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    And he's not even talking about the obvious mustache

    +13 4.4 years ago
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    @Pedro1745 so you would get no more updates and no career mode without having to pay for a different game just so you keep the name? If you want it so bad we can make a DLC that adds nothing to the game but swaps the logo for the SR2 one

    +11 2.2 years ago
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    Thanks a lot for the opportunity :)

    +11 4.7 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison you should include here an explanation to why mods can't be used in Android and iOS

    +11 5.5 years ago
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    @StigRuz I have notifications for this post, but I don't have time to go through all the things posted on the webpage sadly, I used to do that but it was unhealthy. Now I work full time at Jundroo and at the same time study a degree in telecom engineering, I'm the department manager for flight software on a CubeSat team and the secretary of the students union in my university. I live alone so I have to buy and cook my food and keep the house clean, and I have a gf, family, and friends and I want to spend time with them. Sorry for not reading your forum post.

    +10 4.2 years ago
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    Vizzy can be a great introduction for programming. They can play with the basic blocks and see the direct effect of the code in the crafts in a matter of seconds.

    +9 5.1 years ago
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    +8 2.2 years ago
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    @simpleaerospace we aren't removing the tinker panel! We love the sandbox nature of the game and we are even adding new features to it, but we are disabling it for career mode, so it shouldn't be a necessary tool, just an option for people to break the game at their will to have some fun.

    +8 3.0 years ago
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    @Reeseek_Puffs luckily we have a lot of great people in our community :)

    +8 3.4 years ago
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    KraZIvan: unforeseen delays in future game updates
    Nathan literally minutes later: Update

    +8 5.0 years ago
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    @Zenithspeed we have never been in bad terms with KSP. In the original SimpleRockets there was a link to KSP promoting it, many in the team have spent hundreds of hours in it, myself thousands, and it is a great inspiration.

    +7 1.6 years ago
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    Dude how are you dropping such a bomb as a single image at the end of a long post lol

    +7 1.8 years ago
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    @FelixFan1 I've removed one of your comments, even if joking, self harm is not accepted here. Threating others with harming yourself is unacceptable.

    +7 2.7 years ago
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    @HyperPatch ads kinda suck, and google struggles to meet our demands and shows nsfw ads on the page

    +7 3.4 years ago
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    First of all, whete I'm from carrying a gun is not a right, it gets you into prison, no idea what the 2nd amendment has to do with this.
    2nd, this is a discussion i'd like to see happening, but not coming from you. You keep acting like you are a victim and part of the solution, when you have been one of the main problems in this situation. Your behaviour and some of your comments are unacceptable.
    Please stop this unnecessary drama.

    +7 3.4 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison finally got some time to test this version.
    Should I make independent posts now for the things on the list of suggestions that didn't get into this version?
    Pressing W with A or D should make the astronaut body turn to match the movement direction and keep only the head pointing at the camera direction, it would be cool to have run/walk modes and crouch/lay down.
    ctrl for crouch, shift for run and ijkluo for turning instead of shift+wasdqe may feel more intuitive since it's how a lot of games are configured by default. For up/down spacebar/ctrl may work too.
    When going backward it should run slower than going forward.
    Underwater time warp causes the camera distortion to deform the image too much.
    When underwater AGL should display the distance to the ocean floor.
    When underwater the opacity should increase with distance, which would help to prevent some of the bugs I've seen reported and improve the looks.
    Underwater color filter doesn't depend on the color of the water (doesn't affect the current version of the game but is problematic for custom solar systems and will be problematic for planet builder)

    +7 5.1 years ago
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    @Atomicdragon SR2 is not the same engine with some bonus things, the game is quite different.
    They had to change the code because Google requires them to change the code, so blame Google and not Jundroo if you want your mods back. The issue is perfectly explained in the link SupremeDorian sent before.

    +7 5.4 years ago
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    The camera is indeed quite bad for many things and there're many problems in the game but instead of pointing at them you say the menus are overcomplicated :/

    I mean, go to parts, select one part and place it. Go to shape tool and adjust the shape, go to mirror and mirror it. I don't see the complexity. And if you're talking about all the options in the engines, you have many preconfigured engines to choose.

    Btw, if you check all the updates there're far more bug fixes than additions. If you prefer simple planes, fine, the game is clearly more polished, the community bigger and you may like some of the mechanics more... But asking for a refund? I think they're working a lot on polishing SR2 and mobile version is coming soon, one of the most requested features

    +7 5.7 years ago
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    - Copy the link to the craft, go to the game and press ctrl+v
    - Go to the editor or main page and click in Download Crafts, find the craft you want and click in Download. It should automatically open in the game
    - Download the file and go to LocalLow/Jundroo/Simplerockets/UserData/CraftFiles. Paste the file there

    +7 5.9 years ago
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    @FrenchbreadGaming mobiles wouldn't even run this well, plus it is a mod, not something developed by us, so no way it'd be added to mobile.
    How can you be annoyed by a large popular KSP modder working on JNO? This will hopefully grow the community, allowing us to work more on features that will benefit mobile.
    Plus, you paid for the game 1/3 to 1/4 that of what a PC player paid, isn't that dividing the community?

    +6 1.6 years ago
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    @CrownedBird if you have already purchased the game during early access you will still have it after 1.0, no need to pay again.

    +6 2.2 years ago
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    @Ylias it's crazy that in an update with 5 minutes worth of reading release notes the comments still ask for more features.

    +6 2.5 years ago
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    @EagleHasLandedYeet2 @Paris77 we don't know, we have Christmas holidays, and there's still a lot of testing to do.

    +6 4.2 years ago
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    @Marssmmm Because it takes more time to develop and test, the devices are generally more limited in terms of resources, they use a totally different architecture and, the least important but still worth considering, the game is cheaper on mobile platforms. It's a lot easier to develop for pc only, see if things work, iterate a couple of times to fix bugs (usually all bugs on pc show on mobile but not all bugs on mobile show on PC) and then port it and focus on mobile.
    That said, this time we've been focusing a lot on mobile and there've been lots of performance improvements on the planets that allow us to take things a step further without increasing loading times or the use of memory much. In fact, in 0.9.6 and using the old system you should get a substantial boost in performance when generating quads (terrain)

    +6 4.2 years ago
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    You can make parts float now using the translation tool. I would love to have a glass part or an alpha slider in the paint brush but Nathan told us in the past that there're some issues with the render priority that would make the ocean invisible through transparent parts, it's a shame.
    Btw, for suggestions you should go to the feedback section, the suggestions here in the forum are just for discussion. If you search in the feedback section you should find a couple posts asking for glass/transparent parts.

    +6 5.1 years ago
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    In the interviews you should separate questions and answer


    +6 5.4 years ago
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    This could lead to some problems. They could at least let you delete a craft and upload another without increasing the timer counter (if you upload 3 or so you can't upload more in 24 hours)

    You should write this in Stuff/Suggestions, this is the forum, not the official suggestions section

    +6 6.1 years ago
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    @Majakalona lol how did it take so long for anyone to notice, thanks!

    +5 11 months ago
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    We have been trying to deal with these bots for a while, manually banning them and the IPs they use to access our websites (both this an simpleplanes.com). About a month ago we implemented Google's Captcha, which is the industry standard, and it seems to have improved things, but sadly some bots sneak through every once in a while still, we are giving the new Captcha some time since it seems to improve over time after getting more info about what's the organic traffic like.

    +5 one year ago
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    @urownpersonalgod btw, we are not announcing it yet because right now there is a game breaking bug, we want to have a build with that fixed before bringing the attention to the beta. In flight it is impossible to zoom in and out the camera on mobile, we are looking into a possible fix.

    +5 1.5 years ago
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    @RichGWall la laaa laaaa laralalala

    +5 1.6 years ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt he can sure be a moron at times hahaha

    +5 1.7 years ago
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    @FelixFan1 btw, something being already stated doesn't mean it shouldn't be brought up again, that shows up the idea is supported by more than one person.

    +5 2.7 years ago
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    @Nico412 you haven't reported a single bug in 2 and a half years, so judging by that the game is pretty stable.

    +5 2.7 years ago
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    @Roar_LX @TridentLaogou @QinSheng First of all, stop pinging the devs in the posts, you've pinged Andrew 3 times!! Do you know how annoying and ineffective that is? If someone gets pinged every day for things like this after a while it's tempting to just ignore the pings.

    Second, please post this as a bug report so it's easier for us to track it and we'll look into this in the near future

    +5 3.8 years ago
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    @GLaDOSpOrtal22 half a month ago

    +5 4.0 years ago
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    @Junal the GUI and controls are designed to be used in a desktop environment, with keyboard and mouse. On top of that, planet generation is a very hard task for a mobile processor to be done in quick iterations, risking overheating the device.

    +5 4.1 years ago
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    @AdrianCastillo well, you could make a robot horse

    +5 4.3 years ago
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    @Thuglifebruhwut the issue is reading (and the total lack of education).
    As Philip already stated, you won't have the game on mobile tomorrow. It may be released by the end of this week and that's not 100% sure.
    Jundroo is a small team, they're working on multiple things at once and I'm sure the workflow has to follow some steps to make things efficient.
    If you can't wait a couple weeks for a game feature to be released to the point of threatening the devs you should visit a psychiatrist asap.

    +5 5.1 years ago
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    It would be great to see some sort of modularity in the astronauts, like different types of helmets, suits and backpacks with different specifications/uses and different costs

    +5 5.4 years ago
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    There're multiple ways:
    Copy the link to the file and paste it inside the game
    In the game go to Download crafts, search the craft and click download
    Download the craft file in a web browser and paste it in the crafts folder

    +5 5.8 years ago
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    @Emin2904 that's what the system inserted in your mind. Whoever wants to see the truth can easily tell that Earth is flat indeed.

    +5 6.2 years ago
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    @SomberlySober you can save subassemblies, even make them show in the engines caregory without mods, and you can make custom careers in custom systems without mods

    +4 8 months ago
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    @ModernTech2024 we are constantly fixing bugs, through the process of developing this new version we have fixed some important ones. Our hope with this new version is that it will provide more funds so then we can spend extra time on fixing as many bugs as possible.

    +4 1.1 years ago
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    @Kassap that's not true, the game came out on PC first

    +4 1.6 years ago
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    @FrenchbreadGaming that said, I have rephrased the paragraph to, hopefully, prevent people from being mislead.

    +4 1.6 years ago
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    "I don't listen to kids under 30 years old telling me what to" you should, they were right

    +4 1.9 years ago
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    @JamesValino There will be one in 1.0, let's see who finds it first

    +4 2.2 years ago
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    @SupremeDorian I mean, the only one not being remade is the simplecargo because that one was updated recently, all the others are being remade

    +4 2.2 years ago
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    @KellyNyanbinary next beta will be 0.9.999.99

    +4 2.2 years ago