a game without software bugs is simply impossible, a game that has been ”fully developed” has very minor bugs that can be easily be walk passed, or has a frustrating but rare bug that the developers cannot fix, like the kraken in kerbal space program
by the way, squad and private division stopped working on ksp and will release the sequel this year
oh, well if the ocean is coming out neon purple, you should check the color gradient, the atmosphere colors, noon color/dusk color, and emission strength of the ocean (how much light it realeases, like a flashlight)
make sure that the craft that is docked has turned off all RCS thrusters and gyroscopes
you cannot change the primary command chip in-flight, but to partially fix your problem requires you to launch the entire space station with all modules and crafts intact
so, like you want to vizualize the craft’s trajectory on an MFD?
or do you want it to log the craft’s recent trajectories?
unfortunately i can teach you neither, i’m not that advanced
that’s not how their symbols work. a female civilian is the shape of the target logo, and more advanced females have a cooler looking target logo
hyperpatch made an earth with lights
3.0 years agothat means that the content was probably deleted or changed its known title
3.0 years agooh yeah, you can’t put very very special characters into text boxes, except for pi i think
3.0 years ago@Chtite451SR2
3.0 years agoyou’re not late! the submissions are due april 1st
what are you talking about?
3.0 years ago@chillymations
3.0 years agosus
3.0 years agothe forum description didn’t mention that he would tell us that he’s uploading the system—
3.0 years agowell…it’s the 26th now…
from my knowledge,
3.0 years agoit’s very…very difficult
3.0 years agouse the asteroid template and make it a few hundred kilometers bigger
3.0 years agolike my dwarf planets Xoel, Paz, and Sazu
it’s a secret bruh
+1 3.0 years ago@YaMomzBox420
3.0 years agoi think he means heading vector
• Cobarn
3.0 years ago• Xoel
vector of what?
3.0 years agoit seems to produce a link so that when you reverse the website it will go to that comment. maybe it’s useful for towers of comments
3.0 years ago@TRAPPIST1
3.0 years agoyou can do that to haumea because it doesn’t have a significant atmosphere
a game without software bugs is simply impossible, a game that has been ”fully developed” has very minor bugs that can be easily be walk passed, or has a frustrating but rare bug that the developers cannot fix, like the kraken in kerbal space program
+2 3.0 years agoby the way, squad and private division stopped working on ksp and will release the sequel this year
oh, well if the ocean is coming out neon purple, you should check the color gradient, the atmosphere colors, noon color/dusk color, and emission strength of the ocean (how much light it realeases, like a flashlight)
3.0 years ago@sacr3dbac0n0
3.0 years agosub-light travel is rocket science, near lightspeed travel is rocket science with more energy
cool profile pic
3.0 years ago@JodIsNotAFurry is a planet lord, he can help
+1 3.0 years agohmm, could you submit the planets by the 26th to give people some more time to find this forum and make a planet?
3.0 years ago@YaMomzBox420
3.0 years agolol
right click on the parachute
+1 3.0 years agoand press the on/off button
instructions unclear
hello new person
3.0 years agoif you need some help with vizzy, ask me in this forum
+1 3.0 years ago@OmniExplorationDivision
3.0 years agotip: to make a paragraph, type
the easiest way is to use a
3.0 years agowait
block and predict how long it will take for the other program to end, shouldn’t be too hard@OmniExplorationDivision
3.0 years agoi look on google for spacesuit inspiration ideas but i can’t seem to design a spacesuit for furries 😆
in most code-editing programs, there is a search bar that can look for a specific mention of an instance
3.0 years agotry using a search bar if there is one
create an interplanetary lander,
+1 3.0 years agoor make your own version of apollo 11
make sure the heat shield is convex, not flat
3.0 years agoor try and extend the heat shield like an upside down stubby nose cone
you can also add structures in the same menu as the launch locations
3.0 years agois this like a mod request but it’s an MFD?
3.0 years agomake sure that the craft that is docked has turned off all RCS thrusters and gyroscopes
3.0 years agoyou cannot change the primary command chip in-flight, but to partially fix your problem requires you to launch the entire space station with all modules and crafts intact
why can’t you download the other xml booster and change it’s appearance?
3.0 years agooversimplified SLS orion
3.0 years ago@Sfsonstars
+1 3.0 years agoyes
i also play spaceflight simulator and i figured out how to make mods work on ios
3.0 years agoso, like you want to vizualize the craft’s trajectory on an MFD?
or do you want it to log the craft’s recent trajectories?
unfortunately i can teach you neither, i’m not that advanced
@HyperPatch @NebulaSpaceAgency @ASC @ab3 @SethTheEngineer
3.0 years agoi acknowledge a majority doesn’t care
but it’s a fact that exists
and fun facts are cool
3.0 years agothat’s not how their symbols work. a female civilian is the shape of the target logo, and more advanced females have a cooler looking target logo
3.0 years agothat’s an exaggeration
and kinda rude
strange 🤨
3.0 years ago@seventeen
3.0 years agothey wear clothes
what more could you possibly ask for?
3.0 years agoi created this at the dramatic moment when i first lost my charger lol
3.0 years agofurry memes
this is a memorial
+2 3.0 years agoi’m using another charger
3.0 years agois that a failure or a success?
3.0 years ago