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    I'm not sure that this is the right way. It is true that it's not so easy to find the really good crafts between all that starships and stuff like them. I think you can't Change the mind of the Community, so we need a different way. I think (and i've read this a couple of Times Here) we need much better search and Filter Options, and much more tags. Take a Look at simple-Planes and the number of Tags they have. And they only build Planes, boats and cars, so SR2 should have a lot more Tags than SP.
    I think the search-system needs a complete makeover.

    +6 3.8 years ago
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    I've already posted an suggestion that i want an option to open the parachute manually, just like the way before the update.

    I think the new system isn't very realistic, i think real space capsules have a kind of manual override to open the parachutes manually in case of a system malfunction.

    +3 2.9 years ago
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    Afaik is that not possible. In my opinion the only way is to save one of them as subassembly, and insert it when loaded the other craft. I know that these procedure has it's downsides, you loose the individual colors, the fuselage smoothing and mirrored parts are not remembered as such.

    +2 11 months ago
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    I've made the best results when I used the Ball part. Attach a Ball at the part your drood should grab, then attach the droods hand to the ball (and give the ball a transparent color if you want).
    Maybe it looked as weird as before, but now you just have to rotate (and maybe move a little bit) the ball to place your droods hand.
    I do it that way because when you attach the hand direct to the control part, you can't rotate it if it consists of multiple parts.
    But you can rotate the Ball...

    +2 1.4 years ago
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    The problem is that you should be free to upvote the crafts you want, no matter that everybody else means that craft is crap. So it's difficult to solve this problem with the current upvote-system. You can limit the upvotes to one craft per day, I'm personally think one per two/three days is enough. I think everyone here knows how long you can build on one craft. This option could also fix the "low quality problem" I think.

    +2 3.6 years ago
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    To be precise, you have to go to "additional settings" and there you have to activate "show advanced properties".
    After that you have a lot more options at the gauge input.

    +1 9 months ago
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    You can save the craft you want to import as a subassembly, so you can import it to downloaded crafts.

    +1 one year ago
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    Yeah that's a common problem, i know only one player who made working seaplanes, try


    He has built an smaller red one that works, i hope you find some inspirations.

    +1 one year ago
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    The old base is there, even in the last version of Drop, but now it's called legacy base.

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    I have the same problem, since the last big update the default mfd shows only "new text". I've downloaded the default mod from Pedro https://www.simplerockets.com/c/41oJX4/Default-MFD

    That worked well

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    There is a switch named "single axis" or something like that, direct at the control surface menu. But maybe you have to set the axis to "auto".

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    Flat bottom generates lift even at low speed and zero angle of attack, so it should be used at slow aircrafts, because it produces also a lot of drag, too much for higher speeds.

    Symmetrical Airfoil generates lift only with a positive or negative Angle of Attack, and produces less lift than other airfoil shapes. But to generate lift you need AoA and enough speed, much more than the flat bottom airfoil, so it's most effective at supersonic airplanes.

    Semi-symmetric is "somewhere in the middle", it generates an smaller amount of lift (and drag) at low speed and zero AoA, so it's the best choice for airspeed between mach 0,7 and 0,95.

    That's the short version of an text I've found on Simpleplanes, you can find it

    +1 1.8 years ago
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    Because they believe that every windows PC crashes at 01. January 2000 and earth ends in 2012.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    There are several tutorial videos on YouTube, but I've forget the username, sorry

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    Your solution was also my first idea, but in my opinion the problem is that you have to deactivate it manual. Something like:

    on start
    if (fuel [Battery]) less than 0.5 then
    Set AG8 to true
    if (fuel Battery) more than 0.95 then
    set AG8 to false

    (AG8 is only an example, but I suggest you to bind your solar panels or power generators in an AG because it makes things a little bit easier.

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    To your first question, i hope so because I won't be the oldest here, with 38 years.
    And yes, I'm married and have a son.

    And about the work life balance, once or twice a week, you can find 30 minutes to play.

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    You're absolute right, and I think many users feel the same. I hope someone from the developers read that, because wrote down what they should do. But the developers are a theme for itself.
    So for now, thank you.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    This is Bullshit times ten!!!!!
    Are you aware that you use nearly the same words like Hitler in 1937 after the attack on Poland? Because the Territories were former German and they will bring them "Back Home"...
    The same shit, and you learned nothing, that's so disgusting, was the death of 70 Million not enough? How dumb could you be, damn. You're cheering a fascist murderer, how dare you.

    For the normal people, let's hope, pray ore whatever you believe that it's help the civilian, our minds are with them. War can never be a solution, never.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    With an Android device you don't have many options to rise your fps, I think @Leah is right. But there are two or three options with an massive impact on your frame rate. I can double my fps when I set the screen resolution to 80% and the LOD to round about 4.

    Oh and near bigger Structures like DSC or DDB, fps drops every time over 50%, fly a couple of km and maybe the game will rum much smoother. And for the best performance, use crafts with a realistic part count, i think 600 - 800 parts are possible for you without lowering the settings. And remember that vizzy scripts also need CPU power, don't underestimate that.

    To your SWAP Question, I'm with Leah, more RAM won't help you because your SoC is the limiting factor. And virtual RAM is veeeerry slow, so it is possible that Simplerockets run slower with virtual RAM.

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    Hey that's my Birthday, may be i get it as a present....


    +1 3.2 years ago
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    Have you try to reduce your autopilot PID settings? If it is 10, 0, 25 and it shakes really heavy, try 1, 0, 0.2 or so.

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    If you use only beacon or normal lights, you can make it with AG's, three AG's in your case (indicators left, indicators right, break lights).
    Then set every light to his specifical group.
    For this example, i use AG 5, 6 (indicators L/R) and 7 (break).

    Go to "edit program" then:

    On start
    While true
    If input Jaw > 0 = true then
    Set Activation Group 5 to true
    Set Activation Group 5 to false
    If input Jaw < 0 = true then
    Set Activation Group 6 to true
    Set Activation Group 6 to false
    If input Brake = true then
    Set Activation Group 7 to true
    Set Activation Group 7 to false

    That won't work if you use glowing fuselage parts (XML edited), there you must rename every part (for exple LI1, LI2 (for left indicator 1 and so on)) and activate every part separately in vizzy.

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    To Play the devil's advocate, i have one qustion:

    For how many players, Spaceflight simulator was the first game in this Genre?

    I guess that many players go the way over SFS to SR2. After playing awhile more and more player are bored and they look out for a new challenge, and here we are.

    So don't be too hard with SFS, many players wouldn't be here without him.

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    I'm playing on Android, but I guess the mobile versions should be the same at all.
    Normally you have done it correctly, after tapping on the "+" symbol a window should open.
    I've had the same problem from time to time in the past, with specific orbits.
    Try to Zoom closer to the position where you want to place the burning node, then try it again. Sometimes a really fast double tap works also.

    Does it work when you're at an circular orbit around a planet, let's say 150km x 150km?

    27 days ago
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    Are you sure?
    Afaik the RD-107 should look like 6 engines, because it has only 2 Vernier engines, the RD-108 has 4 Vernier engines. The 107 was used at the Soyuz booster, while the 108 was used at the Soyuz core stage. And both engines used 2 turbopumps, one for RP1 and one for LOX. Both pumps were powered by the same turbine, maybe that's the reason for the confusion.

    11 months ago
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    I've watched it on TV almost every day after school, in 1997 I guess.
    Today, my son reads the manga, so do I sometimes.

    11 months ago
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    Okay, I wasn't expecting that. I once had to play on a smartphone with 3GB ram when my phone broke, and at least on minimum settings you could play reasonably well. The most important thing was to set the resolution to 60% or lower.
    However, my current phone for example has "only" 6GB, and even with almost all settings set to max, I get around 25fps. I guess that the CPU (or SoC) is the Bottleneck on low end devices.

    Übersetzt mit DeepL https://www.deepl.com/app/?utmsource=android&utmmedium=app&utm_campaign=share-translation

    one year ago
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    I can understand that it is annoying when the game always crashes, but 2GB ram is very optimistic, because the system itself needs almost all your ram.
    But you don't need an flagship phone with 8GB or more, 4GB, better 6 and a midrange SoC is enough.

    one year ago
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    That's funny, i asked the same question to him a couple days ago. Somehow it's reassuring that I'm not the only one who loves that system.

    1.2 years ago
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    You have the point "drag loss", so you can see when you've passed maxQ, theoretically.

    1.2 years ago
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    So maybe there is a chance for a new BJS?
    I think I'm not the only one who still uses this system as the default system.

    1.2 years ago
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    1.3 years ago
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    Yes, Juno should be hotter than the Sun, but I'm not so sure about your temperatures. Because the temperature of the individual star classes extends over a relatively large range.

    Juno is an (really rare) B-Type subdwarf and his surface temperature should be somewhere between 15000 and 40000°K (average ~28000°K)
    That's astonishing, because of his typical mass, wich is only round about the half of the Sun.
    Normally the rule applies that hotter stars have more mass than cooler ones, which is why most blue stars are actually among the largest. Stars with the mass of an star like Juno have an surface temperature between 2000 and 3500°K.

    The sun has an surface temperature of 5772°K and is a typical, A typical, so-called main sequence star, which has an average temperature of 5300 - 6000°K and a mass between 0.9 and 1.4 Solar masses.

    1.3 years ago
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    Yes, I agree, because in my opinion the display changes to 10mM after 10000km

    1.3 years ago
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    That's a good question, I thought it would be stock, but I found one point in the release notes that is interesting, because it says "Proper smoke size on expanded flames".
    I would not agree with that, what did you think about that point?

    1.4 years ago
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    I'm on android, so I've to trust Google, who says:

    "Launch Safari on your iPhone, and navigate to the website you wish to view.
    After the website loads, tap the ‘aA’ icon in the top corner before the address bar to open the website view menu.
    From the pop-up menu, select ‘Request Desktop Site’."

    1.5 years ago
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    When you are at the side of the celestial body (where you miss the download button), open your browser settings and activate "Desktop view". After an aide refresh you should see the blue download button.

    1.5 years ago
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    I know, sometimes the fuel adapter is quite useful, because you can attach nearly everything to it. But you can get it back by downloading an older craft with fuel adapters and then save the fuel adapter as subassembly. That works also with other "old" parts like the crash dummy.

    1.5 years ago
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    I've bought KSP on Xbox a while ago, I think 18 - 24 months or so. And I've played it maybe 3 or 4 hours. The controls are the biggest pile of sh*t I've ever seen.

    1.5 years ago
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    Hi, I had a similar problem a while ago, but maybe the solution is the same. In my case, the same problems you explained happened when I tried to leave the SOI of an custom planet. Or with other words, when leaving the planets SOI, speed dropped down to somewhere near 150m/s and won't change.

    To solve this, I had to change (in my case lower) the planets SOI in PlanetStudio. So my Tipp is, go to PlanetStudio, load your Planet System, highlight your problematic Body, and there is an slider to change the planets SOI in percent. Try to lower it to 50% one or two times (it should snapp back to 100% after every change) and try.

    Hopefully it helps or gives someone with more experience the hint to solve this.
    So long

    1.5 years ago
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    Hi, I know that I'm a little late, but I have a question similar to yours.

    In flight, you have a slider at the Generator that changes the power output and (and that is the important one) the sound.

    I thought that the Generator sounds like in normal car engine, maybe it's possible to link the Generator power slider with the throttle? Because the result should be a car with an realistic engine sound depending on how much throttle you give.

    If you know witch input ID I need, please let me know, thanks

    1.6 years ago
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    1.6 years ago
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    Do you have this Problem since the 1.1 Update? Since the Update I miss the textures for the solar cells (all 3, simple, hex, advanced) and the camouflage texture.
    I don't know if there is an connection between our problems, but who knows?
    And I think that a reinstallation can fix the problem, but I'll try that only after I've saved everything important.

    1.6 years ago
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    I bought KSP for Xbox, round about one Year ago. And I've started it, maybe three times, then I give up. It's far more horrible than CORC said, you CAN'T play games like this with an controller, absolute no way.

    2.0 years ago
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    If you want to detach your empty solid boosters by vizzy, you can realize it by the difference in thrust.

    For example, wait 5 seconds after liftoff, then set an variable with your current thrust and name it maybe max-thrust.
    Then something like
    "If not grounded, wait 5 seconds", then
    "set variable max-thrust to current thrust"
    "If current thrust < max-thrust then activate stage"

    For this example, the side detachers should be in Stage 2.

    2.1 years ago
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    Do you mean in the standard Juno system or on custom systems? Because you can make them visible in planet Studio. Just open droo, go to the structure section, select the drone ship and check the box "visible in map view".
    Then save the planet, edit the solar system, switch the original planet with your edited one, refresh all launch locations, save and exit the editor.
    That should work, I hope.

    2.1 years ago
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    I don't think that it's only the device. I have the same problem since the last main update. Before the update, there were no problem to launch an craft in planet studio. After the update it won't work anymore, even with lowered details. Normally I've set all graphic and physic settings to max without problems. Oh, and I've an Android Smartphone, Snapdragon 860 with 8GB RAM.

    2.3 years ago
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    The activation group is one thing. The default input is set to slider 1, what means that you can rotate the connected part with slider one after you have activated the AG. And remember that an rotator also needs energy.

    2.4 years ago
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    I had the same problem on mobile that the game freeze at the Jundroo logo. (on Android 12, 8GB RAM, SD 860). It worked well alter delete the Cache and the game data.

    2.4 years ago