Agreed, there are a bunch of great performing crafts, with less than 300 parts, and thousands of downloads...but less than 10 upvotes - and 5000 part crafts with more than 25 upvotes, and less than 100 downloads.
so, most of the time (not always) - highly upvoted crafts have really cool screenshots, but dont equal a craft that performs well
Pedro's Gyroscope - he made this one that has an input for each axis, just turn off pitch and yaw inputs. it might be possible on the stock gyro, with input controllers...but i havent figured out how to use the new tinker panel for inputs
@zAerospace - i dont think anyone is saying the rules are broken...more of a abuse, and the large quantity of quickly built posts (only made for trading upvotes) is taking away from the quality of the website - it has already driven alot of good players away
if you tap on the line that shows the input(usually starts on "throttle"), then type in the "partname.flightprogram.variablename", it should work. the part name is the part that the program is attached to... so if the program is on the command chip, and variable name is "throttle" - you would need to type "commandchip.flightprogrm.throttle" as the input
the nuclear powered engines can use water or hydrogen for fuel - the water is about 10 times denser than hydrogen, and will make the tank alot heavier but burn longer
sometimes having the rear wheels turn inverted from the front can help it rotate - maybe 10 degree turning angle for rearmost wheels, 5 degrees for rear middle set, and fixed position for the forewardmost rear wheel set
a standard would definitely be helpful for showing program parts on the website...i hope we eventually get a way to show the screenshots and upload/download programs alone(without having to add it to a chip, and upload it as a craft)
if it was possible to have the PID controls adjusted by vizzy program, and a seperate roll adjustment in rocket configuration(like the plane setup has) - it would be easy to just set the roll PID to 0 when a program event was happening, and then turn it back on afterwards for the auto pilot to take back over....adjusting the PID on the fly would be super helpful for lots of control programs - spaceplanes/targeting/VTOLs
maybe check if the rcs thrusters are lined up with the center of mass, or in balanced positions with the mass. if it is not close, it can spin when in translate mode, also - and when the craft begins to get close enough to use rcs, try changing the camera to "chase" is hard to tell which side is the top(so up/down/left/right are oriented properly) on symetrical satellites, and chase mode wont rotate the view slowly like orbit view does - i think the single direction rcs(in the block assembly) works better also, like zeropol said
once you lock the heading, the auto pilot is on - the proportional/integral/derivative are adjustments for how it reacts to the heading changes. if you look in the "part properties" of the command pod/chip of the craft(in the builder screen) it will have the saved auto pilot settings, and highlighting each one will show a pop-up with how each adjustment affects the auto pilot reactions. if you change the settings in flight, they wont be saved.
by default, nose cones start empty of fuel, and it needs to be added in part properties. i try to use a different fuel than the rocket engine uses(battery and solid work good), so the nose cone stays full, and ready for the impact.
try checking the control surface inputs in the part settings of the wings/fins, and make sure they are each set for what it is supposed to do...they could get set to a activation group, and turn off, but the activation group would show up in flight
make sure the landing legs are in a action group(there is a "landing legs" name by default). in the "part proprties" of the command pod/chip, there is a "edit activation groups" button, and you can select which action groups start "on" or "off" - it might take a second for them to im not sure if it will work if they need to be down to stand up immediately
there are some good youtube tutorials on the rendezvous - target the satellite, and once you are approaching the nearest point of orbit to the satellite, tap "target lock"(under the prograde/retrograde lock) and the green orbit arrow will show your orbit relative to the satellite(instead of the planet). once that is locked, you can do a burn to match your velocity if you tap the "velocity" meter it should switch to your velocity relative to the target, that should be close to 0 m/s when you can switch to rcs for aligning to dock. make sure your view of the satellite that you are controlling is aligned with the rcs in "translation mode" when you push up, down, left, right on rcs, it moves the right direction - i put a little fin on the rear of top side of my satellite so it was easier to see the "up" side - i wouldnt call it easy, but it is fun - i hope this helps
(1/300) × variable value
the maximum (300) should give the range from 0-1, and the output of the variable would be a fraction of that...if that is what you mean?
the full flow staged has a longer time delay between input and full thrust (spool up), and the engines are heavier - the instant and lower thrust of a electric power cycle on a docking craft or lander can be easier to control - but for takeoff and high twr burns, the full flow staged works great
@MaxQAerospaceSingapore - i figured one day = 360 deg/day ...then 360 ÷ 24 (for earth) = 15 deg/hr....then 15 ÷ 60 = 1/4 deg/min....then 1/4 ÷ 60 = 1/240 deg/second ...and switching the 24 hours/day to 14 (for droo) - it doesnt figure for rotation around the sun though, measuring the full rotation from a fixed axis would probably be better - or how you did it by meters/sec and radius gets it right on
gravity assist - this is a good breakdown of how they work - luna doesnt have alot of mass, but can still add some velocity in a flyby - for example, if you draw a line from your closest point of the flyby (periapsis of the hyperbolic trajectory) thru the center of luna, that is the direction of gravity force added (relative to the velocity before entering lunas SOI). aligning that with your flight path is the tricky part, then the time in luna SOI, velocity, and altitude of the flyby will affect the magnitude of the assist...closer and slower encounter = more gravity applied in that direction
once the booster is seperated, not much can be relayed between the 2 crafts - the landing program would need to be in the boosters command chip, and the orbit program in the payloads command chip - then switching control between the 2 crafts can work. but, while the booster is landing, the payload will just be coasting - and vice versa. timing when each program should run is a tricky one - there are a couple players that did it, but no real documentation on how to make programs like that
@ISTINC0RP0RATED - i like them, and put them to use a couple times, usually with water as the fuel - they work great for low gravity and make very precise orbit adjustments
that should be the delta V rating - showing the total change in velocity (figuring in the change in mass from burned fuel) - it doesnt account for air resistance, and can only be accurate for a specific air density (nozzle type will affect that)
@TweedleAerospace @YaMomzBox420 - Yes, trying to model it like the most famous 1986 Winnebago Chieftain (intergalactic version) on our side of the universe
if you build each engine directly connected to a fuel tank with its correct fuel (even a very small one), then drag it in to the main section, it should work. and you should be able to add more tanks anywhere and the fuel lines will work from there
@Tweedle_Aerospace - glad it was a help - saves using up the sliders for automatic vizzy commands - it works for the rotators, pistons, electric motors, and wheels - it doesnt work for control surfaces, or throttle for engines...but some players have made modified engines that can use the variable input for throttle, and they work great
i dont think the type of tire/wheel has any effect on performance, but a short vizzy can make a parking brake - i can send a link to a craft with it, if that would help
if it is connected by an interstage, use "wait until part #(interstage) activated = true" at the beginning of the rover vizzy - both programs seem to run at start when they are connected, even if it isnt under control or activated
if you switch the staging so the main booster comes after the side boosters, the performance analyzer will show the performance of just the side boosters...but wouldnt account for the mass lost from the fuel burn of the main booster(if they are burning at the same time) - the TWR and burn time will be accurate for the start of the burn though
there are settings for the control surface of the wing/fin in "part properties" for "invert" and "invert on mirror" - you should be able to fix it with that setting
It definitely skips past time and instructions during fast warp - ramping down the warp speed as it approaches the time or condition for the burn/action so it is in play or fast foreward(but not warp) speed will make sure it doesnt skip past the instruction...especially if it is a precise #. And if you upload it, like Gozinya said, someone can see exactly what is happening
@FLYGUY101 - in the builder mode, there is a view to show where the Center of Mass is on the craft/satellite - if the rcs blocks are not even with the CoM, it will cause the craft to rotate...the same as the Center of Thrust for the main engines will cause rotation of the craft - it might be easier to see than explain on here - ill send you a link to a craft that should show it better
Agreed, there are a bunch of great performing crafts, with less than 300 parts, and thousands of downloads...but less than 10 upvotes - and 5000 part crafts with more than 25 upvotes, and less than 100 downloads.
+4 3.1 years agoso, most of the time (not always) - highly upvoted crafts have really cool screenshots, but dont equal a craft that performs well
Pedro's Gyroscope - he made this one that has an input for each axis, just turn off pitch and yaw inputs. it might be possible on the stock gyro, with input controllers...but i havent figured out how to use the new tinker panel for inputs
+3 2.5 years ago@zAerospace - i dont think anyone is saying the rules are broken...more of a abuse, and the large quantity of quickly built posts (only made for trading upvotes) is taking away from the quality of the website - it has already driven alot of good players away
+3 3.7 years agoif you tap on the line that shows the input(usually starts on "throttle"), then type in the "partname.flightprogram.variablename", it should work. the part name is the part that the program is attached to... so if the program is on the command chip, and variable name is "throttle" - you would need to type "commandchip.flightprogrm.throttle" as the input
+3 4.3 years agothe nuclear powered engines can use water or hydrogen for fuel - the water is about 10 times denser than hydrogen, and will make the tank alot heavier but burn longer
+3 5.4 years ago@YaMomzBox420 - That is a good reference - This is another one with formulas
+2 2.9 years agosometimes having the rear wheels turn inverted from the front can help it rotate - maybe 10 degree turning angle for rearmost wheels, 5 degrees for rear middle set, and fixed position for the forewardmost rear wheel set
+2 3.6 years agoi agree with @seventeen - you make great crafts...and to quote a fish "just keep swimming"
+2 3.8 years agoBig Rocket
+2 4.0 years agoa standard would definitely be helpful for showing program parts on the website...i hope we eventually get a way to show the screenshots and upload/download programs alone(without having to add it to a chip, and upload it as a craft)
+2 4.7 years ago@AvBruh - lol - hopefully it was in time, before the demon curse went too far...🕆
+2 4.7 years agoif it was possible to have the PID controls adjusted by vizzy program, and a seperate roll adjustment in rocket configuration(like the plane setup has) - it would be easy to just set the roll PID to 0 when a program event was happening, and then turn it back on afterwards for the auto pilot to take back over....adjusting the PID on the fly would be super helpful for lots of control programs - spaceplanes/targeting/VTOLs
+2 4.8 years agomaybe check if the rcs thrusters are lined up with the center of mass, or in balanced positions with the mass. if it is not close, it can spin when in translate mode, also - and when the craft begins to get close enough to use rcs, try changing the camera to "chase" is hard to tell which side is the top(so up/down/left/right are oriented properly) on symetrical satellites, and chase mode wont rotate the view slowly like orbit view does - i think the single direction rcs(in the block assembly) works better also, like zeropol said
+2 4.9 years agoonce you lock the heading, the auto pilot is on - the proportional/integral/derivative are adjustments for how it reacts to the heading changes. if you look in the "part properties" of the command pod/chip of the craft(in the builder screen) it will have the saved auto pilot settings, and highlighting each one will show a pop-up with how each adjustment affects the auto pilot reactions. if you change the settings in flight, they wont be saved.
+2 5.0 years ago"wait until (Activation Group #) = (true)
then launch program
while (true)
if (activation group #) = (true) then
launch program
the activation group needs to be connected to a part to show up, its easy to add a beacon light to show its on
+2 5.0 years agoby default, nose cones start empty of fuel, and it needs to be added in part properties. i try to use a different fuel than the rocket engine uses(battery and solid work good), so the nose cone stays full, and ready for the impact.
or are they working, but only not after reentry?
+2 5.1 years agotry checking the control surface inputs in the part settings of the wings/fins, and make sure they are each set for what it is supposed to do...they could get set to a activation group, and turn off, but the activation group would show up in flight
+2 5.3 years agomake sure the landing legs are in a action group(there is a "landing legs" name by default). in the "part proprties" of the command pod/chip, there is a "edit activation groups" button, and you can select which action groups start "on" or "off" - it might take a second for them to im not sure if it will work if they need to be down to stand up immediately
+2 5.4 years agothere are some good youtube tutorials on the rendezvous - target the satellite, and once you are approaching the nearest point of orbit to the satellite, tap "target lock"(under the prograde/retrograde lock) and the green orbit arrow will show your orbit relative to the satellite(instead of the planet). once that is locked, you can do a burn to match your velocity if you tap the "velocity" meter it should switch to your velocity relative to the target, that should be close to 0 m/s when you can switch to rcs for aligning to dock. make sure your view of the satellite that you are controlling is aligned with the rcs in "translation mode" when you push up, down, left, right on rcs, it moves the right direction - i put a little fin on the rear of top side of my satellite so it was easier to see the "up" side - i wouldnt call it easy, but it is fun - i hope this helps
+2 5.4 years ago(1/300) × variable value
+1 2.5 years agothe maximum (300) should give the range from 0-1, and the output of the variable would be a fraction of that...if that is what you mean?
the full flow staged has a longer time delay between input and full thrust (spool up), and the engines are heavier - the instant and lower thrust of a electric power cycle on a docking craft or lander can be easier to control - but for takeoff and high twr burns, the full flow staged works great
+1 2.8 years ago@misterpotatoes - Guitarist from Guns n Roses, but the spirit of Vunter Slaush will live on...
+1 3.2 years ago@MaxQAerospaceSingapore - i figured one day = 360 deg/day ...then 360 ÷ 24 (for earth) = 15 deg/hr....then 15 ÷ 60 = 1/4 deg/min....then 1/4 ÷ 60 = 1/240 deg/second ...and switching the 24 hours/day to 14 (for droo) - it doesnt figure for rotation around the sun though, measuring the full rotation from a fixed axis would probably be better - or how you did it by meters/sec and radius gets it right on
+1 3.4 years agogravity assist - this is a good breakdown of how they work - luna doesnt have alot of mass, but can still add some velocity in a flyby - for example, if you draw a line from your closest point of the flyby (periapsis of the hyperbolic trajectory) thru the center of luna, that is the direction of gravity force added (relative to the velocity before entering lunas SOI). aligning that with your flight path is the tricky part, then the time in luna SOI, velocity, and altitude of the flyby will affect the magnitude of the assist...closer and slower encounter = more gravity applied in that direction
+1 3.5 years agois that the sugar based solid fuel? sounds awesome.
+1 3.5 years agoonce the booster is seperated, not much can be relayed between the 2 crafts - the landing program would need to be in the boosters command chip, and the orbit program in the payloads command chip - then switching control between the 2 crafts can work. but, while the booster is landing, the payload will just be coasting - and vice versa. timing when each program should run is a tricky one - there are a couple players that did it, but no real documentation on how to make programs like that
+1 3.6 years agoyes - type the part # (in the first blank) of the light/gizmo, and use true/false (in 2nd blank) for on/off
+1 3.7 years ago@ISTINC0RP0RATED - i like them, and put them to use a couple times, usually with water as the fuel - they work great for low gravity and make very precise orbit adjustments
+1 3.7 years agothat should be the delta V rating - showing the total change in velocity (figuring in the change in mass from burned fuel) - it doesnt account for air resistance, and can only be accurate for a specific air density (nozzle type will affect that)
+1 3.8 years agothe Tweedle Bus
+1 3.8 years ago@TweedleAerospace @YaMomzBox420 - Yes, trying to model it like the most famous 1986 Winnebago Chieftain (intergalactic version) on our side of the universe
+1 3.8 years agoThere is an active Suggestion - definitely would be helpful
+1 4.0 years agodid you start a new game? it will ask which system to choose when you load the new sandbox
+1 4.0 years agothat is correct, this orbital mechanics is a good reference
+1 4.0 years agoif you build each engine directly connected to a fuel tank with its correct fuel (even a very small one), then drag it in to the main section, it should work. and you should be able to add more tanks anywhere and the fuel lines will work from there
+1 4.0 years ago@GSpace - that sounds safe - there is a (planet "atmosphere height") readout that showed the 58.3 km, that is where i got the number from - good luck!
+1 4.1 years agoyou should be able to find it by part mass(fuel tank part ID) - dry part mass
+1 4.1 years agothe planned burn is probably locked in - if you toggle off the lock icon, the "x" should work to delete the burn
+1 4.2 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace - glad it was a help - saves using up the sliders for automatic vizzy commands - it works for the rotators, pistons, electric motors, and wheels - it doesnt work for control surfaces, or throttle for engines...but some players have made modified engines that can use the variable input for throttle, and they work great
+1 4.3 years agoi dont think the type of tire/wheel has any effect on performance, but a short vizzy can make a parking brake - i can send a link to a craft with it, if that would help
+1 4.4 years agoThe logo looks good, professional 👍
+1 4.5 years agoif it is connected by an interstage, use "wait until part #(interstage) activated = true" at the beginning of the rover vizzy - both programs seem to run at start when they are connected, even if it isnt under control or activated
+1 4.6 years agoif you switch the staging so the main booster comes after the side boosters, the performance analyzer will show the performance of just the side boosters...but wouldnt account for the mass lost from the fuel burn of the main booster(if they are burning at the same time) - the TWR and burn time will be accurate for the start of the burn though
+1 4.6 years agothere are settings for the control surface of the wing/fin in "part properties" for "invert" and "invert on mirror" - you should be able to fix it with that setting
+1 4.8 years agoIt definitely skips past time and instructions during fast warp - ramping down the warp speed as it approaches the time or condition for the burn/action so it is in play or fast foreward(but not warp) speed will make sure it doesnt skip past the instruction...especially if it is a precise #. And if you upload it, like Gozinya said, someone can see exactly what is happening
+1 4.8 years agothe batmobile - from the "pow" "bam" batman show, classic style...and has the jet engine in the rear
+1 4.8 years agoJohnny 5
+1 4.9 years ago@FLYGUY101 - yes - i put a tag on an example craft to look at, it should show up as a notification
+1 4.9 years ago@FLYGUY101 - in the builder mode, there is a view to show where the Center of Mass is on the craft/satellite - if the rcs blocks are not even with the CoM, it will cause the craft to rotate...the same as the Center of Thrust for the main engines will cause rotation of the craft - it might be easier to see than explain on here - ill send you a link to a craft that should show it better
+1 4.9 years ago@zeropol - i typed the wrong thing, just looked to make sure -
+1 5.0 years agonav(craft position) "dist" nav(target position), sorry about that