For 3, Take as much time as you need, don’t try to force yourself to do anything you don’t want to, no one is going to hate you for shelving the systems. From my experience planning systems just makes it much harder to make them, whenever you are feeling right just take some time to make a planet or moon or star and spend some time making it, keep doing that and then try to see how those planets can fit into a system. Don’t rush planets or make yourself think “if I don’t release this people are going to be impatient and hate me” no one exept real parasites of human beings are going to hate you for taking a break, and if anyone does hate you for it then tell them to fuck off. Whatever you are going through don’t give up, there is always a light at the end, a better future. Take your time mate. Breathe.
@Wenhop Zenith said in the post that they are going to be uploading most of my old planets (that they have downloaded) over the course of the next couple of weeks/months so you won’t have to wait so long.
The L1 and L2 Lagrange points are sadly impossible with how the gravity works in game. You can make a kind of false L1/L2 by making an invisible celestial body with a small soi and positioning it far away enough In orbit of another body so that it orbits that body at the same rate that body orbits its parent body. This isn’t very realistic though as the false points are way further out the they would be in reality.
@Vee That’s kinda the problem, I don’t really have a process at the moment, sometimes I’ll get bursts of inspiration that lead me to make things like atnas or kathezipith but whenever I try to make some planet away from those instances I’ve just ended up scrapping them.
So I can’t really help with the thought process of a planet or system right now I’m afraid.
@Hyperant I was just responding to your comment beneath bmnk’s last one, I was explaining why I’m not in the mood to make much anymore. You didn’t make me feel bad I just wanted to let you know I wasn’t really comfortable with your comment.
I'd just recommend taking some time to improve your planet making skills and techniques. I'm not saying your planets are bad, they're 100 times better than the hundreds of barely edited vanilla templates I see every day, but there is always room for improvements.
@heitorM just make sure you never ever play Noita, you’ll play it for a couple hours, abandon it cause you can’t beat it, then several years later you’ll find some videos of it on YouTube and decide to give it a go again, and then you’ll waste 200 hours of your life.
This will likely be the only tutorial in the Expressions series for a while because this outlined basically everything I know, I will make more tutorials as I learn it though so this won’t be the last.
The mere existence of Ksp """"enhanced edition"""" shows that spaceflight sim games probably will never work on console. it would be nice tho.
+1 1.6 years agoFor 3, Take as much time as you need, don’t try to force yourself to do anything you don’t want to, no one is going to hate you for shelving the systems. From my experience planning systems just makes it much harder to make them, whenever you are feeling right just take some time to make a planet or moon or star and spend some time making it, keep doing that and then try to see how those planets can fit into a system. Don’t rush planets or make yourself think “if I don’t release this people are going to be impatient and hate me” no one exept real parasites of human beings are going to hate you for taking a break, and if anyone does hate you for it then tell them to fuck off. Whatever you are going through don’t give up, there is always a light at the end, a better future. Take your time mate. Breathe.
+1 1.6 years agoDafaq
+1 1.6 years agoThis along with JunoClouds could make JNO a serious competitor for ksp 1&2 and all other spaceflightsims
+1 1.6 years agoHOLY. SH*T.
+1 1.6 years agoI remember when i was on the first page...
+1 1.6 years ago@Wenhop Zenith said in the post that they are going to be uploading most of my old planets (that they have downloaded) over the course of the next couple of weeks/months so you won’t have to wait so long.
+1 1.8 years agoWright Flyer
+1 1.8 years ago@Zenithspeed jesus christ
24 days agoHow large would the real scale zenith galaxy be in light years?
29 days agoThe L1 and L2 Lagrange points are sadly impossible with how the gravity works in game. You can make a kind of false L1/L2 by making an invisible celestial body with a small soi and positioning it far away enough In orbit of another body so that it orbits that body at the same rate that body orbits its parent body. This isn’t very realistic though as the false points are way further out the they would be in reality.
one month agoI think you start with a hundred points here if you already have an account on SimplePlanes
3 months ago@QuantumSpaceJNO yeas
4 months ago@Hyperant I know basic pop culture stuff but I’ve never seen any of the shows or movies
6 months ago@MatTheAerospacer
6 months ago@MatTheAerospacer wdym
6 months agomay it be added to the GPMTCP?
6 months ago@RocketManbuuuuuuu Pick this apart and you'll figure it out quick.
6 months ago@RocketManbuuuuuuu thanks??……
6 months ago@MatTheAerospacer yeah sure, just give credit to the original
7 months ago@Vee That’s kinda the problem, I don’t really have a process at the moment, sometimes I’ll get bursts of inspiration that lead me to make things like atnas or kathezipith but whenever I try to make some planet away from those instances I’ve just ended up scrapping them.
8 months agoSo I can’t really help with the thought process of a planet or system right now I’m afraid.
@Vee sure.
9 months ago@Hyperant I was just responding to your comment beneath bmnk’s last one, I was explaining why I’m not in the mood to make much anymore. You didn’t make me feel bad I just wanted to let you know I wasn’t really comfortable with your comment.
9 months ago@Zenithspeed they’re saying they agree with your statement, like you’re “preaching.”
9 months ago? ? ?
9 months agoI'd just recommend taking some time to improve your planet making skills and techniques. I'm not saying your planets are bad, they're 100 times better than the hundreds of barely edited vanilla templates I see every day, but there is always room for improvements.
11 months ago@That1SpaceDude it probably is, to be honest.
11 months ago@heitorM just make sure you never ever play Noita, you’ll play it for a couple hours, abandon it cause you can’t beat it, then several years later you’ll find some videos of it on YouTube and decide to give it a go again, and then you’ll waste 200 hours of your life.
Definitely not based on my personal experience.
11 months ago@Zenithspeed Another question: do you have the original Gtrathter system and could you send me it here?
11 months ago@Hyperant @LeMagicBaguette .. / ... .--. . .- -.- / -- --- .-. ... . / - --- ---
11 months agoRemaps and a lot of d**king around
11 months agoWhet
one year agoAnd here I am incapable of ever completing a single system
one year agoI really want ksp 2 but I also don't want to detonate my pc
one year agoTake your time, planetmaking isn't something to be rushed.
one year ago@67milo then invert the remap curve
one year ago@67milo just use the x output and stop at the second step
one year ago@67milo ?
one year agoyou cant
1.1 years agoIs it alright if I add a link to this tutorial on this post?
1.2 years ago@AlphaAreonautics all hail wscda
1.2 years ago@Hyperant What do you mean by collaborate? Like, how will the collaboration work?
1.2 years agoThis will likely be the only tutorial in the Expressions series for a while because this outlined basically everything I know, I will make more tutorials as I learn it though so this won’t be the last.
1.2 years agoFavourite Changed death screen?
1.2 years ago@Hyperant For the better or for the worse.
1.2 years ago@BmnkRocketIndustries Gone.
1.2 years ago@BmnkRocketIndustries Gas giant
1.2 years agoAlways chose the most realistic option
1.2 years agoIncrease the gravity of the barycenter
1.3 years ago