Good idea, I'm hoping the devs add fully customizable, procedural landing legs to the game with a toggle switch to enable the legs to start pre-deployed on the launchpad in the landing legs' part settings menu.
I'd love to see customizable and procedural explosive warheads and various simulated sensors available as parts. For example, a fuel tank or nosecone part that can be filled with a custom quantity of a few different types of explosive compounds, with a couple types of fuzes (e.g. impact fuze, altitude fuze), and perhaps a radar seeker part and IR or visible-spectrum EOTS seeker/camera parts. I don't see anything wrong with adding these to the game, it's not like we could target humans or any living species in the game with the weapons. I just want to be able to make a functioning Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) system, like SM-3, GBI, or THAAD, as it's a serious engineering challenge to overcome. :)
Simple things I can think of off the top of my head include:
1. Make sure you have RCS fuel (monopropellant) in a fuel tank attached to the RCS thrusters.
2. Make sure (in the part settings) of each RCS thruster nozzle that it is set to consume enough fuel when it fires to be of sufficient thrust to move your craft.
3. Make sure the RCS nozzles are near the top of your craft (higher than center-of-mass) to give them more lever-arm force (torque) thus making them more effective.
4. Make sure your RCS nozzles are evenly spaced around the body of your craft, an easy way to do this is use part-mirroring on one of the RCS nozzles to make it repeat so each side of your craft's fuselage/body has an RCS nozzle on it so thrust applied is even.
5. Make sure the RCS nozzles are in an activation group that is activated when you want to use them, to edit activation groups, open the part settings of your command pod or command chip in the designer/editor.
This is amazing! I'd love to see more charts/diagrams like this, they'd come in very handy for certain scenarios and crafts. Also, I agree with @JohnnyBoythePilot as I too think there should be more spaceports and launch complexes with long runways on Droo in Simple Rockets 2. It would make space-plane type crafts more fun to fly since you could launch from one complex on Droo, go into orbit, travel a long distance around Droo, then re-enter the atmosphere and land the space-plane at a different runway at a distant air/space port. Keep up the awesome work! :)
@Ehelium2 Yes, I agree completely with Ehelium2, next we need more options and sizes for rocket landing legs. I'd love to see a much wider range of size scaling for landing legs, since the current legs don't scale large enough to reach the ground before my engine nozzles (especially aerospikes) touch the ground. Also, it would be great if there was an option in lander leg part's config menu in the builder/designer that allow the rocket's first stage to start with the legs open and extended on the launchpad. :)
@AndrewGarrison this is a very charitable thing to do with your games, I fully support your offering the games to educators for free with no DRM included. This is a great idea, and I wish I had access to these titles when I was in primary school, I know it would've helped me perform even better in the science courses I took later on in university. I recommend that your team send emails or posts on these forums to educators (once they've gotten their students playing the games) about design challenges for students. Perhaps you could even setup a web-page on this domain that shares each challenge's finalists and winning designs via a short web article celebrating their achievements. That would go a long way toward enhancing science education and improving students' knowledge retention internationally. Keep up the great work, Jundroo! :)
How about the devs add a user-customizable, arbitrary number of AG's and pair that with a vertically scrolling GUI box with a scroll bar. There could be some sort of hard cap on the number so it's impossible for users to accidentally overflow the memory with too many extra zeros in the number of AG's, say, 100 or 1000 AG's upper limit. Good suggestion! :)
I agree, Alta2809! I'd love to be able to add a high-explosive (or even nuclear) warhead to my missiles! It would be even more amazing to have customizable radars you could install in a nosecone or anywhere else in a craft, then I could make ABMs! You could select the wavelength of the radar, whether it's manual/mechanical sweep or AESA. I doubt that would ever be added, but it would enable players to build things like ICBM's with separating MIRV warheads, and also create ABM's to intercept the warheads at some point in their ballistic trajectory. But, that's all lofty stuff with the radar simulation and would probably require too much CPU/GPU performance to simulate properly. If the devs just added procedurally-generated/custom explosive warheads of different types (selectable explosive compound type, selectable fuze type, selectable mass/volume of explosive compound, etc...) I would be extremely excited and would make great use of it for crafting many different types of missiles and rockets! :)
I second this, it would be nice to have S-pen support in the mobile version of SR2, it would really really help with user-input accuracy and efficiency!
@Bmcclory Haha, thanks, didn't know that. I upvoted all of you because I'm relatively new to the forum and the replies to the O.P.'s questions were helpful to my understanding of how the rank system works here. :)
@Mostly I completely agree. I'm building a multi-stage rocket right now that has a final upper stage with a nose-cone fairing-enclosed lander vehicle, the lander is quite large, and the main rocket is about 4x larger than the lander. The lander has a lot of fuel tanks stacked vertically and it doesn't fit into the maximum-sized nose-cone fairing the game has. I wish the upper-size limit/restriction on all of the parts was from 2-4x larger in volume, but especially the fairings, so I can enclose a larger lander vehicle as the upper-most stage, which helps tremendously with overall aerodynamics and reduces drag. Great suggestion! :)
@Kell Indeed, my suggestion would add more complexity to Simple Rockets, however, with the amount of customization that's now possible with the procedural rocket engines I feel that adding some slight customization of fuel tank materials wouldn't be so complex that it would confuse anyone, and from a development standpoint it would involve adding a slider or two in the current component-options menu in the designer UI (not saying that's easy, but it doesn't seem to be a huge task from my perspective as a programmer). And yes, unfortunately, my multi-stage rockets (any rocket >3 stages with wide fuel tanks) are breaking before engine-start on the launchpad even with launch clamps connected, even with six launch clamps made from beefed up struts and side-detachers.
I'd love to see it added, however, I'd like it to be an option that the user can toggle on or off. Also, if there were realistic G-force being simulated, I'd really like to see different materials to use for rocket/plane parts, e.g. aluminum, steel, titanium, indium, Incanel, for fuel tank walls, nosecones, landing legs, struts, braces, etc... Also, there should be shock absorption parts added to allow players to make their crafts tolerate higher G-forces.
So sorry to hear that, @AstronautPlanes Best of luck with the crisis, stay strong and stay safe. Hopefully the situation resolves in a peaceful way! Take care, we'll be waiting for you when you return! :)
Procedural EVA suits where I can specify the amount of Plutonium used in its power-pack and the number of thrusters and their inlet/outlet size, nozzle-type, fuel etc... would be really cool. Just kidding, I'm quite happy with just having EVA and astronauts at all! I really like this first concept, keep up the great work! :)
I'd love a detailed tutorial on how to get ion thrusters to stay powered-on and generating constant thrust (even if low amounts of thrust) for long periods of in-game time for long-distance journeys. No matter how big a battery pack, solar panel array, or Xenon fuel tank capacity I use (with everything properly connected and flowing), I haven't found a way to get the ion thrusters to stay turned on and generating thrust for longer than a few in-game minutes. That would be very helpful! :)
Also, you should try your best to symmetrically place each new fuel adapter nozzle on the bottom of the fuel tank so your rocket's thrust will be balanced. I find that the easiest way to make the fuel adapters symmetrical with the bottom of the fuel tank is to attach the first adapter a good distance away from the fuel tank's single built-in engine connection point so your new engine's bell doesn't collide with the first engine and then left-click on the new fuel adapter part and then open the part mirroring tool in the left-hand menu that appears when you click the adapter, you can turn on part mirroring for the new fuel adapter part and clone it x2, x3, x4, x5, or x6 times. Then, you can right-click on the first engine to clone it and then attach it to the new fuel adapter parts, repeat this engine cloning for as many new nozzles as you've added with the part-mirroring tool. I hope this helps, let me know if you have any more questions, thanks! :)
Yes! Great idea! I was going to suggest this as well. Additionally, it would be cool if the sonic boom occurred at different speeds at different altitudes and or different atmospheric compositions (on planets other than Droo/Earth). :)
PositivePlanes, thanks for taking the time and making the effort to write these SR2O's, it's like a Simple Rockets 2 online magazine or brief newspaper. I love to read them, and they enliven the SR2 forums. Keep up, the great work! :)
I really want to see this suggestion implemented, it's not small feat, but it could theoretically be done at some point! Perhaps it could be a toggled option in the gameplay settings menu or designer menu: "advanced procedural engines", off by default so new players don't get overwhelmed. :)
@DPSAircraftManufacturer Well, there are actually many cases of rockets being launched from under the water, see here:
I think we should turn this into a suggestion/request, I've been pondering the same question for a while now. I'd love to have a more in-depth (pun-intended) water simulation in-game! The Sea Dragon was an incredible rocket design. :)
This is a great piece of constructive advice for newcomers! It's much better to help advise and train newcomers than to bash them for being confused or lost when they first start playing this new, more complex game after coming from SP or SR1. :)
@diegoavion84 Cool, I enjoy reading "hard-sci-fi", have you visited the AtomicRockets website? It's incredibly useful for writing more realistic, real physics-based science fiction. Check it out here:
@diegoavion84 Cool, so this is a new, original, lore-rich, fictional universe that has something to do with rocket science or rocket engineering? Is it science-fiction? I've never heard of this before, from your post it seems kind of like Ace Combat's Strangereal fictional universe but more in space. Is that the type of genre of this work of yours? Thanks!
Thanks so much Aerojet Mariodyne corporation! I would wear an AJMD hat to my rocket launches if I could get one... and my rockets existed in the real world. ;)
Thanks Kell, I managed to attached bottom-facing side-detachers (x6) to the bottom fuel tank of my multi-stage rocket design, attached to those detachers are large vertical struts, this allowed my rocket to reach full thrust on the ground, then I detached the detachers and it successfully flew off without exploding. I guess the new 0.7.x patches added structural failure to fuel tanks if they're too heavy, is that the case? Anyhow, my rockets are large, I'm wondering there are tutorials online to build very strong launch clamps and sturdy ground structures that can more adequately carry super-heavy multi-stage rocket designs, do you know where I can find tutorials/resources that will help me build these support-structures? The only part I can find in the rocket designer is the metal strut, but these can only support so much weight before they break and the whole rocket collapses, thanks for your help! :)
@AnotherFireFox Sure, I don't have a lot of free time anymore due to volunteering to help with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, but when I get some downtime I'd be happy to make a mod with you! My skills include graphic design, scripting, and programming with Python 3.7 and Fortran-90. I don't know if those skills are helpful for this type of mod, but I'll be happy to at least give it a shot! :)
Good idea, I'm hoping the devs add fully customizable, procedural landing legs to the game with a toggle switch to enable the legs to start pre-deployed on the launchpad in the landing legs' part settings menu.
+3 5.2 years agoI'd love to see customizable and procedural explosive warheads and various simulated sensors available as parts. For example, a fuel tank or nosecone part that can be filled with a custom quantity of a few different types of explosive compounds, with a couple types of fuzes (e.g. impact fuze, altitude fuze), and perhaps a radar seeker part and IR or visible-spectrum EOTS seeker/camera parts. I don't see anything wrong with adding these to the game, it's not like we could target humans or any living species in the game with the weapons. I just want to be able to make a functioning Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) system, like SM-3, GBI, or THAAD, as it's a serious engineering challenge to overcome. :)
+3 5.4 years agoSimple things I can think of off the top of my head include:
1. Make sure you have RCS fuel (monopropellant) in a fuel tank attached to the RCS thrusters.
2. Make sure (in the part settings) of each RCS thruster nozzle that it is set to consume enough fuel when it fires to be of sufficient thrust to move your craft.
3. Make sure the RCS nozzles are near the top of your craft (higher than center-of-mass) to give them more lever-arm force (torque) thus making them more effective.
4. Make sure your RCS nozzles are evenly spaced around the body of your craft, an easy way to do this is use part-mirroring on one of the RCS nozzles to make it repeat so each side of your craft's fuselage/body has an RCS nozzle on it so thrust applied is even.
5. Make sure the RCS nozzles are in an activation group that is activated when you want to use them, to edit activation groups, open the part settings of your command pod or command chip in the designer/editor.
Hope that helps!
+3 5.5 years agoThis is amazing! I'd love to see more charts/diagrams like this, they'd come in very handy for certain scenarios and crafts. Also, I agree with @JohnnyBoythePilot as I too think there should be more spaceports and launch complexes with long runways on Droo in Simple Rockets 2. It would make space-plane type crafts more fun to fly since you could launch from one complex on Droo, go into orbit, travel a long distance around Droo, then re-enter the atmosphere and land the space-plane at a different runway at a distant air/space port. Keep up the awesome work! :)
+3 5.6 years agoI just gave all of you some free points. ;)
+3 5.6 years ago@Ehelium2 Yes, I agree completely with Ehelium2, next we need more options and sizes for rocket landing legs. I'd love to see a much wider range of size scaling for landing legs, since the current legs don't scale large enough to reach the ground before my engine nozzles (especially aerospikes) touch the ground. Also, it would be great if there was an option in lander leg part's config menu in the builder/designer that allow the rocket's first stage to start with the legs open and extended on the launchpad. :)
+3 5.7 years ago@AndrewGarrison this is a very charitable thing to do with your games, I fully support your offering the games to educators for free with no DRM included. This is a great idea, and I wish I had access to these titles when I was in primary school, I know it would've helped me perform even better in the science courses I took later on in university. I recommend that your team send emails or posts on these forums to educators (once they've gotten their students playing the games) about design challenges for students. Perhaps you could even setup a web-page on this domain that shares each challenge's finalists and winning designs via a short web article celebrating their achievements. That would go a long way toward enhancing science education and improving students' knowledge retention internationally. Keep up the great work, Jundroo! :)
+3 5.9 years agoHow about the devs add a user-customizable, arbitrary number of AG's and pair that with a vertically scrolling GUI box with a scroll bar. There could be some sort of hard cap on the number so it's impossible for users to accidentally overflow the memory with too many extra zeros in the number of AG's, say, 100 or 1000 AG's upper limit. Good suggestion! :)
+2 5.5 years agoI agree, Alta2809! I'd love to be able to add a high-explosive (or even nuclear) warhead to my missiles! It would be even more amazing to have customizable radars you could install in a nosecone or anywhere else in a craft, then I could make ABMs! You could select the wavelength of the radar, whether it's manual/mechanical sweep or AESA. I doubt that would ever be added, but it would enable players to build things like ICBM's with separating MIRV warheads, and also create ABM's to intercept the warheads at some point in their ballistic trajectory. But, that's all lofty stuff with the radar simulation and would probably require too much CPU/GPU performance to simulate properly. If the devs just added procedurally-generated/custom explosive warheads of different types (selectable explosive compound type, selectable fuze type, selectable mass/volume of explosive compound, etc...) I would be extremely excited and would make great use of it for crafting many different types of missiles and rockets! :)
+2 5.5 years agoI second this, it would be nice to have S-pen support in the mobile version of SR2, it would really really help with user-input accuracy and efficiency!
+2 5.6 years ago@Bmcclory Haha, thanks, didn't know that. I upvoted all of you because I'm relatively new to the forum and the replies to the O.P.'s questions were helpful to my understanding of how the rank system works here. :)
+2 5.6 years agoI read this post in John F. Kennedy's voice.
+2 5.6 years agoWonderful screenshots and a beautiful message, I too thank the developers for this amazing game! :)
+2 5.6 years ago@Mostly I completely agree. I'm building a multi-stage rocket right now that has a final upper stage with a nose-cone fairing-enclosed lander vehicle, the lander is quite large, and the main rocket is about 4x larger than the lander. The lander has a lot of fuel tanks stacked vertically and it doesn't fit into the maximum-sized nose-cone fairing the game has. I wish the upper-size limit/restriction on all of the parts was from 2-4x larger in volume, but especially the fairings, so I can enclose a larger lander vehicle as the upper-most stage, which helps tremendously with overall aerodynamics and reduces drag. Great suggestion! :)
+2 5.6 years ago@Kell Indeed, my suggestion would add more complexity to Simple Rockets, however, with the amount of customization that's now possible with the procedural rocket engines I feel that adding some slight customization of fuel tank materials wouldn't be so complex that it would confuse anyone, and from a development standpoint it would involve adding a slider or two in the current component-options menu in the designer UI (not saying that's easy, but it doesn't seem to be a huge task from my perspective as a programmer). And yes, unfortunately, my multi-stage rockets (any rocket >3 stages with wide fuel tanks) are breaking before engine-start on the launchpad even with launch clamps connected, even with six launch clamps made from beefed up struts and side-detachers.
+2 6.0 years agoI'd love to see it added, however, I'd like it to be an option that the user can toggle on or off. Also, if there were realistic G-force being simulated, I'd really like to see different materials to use for rocket/plane parts, e.g. aluminum, steel, titanium, indium, Incanel, for fuel tank walls, nosecones, landing legs, struts, braces, etc... Also, there should be shock absorption parts added to allow players to make their crafts tolerate higher G-forces.
+1 5.2 years agoAwesome, thanks so much!
+1 5.2 years agoAwesome work! Still, I wouldn't trust Claptrap as a flight engineer in any of my crafts. ;)
+1 5.3 years agoYes good ideas (#2,3,4)!
+1 5.3 years agoSo sorry to hear that, @AstronautPlanes Best of luck with the crisis, stay strong and stay safe. Hopefully the situation resolves in a peaceful way! Take care, we'll be waiting for you when you return! :)
+1 5.4 years agoOrbital ATK Antares 230?
+1 5.4 years agoAwesome, I'm so glad they finally recovered a fairing!
+1 5.4 years agoProcedural EVA suits where I can specify the amount of Plutonium used in its power-pack and the number of thrusters and their inlet/outlet size, nozzle-type, fuel etc... would be really cool. Just kidding, I'm quite happy with just having EVA and astronauts at all! I really like this first concept, keep up the great work! :)
+1 5.4 years agoI'd love a detailed tutorial on how to get ion thrusters to stay powered-on and generating constant thrust (even if low amounts of thrust) for long periods of in-game time for long-distance journeys. No matter how big a battery pack, solar panel array, or Xenon fuel tank capacity I use (with everything properly connected and flowing), I haven't found a way to get the ion thrusters to stay turned on and generating thrust for longer than a few in-game minutes. That would be very helpful! :)
+1 5.5 years agoHaha! I wonder what the ingredients are? It might contain lutefisk or some other lye-soaked deep-sea fish.
+1 5.5 years agoAlso, you should try your best to symmetrically place each new fuel adapter nozzle on the bottom of the fuel tank so your rocket's thrust will be balanced. I find that the easiest way to make the fuel adapters symmetrical with the bottom of the fuel tank is to attach the first adapter a good distance away from the fuel tank's single built-in engine connection point so your new engine's bell doesn't collide with the first engine and then left-click on the new fuel adapter part and then open the part mirroring tool in the left-hand menu that appears when you click the adapter, you can turn on part mirroring for the new fuel adapter part and clone it x2, x3, x4, x5, or x6 times. Then, you can right-click on the first engine to clone it and then attach it to the new fuel adapter parts, repeat this engine cloning for as many new nozzles as you've added with the part-mirroring tool. I hope this helps, let me know if you have any more questions, thanks! :)
+1 5.5 years agoYes! Great idea! I was going to suggest this as well. Additionally, it would be cool if the sonic boom occurred at different speeds at different altitudes and or different atmospheric compositions (on planets other than Droo/Earth). :)
+1 5.5 years agoPositivePlanes, thanks for taking the time and making the effort to write these SR2O's, it's like a Simple Rockets 2 online magazine or brief newspaper. I love to read them, and they enliven the SR2 forums. Keep up, the great work! :)
+1 5.5 years agoI really want to see this suggestion implemented, it's not small feat, but it could theoretically be done at some point! Perhaps it could be a toggled option in the gameplay settings menu or designer menu: "advanced procedural engines", off by default so new players don't get overwhelmed. :)
+1 5.5 years ago@DPSAircraftManufacturer Well, there are actually many cases of rockets being launched from under the water, see here:
+1 5.5 years agoI think we should turn this into a suggestion/request, I've been pondering the same question for a while now. I'd love to have a more in-depth (pun-intended) water simulation in-game! The Sea Dragon was an incredible rocket design. :)
+1 5.5 years ago@Ammconn You're very welcome, feel free to ask away if you have any more issues. Take care! :)
+1 5.5 years agoThis is a great piece of constructive advice for newcomers! It's much better to help advise and train newcomers than to bash them for being confused or lost when they first start playing this new, more complex game after coming from SP or SR1. :)
+1 5.5 years agoWell, great job anyway, it's a cool picture! :)
+1 5.5 years agoNice work! Very helpful chart you've made here. It's cool to see the difference in sizes between the game's planets. :)
+1 5.5 years ago@DPSAircraftManufacturer I'll try and upload my super-heavy rockets online so you can download them from a link, thanks!
+1 5.6 years agoWow, thanks for working on this and releasing it! I can't wait to land on some moons of Tydos! :)
+1 5.6 years agoAtlas V!
+1 5.6 years ago@Kell That was fast! Watching it now! :D
+1 5.6 years agoAlso, see this resource on projectrho:
+1 5.6 years ago@diegoavion84 Cool, I enjoy reading "hard-sci-fi", have you visited the AtomicRockets website? It's incredibly useful for writing more realistic, real physics-based science fiction. Check it out here:
+1 5.6 years ago@diegoavion84 Cool, so this is a new, original, lore-rich, fictional universe that has something to do with rocket science or rocket engineering? Is it science-fiction? I've never heard of this before, from your post it seems kind of like Ace Combat's Strangereal fictional universe but more in space. Is that the type of genre of this work of yours? Thanks!
+1 5.6 years agoCool, are you going to make machinimas using the engine?
+1 5.6 years agoVery creative, are you creating a custom lore/universe based in SR2 and SP?
+1 5.6 years agoThanks so much Aerojet Mariodyne corporation! I would wear an AJMD hat to my rocket launches if I could get one... and my rockets existed in the real world. ;)
+1 5.7 years agoI left a positive review, and will update mine when version 1.0 is released, thanks Jundroo, for this amazing game! :)
+1 5.9 years agoYes, I'd love to download a test-stand and learn SR2 construction techniques from it! :)
+1 6.0 years agoThanks Kell, I managed to attached bottom-facing side-detachers (x6) to the bottom fuel tank of my multi-stage rocket design, attached to those detachers are large vertical struts, this allowed my rocket to reach full thrust on the ground, then I detached the detachers and it successfully flew off without exploding. I guess the new 0.7.x patches added structural failure to fuel tanks if they're too heavy, is that the case? Anyhow, my rockets are large, I'm wondering there are tutorials online to build very strong launch clamps and sturdy ground structures that can more adequately carry super-heavy multi-stage rocket designs, do you know where I can find tutorials/resources that will help me build these support-structures? The only part I can find in the rocket designer is the metal strut, but these can only support so much weight before they break and the whole rocket collapses, thanks for your help! :)
+1 6.0 years ago@AnotherFireFox Sure, I don't have a lot of free time anymore due to volunteering to help with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, but when I get some downtime I'd be happy to make a mod with you! My skills include graphic design, scripting, and programming with Python 3.7 and Fortran-90. I don't know if those skills are helpful for this type of mod, but I'll be happy to at least give it a shot! :)
5.0 years ago@Edwards Have you tried very large parachutes?
5.2 years ago