaign mode in the game (like tracking the cost of rockets), and right in the description on Steam you've got: "We're bringing it to Early Access while we work on a Planet Builder, Campaign Mode, and other key features." Speaking of which, I don't know about the verbiage on other app stores, but I wouldn't say SimpleRockets 2 has been released for 2 years, it was in beta for some of that time, and even now it is "Early Access." The version number is still 0.9xxx, when that rolls over to 1.0 the game should be considered "released." Sorry if I sound defensive, I just think this game is amazing and super fun as it exists today. In my mind the "goals" are: learn about the physics of rockets, aerodynamic flight, and orbital mechanics/maneuvers; recreate historic, current, and future vehicles and missions from real world spaceflight; create complex and ingenious automation for craft maneuvers and functionality; build amazing, intricate, and beautiful vehicles (space worthy or planet bound) that are either strikingly true to their real life inspirations, or stunningly creative and fanciful.
That said, will campaign mode be a welcome addition, absolutely.
Docking is indeed pretty difficult in SR2. I think the main improvements we can hope for in future updates are 1) improved magnetic attraction physics that makes it more likely docking will be successful, and 2) adjustable tolerance settings for the Docking Port part. As it is though, with proper technique and well a designed craft you should be able to dock with a high rate of success. Here are a few tips:
Make sure your craft is maneuverable (RCS properly oriented around the center of mass).
Make sure RCS and Gyro power is appropriate for your mass (too much and it will be too twitchy, to little and it will be sluggish).
Slow is Pro! Don't move two quickly as you approach the target craft, if you bump into it and send it spinning this will not go well.
Utilize Quick Save so you get try again if things go sideways.
Use Chase View so that RCS translation controls behave predictably.
Utilize heading lock (including lock to target) and target relative velocity indicator (note, it may be advisable to avoid locked heading at the last moment so that the attractor can align your craft).
Lastly, if you are using PC, I will shameless like plug my Docking HUD Mod.
“Never depend on the admiration of others. There is no strength in it. Personal merit cannot be derived from an external source. It is not to be found in your personal associations, nor can it be found in the regard of other people. It is a fact of life that other people, even people who love you, will not necessarily agree with your ideas, understand you, or share your enthusiasms. Grow up! Who cares what other people think about you!”
― Epictetus
Interesting idea. Things that could be nerfed to entice people to get the full version:
One sandbox only
Default solar system only
Saved craft limit
Crafts in flight limit
No upload/share capability
No mods
I think letting people try before they buy makes a lot of sense since it is a bummer to spend money on a game only to find out that your system or device can't really handle it.
That said, this would take some development resources, so until we get to full functionality (planet studio and campaign mode), I think this should be back burner.
@pianoplanepianorocket DrexxVolv is correct, this account was banned because it was being used by a child under the minimum age required by law in some countries (including the United States apparently).
To better understand the legal liability that this site, and other online services, face when it comes to accounts created or accessed by children you can view the FTC's COPPA Frequently Asked Questions:
The Rule also applies to operators of general audience websites or online services with actual knowledge that they are collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from children under 13, and to websites or online services that have actual knowledge that they are collecting personal information directly from users of another website or online service directed to children. Operators covered by the Rule must:
Post a clear and comprehensive online privacy policy describing their information practices for personal information collected online from children;
Provide direct notice to parents and obtain verifiable parental consent, with limited exceptions, before collecting personal information online from children;
Give parents the choice of consenting to the operator’s collection and internal use of a child’s information, but prohibiting the operator from disclosing that information to third parties (unless disclosure is integral to the site or service, in which case, this must be made clear to parents);
Provide parents access to their child's personal information to review and/or have the information deleted;
Give parents the opportunity to prevent further use or online collection of a child's personal information;
Unfortunately these guidelines make it basically impossible to create a website that is legally accessible to children under 13 because it would require positively identifying their parents, obtaining the required consent, and providing the required access control. Given that all most websites like this one know about their users is an email address, positively identifying parents is a completely unrealistic requirement. Also note that part 2 of "The Rule" literally creates a Catch 22: how can you identify a minor's parents prior to collecting any personal information from them. If you are an adult and think this results in an unfair limitation of children's access to social and educational websites like this one, then I suggest you 1) contact your U.S. representatives and tell them to reform COPPA to place responsibility for controlling children's access on parents not on service providers, and 2) vote Libertarian in the next election.
These views are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of other moderators or Jundroo.
This is a great question, and I wonder if the creators of Enhanced Solar System (@JastroOne1 and @pedro16797 I think) might be willing to to share some of their knowledge with the community (or if they can point to something they're using for documentation). Although I know they're probably super busy working the next version of ESS.
ESS 2.0 is not really a Mod per se. It is a custom SolarSystem.xml file which lists planetary bodies, there orbital and physical properties, and a set of procedural generators and transforms used to produce their terrain (elevation, color, and texture). However, what exactly all of these procedural generators and transforms do is a mystery to me. As far as I can tell there is no way to make deliberate adjustments to the elevation or biome map for a planet (i.e. the exact shape and placement of land masses or geographic features). However, with almost 4.3 billion random seeds to pick from, you could just keep trying until you get terrain that looks the way you want (given the right set of modifiers layered on of course).
From a SolarSystem.xml file SimpleRockets2 will automatically generate texture bitmaps and normal maps (which is a way of measuring the angle of a surface in order to give a surface the appearance of depth/texture when it is lit from the side). You can theoretically modify these bitmaps, however this only affects how your planet looks in map view!
SolarSystem.xml is located in your app data folder (~/Library/Application Support/com.jundroo.SimpleRockets2 on mac), in the UserData/SolarSystems/[YourSolarSystemName] folder.
Solar system textures are located in GameData/SolarSystems/[YourSolarSystemName] folder.
You can make a copy of the current solar system for a sandbox with the CloneSolarSystem [NewSolarSystemName] command in the dev console.
tldr; for a stable circular orbit v = √( μ / r ) where μ = G * M where G is the universal gravitational constant (6.67384e-11), M is the mass of the planet (2.38e23 kg for Droo) and r is the orbital radius (planetary sea level radius + altitude above sea level).
Presumably you mean Cylero. Assuming you've got the basics down (building rockets, launching, and performing orbital maneuvers) there are a couple of good tutorial videos out there for performing basic interplanetary transfers. This one is specific to SimpleRockets 2 and going from Droo to Cylero. It's a little muddled but it demonstrates the concept. Then there's this video from none other than Scott Manly that does a great job explaining the fundamentals, so I highly recommend it even though it's a tutorial for Kerbal Space Program.
As far as where to start, here is the short version of the steps involved:
Build a rocket with at least 10.5 km/s Delta V (more if you want to land on Cylero, way more if you want to come home again).
Get into a circular "parking orbit" around Droo (~100km altitude is good).
Wait until a line from Cylero to Juno (the sun) to Droo makes a ~45 degree angle, and Droo is behind Cylero in its orbit (see Hohmann Transfer).
Create a burn node ~10 degrees into the dark side of Droo, and increase the prograde Delta-V until it is enough to escape Droo and gets you on an elliptical orbit that reaches Cylero's orbit (If you can get an encounter, meaning the closest approach indicator turns green, thats great, if not you can correct later). Execute that burn.
Wait until you are out of Droo's sphere of influence.
Find your ascending node, create a burn node at that point and adjust your inclination until you will be at the same elevation as Cylero when your orbit's cross.
If you don't yet have a rendezvous, tweak the burn using all three axises until you do (this is an art, or a lot of math, I cannot dictate simple steps).
Ideally, your rendezvous gives you a parabolic orbit with a low periapsis.
Wait until you are in Cylero's SOI.
Create a burn node at your periapsis, and add Delta-V retrograde until you get an orbit you're happy with. Execute that burn.
If you watch the videos and still need help given that, you'll need to be a little more specific about which steps you need help with.
PCI stands for Planet Centered Inertial, and it is the similar/equivalent for Earth Centered Inertial except that it is based on the planet whose sphere of influence your craft is currently in rather than Earth specifically. The key concept of a Planet Centered Inertial coordinate system is that while it remains centered on the planet as the planet moves through space, it does not change orientation with respect to "fixed" points in space (i.e. distant stars). So as the planet rotates and moves in its orbit the unit vector (1, 0, 0) will always be pointed off in the same direction with respect to the rest of the universe. Because there is no axial tilt, and the Y axis represents up and down relative to the "celestial plane", (0, 1, 0) always points towards the north pole. You can observe the behavior of PCI coordinates by watching the position change as a craft moves in orbit. If the orbit as 0 degrees of inclination X and Z will continually change, but Y will remain basically constant. Using latitude and longitude can be easier to think about when moving relative to the surface of the planet, however, working with lat/long as a coordinate system is challenging mathematically because it is not a cartesian system (i.e. mapped to a flat plane), it is a spherical system, so the vector math doesn't work the same (see spherical coordinate system).
You can do this using two parachutes with different sizes and a bit of Vizzy. This is why the procedural aspect of SimpleRockets 2 is so great. You don't have to wait fro the developers to give you the thing you want, you can just make it.
The switch to craft [0] instruction will change which craft the player is actively controlling. To use this you must specify the numeric id of the craft. if you know the name of the craft you can get the id from that (so for example if the craft is targeted, you get get its name then its id). You can also list all of the crafts around the planet if you want to try and identify it based on distance for example. Vizzy++ has an expression to get the ID of the target craft so you can skip the name->id conversion.
@hendore Here's a list of some great (IMHO) mods. (Disclaimer several of these are mods I developed or worked on)
Overload - Tool for editing hidden properties of parts and part modifiers that would otherwise require manually editing XML files.
Realistic Engine Overhaul - More fuel types and power cycle options and more realistic thrust and fuel efficiency (a must for using realistically scaled solar systems).
Real Fuel Tanks - Fuel tanks with more realistic capacity/size ratios.
Designer Tools - This is new and still a bit buggy but it adds some key features to the designer such as adding 2d images to act as guides, and an orthographic camera mode.
Real Magnets - A part mod that introduces an electro magnet. This can be used in place of docking ports and has a much better physics model.
Crew Dragon HUD - Adds a Heads Up Display like you get in the SpaceX Crew Dragon simulator to make docking easier (and adds some 3d guides).
SR2LoggerPlus - Output data using log messages and/or variables to either a file or an external program (via UDP socket).
Vizzy++ - Some additional expressions and instructions for Vizzy that either make things easier, or give you access to game internals not otherwise exposed (like detailed orbital elements).
VizzyGL - Vizzy instructions to draw 3d graphics in the flight and map view (non-physical, non-colliding, objects).
I mostly use PC/Mac and definitely prefer it to mobile. Being able to use mods makes a huge difference in what is possible, and as more mods are developed this gap will grow. I also personally prefer the mouse/keyboard UI for the designer and vizzy editor. Manually flying a craft is actually a nice experience on mobile because you have the joystick mode, but on PC you can use a real joystick/game controller. With good hardware you can also get a better graphics experience on PC/Mac. Whenever i see a super low resolution non-anti-aliased screenshot from a mobile device I cannot help but cringe.
You can achieve this by setting the Input property of your piston to the numeric value 1.0, the Activation Group property to your desired AG, and enabling the "Zero On Deactivate" property. All under the Piston Input section of the part properties.
If you don't see some of these properties you need to do the following: In the part settings for your piston, enable "Show Hidden Properties" in the Tinker Panel, you will then see a number of new options under the Piston Input section.
As far as I'm aware this isn't possible right now. You can only target crafts or planets with Vizzy, and this is done by name (and it would appear that if there are multiple craft with the same name in flight only the oldest one is targetable with Vizzy). This area is ripe for suggestions, such as the ability to list all craft in flight, have a way to refer to each craft in flight by some unique id, have a way to get information about another craft in flight without actually targeting it, and as you are trying to do, target a specific part by craft id + part number or part name.
Did you know SimpleRockets2 is available free for education? Have you considered talking to a teacher or librarian about creating a program to teach people trigonometry or physics or computer programming using SimpleRockets 2?
Ok, I've been working on coming up with a list of things that do and don't work (in Vizzy programs running on crafts not currently controlled by the player). Not yet complete but here you go:
Setting Activation Groups
Reading the status of activation groups
Setting Inputs (Throttle/Slider)
Reading Inputs
Reading changes in orientation (measured by converting fixed PCI to local)
Does Not Work
Locking Heading (Current, Prograde, Target, etc)
Having a Target (and by extension getting Target information like position vector)
Setting Heading/Pitch in Degrees (because you can't Lock Heading)
Reading Current AGL (reports AGL at the last time the craft was in player control)
Obviously there are more things to test, I will update later if I come up with more. UPDATE: for additional information see this post.
No hard feelings toward anybody who as made such posts. We didn’t have any guidance before now and earlier on the posts were infrequent and amusing. We’ve just gotten to a point where it’s time we outgrew these.
Transferring fuel is very simple: select the tank you want to fill, and in the part inspector panel select the "Fill" icon (it looks like a can with a fuel drop falling into it), then select the tank you want to drain and select the "Drain" icon (it looks like a can being tipped and fuel flowing out of it). Fuel will transfer so long as the two tanks are part of the same craft (including across interstages and docking ports) without any fuel line enabled parts necessary. This works for batteries just like other fuel types. Energy transfers at a rate of one Megajoule per second, which may seem slow, but since Joules are Watt Seconds that means that it is transferring at a whopping million watts (which is 300x the continuous discharge rate of the Tesla Powerwall as a point of reference). For a little added realism SR2 should have the temperature of batteries increase as they discharge energy.
No, there are no Lagrange points in SR2. This is because SR2 uses the patched conics model and only takes into account the gravitational influence of a single parent body at a time. Lagrange points depend on N-body physics (or at least 3-body physics) because they are only possible when the gravitational influence of two bodies work together on a third body. For example an object at the Earth L1 Lagrange point (the one between Earth and the sun), if it were traveling parallel to the earth (as an object in the L1 Lagrange point would be), and it were only being influenced by the gravity of the sun, it would have to orbit the sun faster than the Earth in order to be in a relatively circular orbit, and thus it would quickly move out of that point in between the sun and the Earth. It is only because the gravitational influence of the Earth cancelling out some portion of that of the sun's that causes the object to be able to stay in that point.
This has already been resolved. For the record: Harassing other players is not ok. Posting sexually suggestive content is not ok. Disregarding moderator warnings is not ok. Creating alternate accounts in response to a temporary or permanent bans is not ok. The duration of the ban was not meant as to be spiteful, that's just the duration of a "permanent" ban.
Be kind. Have fun. Make rockets (and planes and satellites and rovers and boats).
You cannot change the value of the Slider 1 or Slider 2 inputs using an activation group without using Vizzy. If you want to use Vizzy you just have to wait until the activation group expression returns true, and then set the desired slider input. However, if you don't want to use Vizzy, there are ways to use activation groups to articulate moving parts. The easies thing to do is to set the Input value for your input controller to fixed number between -1 and 1, and then set the part's activation group to the one you want to use. If you enable hidden properties in the tinker panel you can also toggle whether the part goes back to its default position when the AG is deactivated or not. There's lots more fancy stuff you can do with input controllers, so in reality you probably won't need Vizzy.
They both have support for mods on PC. But I presume from your question that you are on mobile, probably android. IOS prohibits mods because the nanny state that is Apple has to review every line of code that runs on their platform. Android has recently made some technical changes that have stopped Unity mods built with mono from working, so mods won't be available for Android at least until Unity/mono resolve this issue. In other words this is completely out of the developers, and modders, hands.
I'm not a SimplePlanes player but my understanding is that it used to support mods on Android before that platform underwent the technical change that broke mods. I also understand that SP has a few very popular mods built in. This is possible even on mobile because the mod code is included as part of the game when it is initially compiled. Normal mods are dynamically loaded at runtime which is where the technical and app store policy problems arise. Theoretically SR2 could do something like this in the future, but given there's still a lot of features to work on I suggest we have patience.
Different parts should have different reliability scores. Reliability might be based on shape (like in the case of wings), the mass of things attached to them (like hinges), or their parameters (like engines with different fuel types/pressures/etc). A part should have a probability of failure curve that increases over time used/activated (for things like wings this would only count time in atmosphere, for engines it would only count time where the engines were firing). Parts could have penalties for cycling (i.e. slamming the throttle up and down over and over again should wear an engine out more quickly). At any point an active part could randomly fail (low probability early on, more probably as time and penalties increase). Parts should have different possible failure modes: becomes non responsive (i.e. an activatable part stops functioning), structural failure (one ore more of its part connections disconnects), or explosion (limited to fuel tanks and engines). Assuming there is some legitimate reusability component of career mode, crafts being reused should carry forward their time/use penalty unless money is spent to "refurbish" the craft thereby resetting the reliability scores. Assuming there is some sort of tech tree component to career mode, players should be able to spend R&D dollars to increase the base reliability of different parts.
This would encourage players to build redundant systems, have launch abort/escape systems, minimize stress/heat damage to parts, and avoid excessive throttle adjustment.
So long as you are close enough to the surface you can determine the elevation of points on the surface by getting the getting the lat/long/AGL of a given point, dropping the AGL component to zero, and converting back to PCI. The difference between the magnitude of that vector and the mean sea level is the elevation of the surface at that point (not sure if this works for terrain below sea level). Here is a fighter jet that calculated the slope of the terrain directly below it.
Using 1 or 1.0 as the "Input" property makes the input value a fixed number instead of reading the current value of a slider, attribute, or variable. If you used 0.5 the piston would be half extended any time it was activated.
Well, current stage fuel should never be less than 0. I would change that condition to <= 0. That said it's hard to say for sure without seeing your code. You could share a link to an unlisted craft post.
@SupremeDorian I think they're both spam, but I'm less concerned with the forum posts, and if you and the other moderators are ok with this type of post then 🤷♂️
@Arstotzka @JSO18 Sorry for failing to follow up on your earlier thread. Pitch is based on the vector to the planet, so locking to a pitch of 90 will also point toward the planet not perpendicular to the velocity vector. What you really want here is to take the cross product of the velocity vector and the orbit normal. The cross product of two vectors is a third vector that is perpendicular two the two inputs, and which direction it points (in this case either toward the center of the orbit or away from the center of the orbit). The trick is getting the orbit normal. For orbits with an inclination near zero it is really easy: (0, 1, 0), which means the expression you need is lock heading on vector [ [ velocity |Orbit| ] |cross| [ (0, 1, 0) ] ]. However if you want this to work for inclined orbits as well you will need to rotate (0, 1, 0) around your ascending node by your inclination, and you can get your ascending node by rotating (1, 0, 0) around (0, 1, 0) by your Right Ascension. I'm sorry to say that Right Ascension isn't an orbital parameter that you can get trivially! You instead have to compute it from your Position and Velocity vectors (also called Cartesian State Vectors). One option to simplify this would be to use Vizzy++ which has an expression for getting a craft or planet's Orbit Normal, but if you cannot use mods then you could take a look at this craft which has a flight program with custom expressions to calculate these things.
There are several ways, but if you are doing this for display purposes then the best way is to use the format expression. The format expression takes a variable number of arguments. The first argument is a composite format string (with a few limitations). The remaining arguments are parameters that will be interpolated into that format string. You can follow the link for details, but a quick TLDR: composite format strings are strings that contain place holders for values to be inserted a place holder consists of an open curly brace, a number which is the index of the value to insert, an optional format specified, and a closing curly brace. A format specifier starts with a colon which may either be followed by a letter indicating a special type of format (sometimes followed by a numeric parameter), or a custom numeric format string. Some common special format types are n which is a number with thousands separators, f which is a number without thousands separators, and e which is for scientific notations. All of these can be followed by a number specifying the number of decimal places (i.e. f2 is a number without thousands separators and with two decimal places). Custom numeric format strings generally take the form #,##0.00 or 0000.0 where # is a place holder for a digit if need and 0 is a place holder for a digit which will be present whether needed or not (i.e. it pads small numbers with leading zeros).
To sum up: format [Example: {0:n2} {1}] [1234.5678] [meters] will return "Example: 1,234.57 meters"
@DUNIAN Yup, that's the way to do it with Vizzy. I would suggest using a while loop with no condition instead of the repeat loop which will only work a finite number of times. Also you can simplify your code using the "Zero on Deactivate" property in the Piston Input part properties settings (you have to enable "Show Hidden Properties" option in the tinker panel in order to see this).
Vizzy is a visual programming system similar to Scratch that allows you to program your craft. You can do all sorts of things with Vizzy, making your craft move, displaying information, making aspects of your craft automatic, manipulating the camera, and much more. If you'd like to learn more I would highly recommend that you watch these videos.
@theUSSR There is nothing in the rules about not posting links to Discord servers or YouTube channels. So long as the it is relevant to SimpleRockets 2 this kind of content is a benefit to the community. I'm sorry if there was a misunderstanding previously, but no post should have been removed solely because of a Discord/YouTube link (perhaps there was some other issue).
If by "follow a node" you mean automatically perform a burn for a maneuver node, you will want to lock the node by clicking the lock icon on map view panel, and enable auto-burn by clicking the funny icon that looks sort of like a flame coming out of a rocket nozzle. I've run into glitches where auto-burn fails, but I don't have consistent steps that reproduce this.
You can't share bare naked flight programs. The best way is to put the flight program into a command pod and share the craft. Just make sure you include a description of the flight program so people know what the heck you are sharing. use the same system as for craft points. Details here. You get points for upvotes to forum posts and videos as well.
I don't understand the issue you are describing. Is it specific parts that you find to be off in terms of there mass? Note: fuel tank dimensions are displayed as their radius when using the resize handles in the designer, not diameter (so if you are trying to make a scale version of something, make sure you size your tanks according to radius, or one half of the diameter).
Personally I think one of the virtues of SimpleRockets 2 is that it is absent "fluff" like background graphics akin to KSP's vehicle assembly building. To me such graphics are just a distraction and hinderance when you are working on a build. If this did get added I would hope for it to be possible to disable it. In any case I think there are more significant things to work on than this.
Public service announcement: technically sharing that you are running an illegal copy of the game is not a violation of this sites TOS. However pirating any software is a dishonest and ethically dubious thing to do. Sites like the one @ABOUSRWAL mentioned are breaking the law in many countries. Additionally if you download software from illegitimate sources like that you are putting yourself at risk of installing malware. Lastly if you are running an illegal copy of the game you aren't going to get updates, and if you have technical issue with the old illegal version they will not be addressed by the developers.
Don't be like ABOUSRWAL. Don't put your devices at risk. Be a good person and honest person and support small independent developers like Jundroo by obtaining your games from legitimate sources.
+15 4.4 years agoI think the answer to this is yes. There are hints at career/campaign mode in the game (like tracking the cost of rockets), and right in the description on Steam you've got: "We're bringing it to Early Access while we work on a Planet Builder, Campaign Mode, and other key features." Speaking of which, I don't know about the verbiage on other app stores, but I wouldn't say SimpleRockets 2 has been released for 2 years, it was in beta for some of that time, and even now it is "Early Access." The version number is still 0.9xxx, when that rolls over to 1.0 the game should be considered "released." Sorry if I sound defensive, I just think this game is amazing and super fun as it exists today. In my mind the "goals" are: learn about the physics of rockets, aerodynamic flight, and orbital mechanics/maneuvers; recreate historic, current, and future vehicles and missions from real world spaceflight; create complex and ingenious automation for craft maneuvers and functionality; build amazing, intricate, and beautiful vehicles (space worthy or planet bound) that are either strikingly true to their real life inspirations, or stunningly creative and fanciful.
That said, will campaign mode be a welcome addition, absolutely.
+12 4.9 years agoDocking is indeed pretty difficult in SR2. I think the main improvements we can hope for in future updates are 1) improved magnetic attraction physics that makes it more likely docking will be successful, and 2) adjustable tolerance settings for the Docking Port part. As it is though, with proper technique and well a designed craft you should be able to dock with a high rate of success. Here are a few tips:
Lastly, if you are using PC, I will shameless like plug my Docking HUD Mod.
+9 4.7 years agoThanks everyone. I'm excited to be able to help out here on the website.
+9 4.7 years agoIndeed, this is SimpleRockets not SimpleDrama.
+8 4.5 years ago
Interesting idea. Things that could be nerfed to entice people to get the full version:
I think letting people try before they buy makes a lot of sense since it is a bummer to spend money on a game only to find out that your system or device can't really handle it.
That said, this would take some development resources, so until we get to full functionality (planet studio and campaign mode), I think this should be back burner.
+7 4.5 years ago@pianoplanepianorocket DrexxVolv is correct, this account was banned because it was being used by a child under the minimum age required by law in some countries (including the United States apparently).
To better understand the legal liability that this site, and other online services, face when it comes to accounts created or accessed by children you can view the FTC's COPPA Frequently Asked Questions:
Unfortunately these guidelines make it basically impossible to create a website that is legally accessible to children under 13 because it would require positively identifying their parents, obtaining the required consent, and providing the required access control. Given that all most websites like this one know about their users is an email address, positively identifying parents is a completely unrealistic requirement. Also note that part 2 of "The Rule" literally creates a Catch 22: how can you identify a minor's parents prior to collecting any personal information from them. If you are an adult and think this results in an unfair limitation of children's access to social and educational websites like this one, then I suggest you 1) contact your U.S. representatives and tell them to reform COPPA to place responsibility for controlling children's access on parents not on service providers, and 2) vote Libertarian in the next election.
These views are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of other moderators or Jundroo.
+6 3.6 years agoThis is a great question, and I wonder if the creators of Enhanced Solar System (@JastroOne1 and @pedro16797 I think) might be willing to to share some of their knowledge with the community (or if they can point to something they're using for documentation). Although I know they're probably super busy working the next version of ESS.
ESS 2.0 is not really a Mod per se. It is a custom
file which lists planetary bodies, there orbital and physical properties, and a set of procedural generators and transforms used to produce their terrain (elevation, color, and texture). However, what exactly all of these procedural generators and transforms do is a mystery to me. As far as I can tell there is no way to make deliberate adjustments to the elevation or biome map for a planet (i.e. the exact shape and placement of land masses or geographic features). However, with almost 4.3 billion random seeds to pick from, you could just keep trying until you get terrain that looks the way you want (given the right set of modifiers layered on of course).From a SolarSystem.xml file SimpleRockets2 will automatically generate texture bitmaps and normal maps (which is a way of measuring the angle of a surface in order to give a surface the appearance of depth/texture when it is lit from the side). You can theoretically modify these bitmaps, however this only affects how your planet looks in map view!
~/Library/Application Support/com.jundroo.SimpleRockets2
on mac), in theUserData/SolarSystems/[YourSolarSystemName]
folder.CloneSolarSystem [NewSolarSystemName]
command in the dev console.See this Google Doc I wrote.
tldr; for a stable circular orbit
v = √( μ / r )
whereμ = G * M
where G is the universal gravitational constant (6.67384e-11
), M is the mass of the planet (2.38e23 kg
for Droo) and r is the orbital radius (planetary sea level radius + altitude above sea level).√( (6.67384e-11 * 2.38e23) / (1.2742e6 + 100000) )
= 3400√( (6.67384e-11 * 2.38e23) / (1.2742e6 + 200000) )
= 3282Everybody should upvote this feedback suggestion. It was submitted by a developer, so I think it will probably be addressed.
+5 4.7 years agoPresumably you mean Cylero. Assuming you've got the basics down (building rockets, launching, and performing orbital maneuvers) there are a couple of good tutorial videos out there for performing basic interplanetary transfers. This one is specific to SimpleRockets 2 and going from Droo to Cylero. It's a little muddled but it demonstrates the concept. Then there's this video from none other than Scott Manly that does a great job explaining the fundamentals, so I highly recommend it even though it's a tutorial for Kerbal Space Program.
As far as where to start, here is the short version of the steps involved:
If you watch the videos and still need help given that, you'll need to be a little more specific about which steps you need help with.
+5 4.8 years agoPCI stands for Planet Centered Inertial, and it is the similar/equivalent for Earth Centered Inertial except that it is based on the planet whose sphere of influence your craft is currently in rather than Earth specifically. The key concept of a Planet Centered Inertial coordinate system is that while it remains centered on the planet as the planet moves through space, it does not change orientation with respect to "fixed" points in space (i.e. distant stars). So as the planet rotates and moves in its orbit the unit vector
+5 5.0 years ago(1, 0, 0)
will always be pointed off in the same direction with respect to the rest of the universe. Because there is no axial tilt, and the Y axis represents up and down relative to the "celestial plane",(0, 1, 0)
always points towards the north pole. You can observe the behavior of PCI coordinates by watching the position change as a craft moves in orbit. If the orbit as 0 degrees of inclination X and Z will continually change, but Y will remain basically constant. Using latitude and longitude can be easier to think about when moving relative to the surface of the planet, however, working with lat/long as a coordinate system is challenging mathematically because it is not a cartesian system (i.e. mapped to a flat plane), it is a spherical system, so the vector math doesn't work the same (see spherical coordinate system).@Orbit absolutely it is wrong to pirate software no matter what. I just wanted to reiterate that there are many reasons not to do this.
+4 4.4 years agoYou can do this using two parachutes with different sizes and a bit of Vizzy. This is why the procedural aspect of SimpleRockets 2 is so great. You don't have to wait fro the developers to give you the thing you want, you can just make it.
+4 4.5 years agoThe profile pics on this website are managed via Gravatar based on the email used to register here.
+4 4.5 years agoThe
+4 4.5 years agoswitch to craft [0]
instruction will change which craft the player is actively controlling. To use this you must specify the numeric id of the craft. if you know the name of the craft you can get the id from that (so for example if the craft is targeted, you get get its name then its id). You can also list all of the crafts around the planet if you want to try and identify it based on distance for example.Vizzy++ has an expression to get the ID of the target craft so you can skip the name->id conversion.
@hendore Here's a list of some great (IMHO) mods. (Disclaimer several of these are mods I developed or worked on)
Not actually, a mod but also useful is the Craft Resize Tool
+4 4.5 years agoI mostly use PC/Mac and definitely prefer it to mobile. Being able to use mods makes a huge difference in what is possible, and as more mods are developed this gap will grow. I also personally prefer the mouse/keyboard UI for the designer and vizzy editor. Manually flying a craft is actually a nice experience on mobile because you have the joystick mode, but on PC you can use a real joystick/game controller. With good hardware you can also get a better graphics experience on PC/Mac. Whenever i see a super low resolution non-anti-aliased screenshot from a mobile device I cannot help but cringe.
+4 4.5 years agoI could go on.
+4 4.7 years agoYou can achieve this by setting the
property of your piston to the numeric value1.0
, theActivation Group
property to your desired AG, and enabling the "Zero On Deactivate" property. All under the Piston Input section of the part properties.If you don't see some of these properties you need to do the following: In the part settings for your piston, enable "Show Hidden Properties" in the Tinker Panel, you will then see a number of new options under the Piston Input section.
+4 4.9 years agoAs far as I'm aware this isn't possible right now. You can only target crafts or planets with Vizzy, and this is done by name (and it would appear that if there are multiple craft with the same name in flight only the oldest one is targetable with Vizzy). This area is ripe for suggestions, such as the ability to list all craft in flight, have a way to refer to each craft in flight by some unique id, have a way to get information about another craft in flight without actually targeting it, and as you are trying to do, target a specific part by craft id + part number or part name.
+4 5.0 years agoDid you know SimpleRockets2 is available free for education? Have you considered talking to a teacher or librarian about creating a program to teach people trigonometry or physics or computer programming using SimpleRockets 2?
+4 5.0 years agoOk, I've been working on coming up with a list of things that do and don't work (in Vizzy programs running on crafts not currently controlled by the player). Not yet complete but here you go:
Does Not Work
Obviously there are more things to test, I will update later if I come up with more. UPDATE: for additional information see this post.
+4 5.1 years agoWhen you paint your MFD with a transparent color make sure you set the pain target to "All"
+3 4.1 years agoNo hard feelings toward anybody who as made such posts. We didn’t have any guidance before now and earlier on the posts were infrequent and amusing. We’ve just gotten to a point where it’s time we outgrew these.
+3 4.2 years agoTransferring fuel is very simple: select the tank you want to fill, and in the part inspector panel select the "Fill" icon (it looks like a can with a fuel drop falling into it), then select the tank you want to drain and select the "Drain" icon (it looks like a can being tipped and fuel flowing out of it). Fuel will transfer so long as the two tanks are part of the same craft (including across interstages and docking ports) without any fuel line enabled parts necessary. This works for batteries just like other fuel types. Energy transfers at a rate of one Megajoule per second, which may seem slow, but since Joules are Watt Seconds that means that it is transferring at a whopping million watts (which is 300x the continuous discharge rate of the Tesla Powerwall as a point of reference). For a little added realism SR2 should have the temperature of batteries increase as they discharge energy.
+3 4.2 years agoNo, there are no Lagrange points in SR2. This is because SR2 uses the patched conics model and only takes into account the gravitational influence of a single parent body at a time. Lagrange points depend on N-body physics (or at least 3-body physics) because they are only possible when the gravitational influence of two bodies work together on a third body. For example an object at the Earth L1 Lagrange point (the one between Earth and the sun), if it were traveling parallel to the earth (as an object in the L1 Lagrange point would be), and it were only being influenced by the gravity of the sun, it would have to orbit the sun faster than the Earth in order to be in a relatively circular orbit, and thus it would quickly move out of that point in between the sun and the Earth. It is only because the gravitational influence of the Earth cancelling out some portion of that of the sun's that causes the object to be able to stay in that point.
+3 4.5 years agoThis has already been resolved. For the record: Harassing other players is not ok. Posting sexually suggestive content is not ok. Disregarding moderator warnings is not ok. Creating alternate accounts in response to a temporary or permanent bans is not ok. The duration of the ban was not meant as to be spiteful, that's just the duration of a "permanent" ban.
Be kind. Have fun. Make rockets (and planes and satellites and rovers and boats).
+3 4.5 years agoYou cannot change the value of the Slider 1 or Slider 2 inputs using an activation group without using Vizzy. If you want to use Vizzy you just have to wait until the activation group expression returns true, and then set the desired slider input. However, if you don't want to use Vizzy, there are ways to use activation groups to articulate moving parts. The easies thing to do is to set the
+3 4.5 years agoInput
value for your input controller to fixed number between -1 and 1, and then set the part's activation group to the one you want to use. If you enable hidden properties in the tinker panel you can also toggle whether the part goes back to its default position when the AG is deactivated or not. There's lots more fancy stuff you can do with input controllers, so in reality you probably won't need Vizzy.They both have support for mods on PC. But I presume from your question that you are on mobile, probably android. IOS prohibits mods because the nanny state that is Apple has to review every line of code that runs on their platform. Android has recently made some technical changes that have stopped Unity mods built with mono from working, so mods won't be available for Android at least until Unity/mono resolve this issue. In other words this is completely out of the developers, and modders, hands.
I'm not a SimplePlanes player but my understanding is that it used to support mods on Android before that platform underwent the technical change that broke mods. I also understand that SP has a few very popular mods built in. This is possible even on mobile because the mod code is included as part of the game when it is initially compiled. Normal mods are dynamically loaded at runtime which is where the technical and app store policy problems arise. Theoretically SR2 could do something like this in the future, but given there's still a lot of features to work on I suggest we have patience.
+3 4.6 years agoLink to the video
+3 4.6 years ago@SmurfResearchX
+3 4.7 years agorelevant suggestions:
sharing scripts
Different parts should have different reliability scores. Reliability might be based on shape (like in the case of wings), the mass of things attached to them (like hinges), or their parameters (like engines with different fuel types/pressures/etc). A part should have a probability of failure curve that increases over time used/activated (for things like wings this would only count time in atmosphere, for engines it would only count time where the engines were firing). Parts could have penalties for cycling (i.e. slamming the throttle up and down over and over again should wear an engine out more quickly). At any point an active part could randomly fail (low probability early on, more probably as time and penalties increase). Parts should have different possible failure modes: becomes non responsive (i.e. an activatable part stops functioning), structural failure (one ore more of its part connections disconnects), or explosion (limited to fuel tanks and engines). Assuming there is some legitimate reusability component of career mode, crafts being reused should carry forward their time/use penalty unless money is spent to "refurbish" the craft thereby resetting the reliability scores. Assuming there is some sort of tech tree component to career mode, players should be able to spend R&D dollars to increase the base reliability of different parts.
This would encourage players to build redundant systems, have launch abort/escape systems, minimize stress/heat damage to parts, and avoid excessive throttle adjustment.
Related suggestion from @pedro16797
+3 4.7 years agoSo long as you are close enough to the surface you can determine the elevation of points on the surface by getting the getting the lat/long/AGL of a given point, dropping the AGL component to zero, and converting back to PCI. The difference between the magnitude of that vector and the mean sea level is the elevation of the surface at that point (not sure if this works for terrain below sea level). Here is a fighter jet that calculated the slope of the terrain directly below it.
+3 4.7 years agoThis horse is dead and beaten:
+3 4.8 years ago
+3 4.9 years ago1
as the "Input" property makes the input value a fixed number instead of reading the current value of a slider, attribute, or variable. If you used0.5
the piston would be half extended any time it was activated.Well, current stage fuel should never be less than 0. I would change that condition to
+2 4.0 years ago<= 0
. That said it's hard to say for sure without seeing your code. You could share a link to an unlisted craft post.@SupremeDorian I think they're both spam, but I'm less concerned with the forum posts, and if you and the other moderators are ok with this type of post then 🤷♂️
+2 4.2 years ago@Arstotzka @JSO18 Sorry for failing to follow up on your earlier thread. Pitch is based on the vector to the planet, so locking to a pitch of 90 will also point toward the planet not perpendicular to the velocity vector. What you really want here is to take the cross product of the velocity vector and the orbit normal. The cross product of two vectors is a third vector that is perpendicular two the two inputs, and which direction it points (in this case either toward the center of the orbit or away from the center of the orbit). The trick is getting the orbit normal. For orbits with an inclination near zero it is really easy:
+2 4.2 years ago(0, 1, 0)
, which means the expression you need islock heading on vector [ [ velocity |Orbit| ] |cross| [ (0, 1, 0) ] ]
. However if you want this to work for inclined orbits as well you will need to rotate(0, 1, 0)
around your ascending node by your inclination, and you can get your ascending node by rotating(1, 0, 0)
around(0, 1, 0)
by your Right Ascension. I'm sorry to say that Right Ascension isn't an orbital parameter that you can get trivially! You instead have to compute it from your Position and Velocity vectors (also called Cartesian State Vectors). One option to simplify this would be to use Vizzy++ which has an expression for getting a craft or planet's Orbit Normal, but if you cannot use mods then you could take a look at this craft which has a flight program with custom expressions to calculate these things.See also Post Formatting Guide
+2 4.2 years ago
You can use a hosting service like imgur or use the URL of a discord attachement for your image URL
+2 4.2 years agoThere are several ways, but if you are doing this for display purposes then the best way is to use the
expression. Theformat
expression takes a variable number of arguments. The first argument is a composite format string (with a few limitations). The remaining arguments are parameters that will be interpolated into that format string. You can follow the link for details, but a quick TLDR: composite format strings are strings that contain place holders for values to be inserted a place holder consists of an open curly brace, a number which is the index of the value to insert, an optional format specified, and a closing curly brace. A format specifier starts with a colon which may either be followed by a letter indicating a special type of format (sometimes followed by a numeric parameter), or a custom numeric format string. Some common special format types aren
which is a number with thousands separators,f
which is a number without thousands separators, ande
which is for scientific notations. All of these can be followed by a number specifying the number of decimal places (i.e.f2
is a number without thousands separators and with two decimal places). Custom numeric format strings generally take the form#,##0.00
is a place holder for a digit if need and0
is a place holder for a digit which will be present whether needed or not (i.e. it pads small numbers with leading zeros).⠀
To sum up:
+2 4.5 years agoformat [Example: {0:n2} {1}] [1234.5678] [meters]
will return "Example: 1,234.57 meters"@DUNIAN Yup, that's the way to do it with Vizzy. I would suggest using a
+2 4.5 years agowhile
loop with no condition instead of therepeat
loop which will only work a finite number of times. Also you can simplify your code using the "Zero on Deactivate" property in the Piston Input part properties settings (you have to enable "Show Hidden Properties" option in the tinker panel in order to see this).Vizzy is a visual programming system similar to Scratch that allows you to program your craft. You can do all sorts of things with Vizzy, making your craft move, displaying information, making aspects of your craft automatic, manipulating the camera, and much more. If you'd like to learn more I would highly recommend that you watch these videos.
+2 4.5 years ago@theUSSR There is nothing in the rules about not posting links to Discord servers or YouTube channels. So long as the it is relevant to SimpleRockets 2 this kind of content is a benefit to the community. I'm sorry if there was a misunderstanding previously, but no post should have been removed solely because of a Discord/YouTube link (perhaps there was some other issue).
+2 4.6 years agoAlso, welcome to the SimpleRockets 2 community 🚀.
+2 4.6 years use the same system as for craft points. Details here. You get points for upvotes to forum posts and videos as well.
+2 4.6 years agoI don't understand the issue you are describing. Is it specific parts that you find to be off in terms of there mass? Note: fuel tank dimensions are displayed as their radius when using the resize handles in the designer, not diameter (so if you are trying to make a scale version of something, make sure you size your tanks according to radius, or one half of the diameter).
+2 4.6 years agoPersonally I think one of the virtues of SimpleRockets 2 is that it is absent "fluff" like background graphics akin to KSP's vehicle assembly building. To me such graphics are just a distraction and hinderance when you are working on a build. If this did get added I would hope for it to be possible to disable it. In any case I think there are more significant things to work on than this.
+2 4.7 years ago